Why are People hating on Shadow Orchid!?

I’m about to make a poll right now. The Shadow stuff is getting on my nerves.

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This was me doing my little bit of lazy theory crafting in another thread, basically have her show up as a being cloned from Orchid’s DNA to futz with her, heck this could even be Roxy, instead.

You know, I actually kinda love that idea. Making the clone character… A Literal Clone!
An imperfect clone from her most hated enemy; slightly different look, new moveset, access to advanced technology, maybe some cyberization and this could be interesting. At least, more interesting than “Jago’s Plot Again.” :stuck_out_tongue: It’ll hit the same notes, sure, but it’d be a little more fitting for Orchid. Jago’s journey is a spiritual one, so it makes sense demons (personal and literal) would be heavily involved. Orchid has been working against Ultratech for most of her story, and her arch is more about proving that she’s not insane and that UT really is truly evil and actively so. There are hints in some of the dossiers that after Gargos is defeated, Orchid would resume her crusade against Ultratech. It’d be interesting to see ARIA’s response to that threat.

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How about Umbra Orchid? Yep, female shadow characters should have a distinct class. Btw she’ll end up a with purple skin. Shago is grey because Double Helix Studios created him. IG goes with the purple stuff. But please make this purple darker or almost black. The purple of the shadows looks great when i tone down the brightness of the game.

Purple? Of all things.

Yup, and that’s really all they have to do. Sur epeople are gonna complain about the look if it ends up not being a dark twisted version of Orchid. but atleast the devs know when a certain aspect was reserved for a character (Specifically, Shago being the result of Omen’s possession of Jago until it became a being of its own)

How insane could someone who resembles her perfectly drive her? There’s maybe something a bit off and maybe a bit little bit body horror about her, she has a dead eyed stare or walks with a creepy gait. In my opinion, it’d be a pretty good way of screwing with someone who’s trying their best to hold it together, it’d also be pretty awesome if she looked good, yet had some freakish elements to her that throw you off guard? The Body Snatchers were technically clones, (alien one anyhow) but the sounds that came out of their mouths and their dead eyes were absolutely horrifying.

Ugh, edited because head can’t brain right now. :weary:

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Hey didn’t want to just throw you a “like” after you made such good points. I just see nothing to disagree with and think it’s a good post. Here’s hoping we get some cool new ideas with the next two characters!

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You do realize that this is Black Orchid:

Her name, or rather, her codename is Black Orchid. So calling her “shadow” version for Black Orchid would just be confusing, as it would not differentiate her from the non-shadow version.

However, at the same time it would be clever, as it IS the same character, just… well… changed.

This is why the 1982 version of The Thing is my favorite horror movie. Alien monster? Sure that’s spooky. But an alien life form that can flawlessly assume your friends identities, right down to their memories, and slowly drive a wedge between your crew until everyone is afraid of everyone else?
Yeah, I think Orchid would go a bit off her rocker.

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It does seem like they’ve totally dropped the “B” from her name though these days, I assumed it was ixnayed in much the same fashion as “Chief Thunder” to stick with a more simplified (and more culturally sensitive) naming convention. I’m actually surprised Maya even got a surname. :open_mouth:

All of the yes! I absolutely love The Thing for all it’s brilliant subtlety and equal dose of gross body horror, I’m hoping this is a trope the devs might pick up on along with a Lovecraftian creature.

I know the Brian Yuzna adaptations of Lovecraft’s works are a little on the cheesy side (though they are very entertaining) I was hoping the Lovecraftian character could be a female like Uxia from his version of A Shadow over…I mean Dagon. :wink:

She’s creepy as all get-out.

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Orchid really doesn’t deserve a Shadow clone. Why would she get one in the first place?
Shadow Jago was created when Omen possessed Jago. Jago had a specific connection with Gargos in the first place, that is why he was a target. Orchid really has nothing to do Gargos or the Shadow Lords at all until it becomes everyone’s problem.

Someone like Kim Wu, Tusk, or Maya would be much more important targets for Gargos to corrupt, since they are enemies of Gargos before the Astral Invasion.

Especially Kim, because she is the supposed “Chosen One” to fend off Gargos. Why wouldn’t Gargos want to try and corrupt her?

Not sure why leaving out the Black in her codename would be more cultural sensitive… it has absolutely nothing to do with her cultural background. A black orchid is merely a type of flower, beautiful and is black like Orchid’s raven hair.

I was referring to Thunder’s name at that particular point, as an example of part of a characters’ name being dropped. :wink:

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Ah, fair enough then. :stuck_out_tongue:
Just thought you put Orchid in that same category, which didn’t make sense to me. ^^

“B” is synonymous with another word that some may consider some what mysaginist.

Though more likely then not Orchid just rolls of the tounge better than B.Orchid and or Black Orchid.

From Orchid’s backstory:

During one of her covert missions in Europe she met the monster hunter Maya and formed a friendship. Orchid also came into contact with a young Native American named Eagle. He messaged the Disavowed through a forum run by cyber dissidents, trying to find someone to help him bring down Ultratech. Orchid brought him into the spy ring and, after deciding that he was legitimate and not a plant, sent him on a mission to the Killer Instinct tournament.

After Eagle was reported killed in the tournament, she took on the persona of Black Orchid, and entered the tournament herself in the hopes of finding out what happened to the young fighter.

So: Black Orchid already exists: it’s the current Orchid

Let’s drop the Black Orchid idea


I prefer nightshade anyeay

But that’s not what the B stands for, so that’s a really bad arguement.