Hey all,
We hope you’re enjoying Season 3, but we understand that there are those who have some issues, and we’re going to use this thread to talk about the most common of those problems.
The Official Season 3 Bug Reporting Thread is listed, and you can report things from weird animations to commentators not delivering their lines when supposed to, etc.
This thread is going to go over things specific to launch including the following issues:
- Long matchmaking times or inability to find a match
If you haven’t yet, please check out the following steps to see if your issue is corrected: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-on-windows/social/troubleshoot-party-chat
- Unable to download the game to your PC
There are a subset of users who encountered issues with running the game on their PC. Some users aren’t on the latest Windows 10 build, but are being told they indeed are. Go here: https://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/windows-update-faq
Check that you are indeed on the most current Windows 10 build. If not, you can try to force the update. There are cases like Enterprise that won’t allow for an update, and we are investigating.
Some people are running Insider builds of Windows 10 and may have compatibility issues, or notice the game is crashing. This issue should be resolved.
- Game runs at an uncapped frame rate on PC
If you are playing on Windows 10 PC and running on a monitor that supports more than 60fps, you’ll need to either change the refresh rate of your monitor to 60, or go in to your Nvidia Profile Settings and set your frame rate for the Killer Instinct application to 60hz manually. We are working on a future patch to resolve this.
- Cross-buy not functioning on PC version
We have deployed a fix. Please restart Killer Instinct on your PC.
- Game crashes on Xbox One/Windows 10 when “Checking Download Content”
We are aware and investigating this issue
- Xbox One fight stick support on Windows 10
Xbox One fight stick support will come in a future Windows Update.
To make it abundantly clear, we are aware of all these issues, and are working to correct them as fast as possible.Some fixes will be quicker than others, but this thread is where we will post updates.
If you are encountering an issue outside of these, and it is breaking your ability to play, by all means post them here and we will address them as best as we can, as quickly as we can.