Been a fighting game fan since the beginning and I feel like I've played most of them. The new KI is honestly one of the most enjoyable FGs I've ever played. Absolutely love it!
I also enjoy JRPGs, sports games, racing, beat em ups, hack n slashers etc. Not a big fan of shooters, though there are a few that I've enjoyed. Also not that in to western RPGs, and not for a lack of trying. Again, I've enjoyed a few.
Outside of games, and collecting them (mainly PS1, Saturn and Dreamcast era titles), I enjoy watching sports; specifically hockey (Go Hawks!), but also football, basketball, baseball... Honestly, if it's a good competition, I'll watch anything. World Cup, Olympic sports... Tried to learn cricket as well.
I love writing and eastern philosophy, but don't get to dabble in either nearly as much as I'd like. I've had an idea for a novel in my head for what feels like ages. One day, I'll actually get around to writing it!
I tend to be a bit left-leaning, though I prefer the term "moderate." I think that there are a lot more moderates and middle of the road people that are willing to give a little to get a little and keep things moving than our currently elected politicians would otherwise indicate.
I don't believe that everything's becoming too PC. I think that's a myth that caught on with people that enjoy pointing at those that get offended when the truth is that the increase in visibility of a-holes and our subsequent lack of tolerance of them has become more of an issue thanks to the internet. I don't believe that either signal any sort of a down turn in our culture.
I love movies! Been a huge fan since I was younger and always try to see as many as I can. I have a wonderful lady in my life as well as two awesome dogs. Trying to travel more and see more of the world, but it's always hard to get away.
Love most music. Tool's probably my favorite band for a variety of reasons. Same goes for A Perfect Circle and Puscifer. I enjoy metal, even if it seems to be a bit of a dying genre. On the whole though, I'll listen to pretty much anything from blues to bluegrass, rock to rap and any other pairs of genres that allow for alliteration.
Anyways, love the new board and hope to contribute a lot.
Bring on Season 3!