Shadow Orchid or Black Orchid? (Poll Closed.)

I thought people were already calling her Nightshade? I’d prefer that to Black Orchid.

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Shadow, cause It won’'t be the orcid from KI-2. The shadow might be metaphorically. Just like Kilgore this could be someone who is not orchid.

Now I know I’m beating a dead horse, but all I’m syaing is get prepared for anything unexpected.

What’s this about B.Orchid in S1? I don’t remember any such thing (unless you count Orchid’s black, armored corset from her color selection).

That’s the point lmao. That is the point right there.

Neither, because:

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Black Orchid is her full code name.
If we have to get an Orchid clone, call it shadow Orchid, or better yet, clone someone different.

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Black Shadow Dark Obscure Opaque Orchid

Orchid’s backstory:

During one of her covert missions in Europe she met the monster hunter Maya and formed a friendship. Orchid also came into contact with a young Native American named Eagle. He messaged the Disavowed through a forum run by cyber dissidents, trying to find someone to help him bring down Ultratech. Orchid brought him into the spy ring and, after deciding that he was legitimate and not a plant, sent him on a mission to the Killer Instinct tournament.

After Eagle was reported killed in the tournament, she took on the persona of Black Orchid, and entered the tournament herself in the hopes of finding out what happened to the young fighter.

So the current Orchid is Black Orchid
Lets drop the Black as part of the name for Shadow version


I am, and I’ll continue to push this name. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If we must go the poison plant route, I’d much prefer Belladonna to Nightshade, it’s a little bit less on the nose and a little more feminine. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pretty sure Orchids name IS Black Orchid…


She already is Black Orchid.

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Dang, is this going to be what we call Omen now? Man, I should have trademarked that when I thought of it.

It’s funny how no one simply calls her that. I’m still holding this poll up.

I honestly love both of those names. I thought of a few myself and posted them, so naturally I can’t find that post now lol. I’d say those are the two best options regardless though. :slight_smile:

Here’s the thing about this though. I believe that you’re not suggesting this due to race. I’m 100% convinced of this and I fully take you at your word. Not even a question.

However, and I’d hope that you’ll consider this, not from an “oh those SJWs are offended by everything” stance, but purely on the optics; the objective facts of American history and culture…

If you put a light skinned blank woman in a game and then have a “shadow” version of that character and you call that version “Black Orchid?” Intentions might be as pure as undriven snow, but they still might just go right out the window, especially if the “Black” version. If MS / IG gets any flak for it, they can’t just say “this is not even about skin color, so don’t even suggest it.” They don’t have that luxury, as people would still suggest it. I Would be shocked if something like this didn’t get some less than desirable attention.

Again, I totally get where you’re coming from, OP. I just worry that others wouldn’t and for the theoretical blow up potential this idea could potentially have.


Tread carefully, my friend. You don’t want to be the 1 to open Pandora’s box when nobody else has yet done so. :wink:

Yes, very funny that even though you may not have to have known it before 2013, you’ve never taken the time to read her bio that’s been up for many months…

…she’s ALWAYS been Black Orchid. smh


lol, sorry! :slight_smile: Not trying to start an argument or bring any ill will in to this thread (or the OP) AT ALL. I’m just trying to look at it from a practical perspective. I’m trying to picture IGN or some other game journalists covering “Black Orchid, the new, evil, shadow version of Orchid” and to me, that just sounds like PR quick sand.

Maybe I’m wrong. I could certainly be wrong. But saying “it’s not about race” won’t suddenly make the rest of the internet say “oh, they said it’s not about race so it must not be about race. Carry on, nothing to see here.”

Again, I could absolutely be wrong and I’m not trying to start a debate about that, really. I’ll stop derailing the thread with this. I only brought it up in the first place because I don’t want people looking at KI and seeing something negative when this game has been really good about the way it treats women and minorities and I want so see that to continue.

Very true.

Perhaps I’ll just close this poll due to some hard facts. Oh well.

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