Why SF5 players hate on KI so much?

No one uses normal into openers?


Literally last 20 have just spam specials never a normal onto a opener You know fundamentally i see no footises or reward for it

What specials are they spamming. If they are doing it over and over again,beat them and rise up the ranks so you can fight stronger opponents. Of course you aren’t going to see footsies. Go up in rank,and fight better people. I want to see those players who do specials all day win Evo.

Me too

If you started doing this, you could set a huge trend.

Oh for me too! I saw the E3 trailer and was like “welp, if I wasn’t getting an Xbox One before, I am now.”

I just see the term “flagship” and I think Halo, Gears, Forza, or for that matter, Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros
 The tent pole franchises that a console manufacturer is synonymous with.

I suppose anything’ debatable in this regard, no doubt. Plus, those games tend to change a bit generation to generation. But was KI a tent pole franchise synonymous with MS when it launched? I’d say probably not. I certainly hope it’s becoming one though! I like to think that it is.

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I get you, and I agree. KI is not Halo, or Gears, or a Mario level flagship, BUT I think here, now, 3 years after launch, KI has grown to mean a lot more to the MS brand than it did at launch.

It is kind of funny when you think about it. While KI isn’t the biggest fighting game, isn’t the most lucrative, and doesn’t have the biggest community, it is STILL looked at in a very good light. And not just by those in the community, but from a lot of people on the outside too.

Do you listen to the 'Giantbomb Podcas’t?

From time to time the guys on there bring up fighting games, and sometimes they bring up KI. Just last week one of the guys was glowing about SFV and it’s gameplay, but at the same time he acknowledged its faults and deficiencies in terms of content. But then Jeff Gerstmann went off, lol, talking about how SF has a huge legacy, how since IT IS NOT a ‘Killer Instinct’ (regarding how KI is not a household name like SF) and thus it pretty much has utterly failed as a ‘Street Fighter’ game. At the same time, while he acknowledges that KI is NOT on the same level as SF and MK in terms of budget, sales, or market reach, he always talks about KI as being the beacon of a game that “is far better than it has any right to be” in all of its aspects.

That is pretty much where I put KI. KI is a ■■■■ good game. Far better than a game in its place should be. MKX had a budget of like a Billion dollars (IDK what it really was, but go with me) and by comparison KI is like 100x smaller. Yet KI CONTINUES to grow year over year, where other simply fade. KI isn’t perfect, but I think the fact that it is such a smaller title allows it to pretty much keep expectations low, while (over) delivering at the end of the day.


Most of your points have been answered already, so let me just say that I initially thought that KI was in a more solid position because it was Microsoft’s baby and one of the few games promoting their console (I, too, bought an X1 just for KI). But thinking about it now, Capcom’s relationship with Sony makes SFV share some of these traits - although they will probably not boost PS4 sales as much as KI did for X1.

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The way they handled the can of the last gen versions was also a big FU too, I almost wasn’t going to buy it when I upgraded consoles because of it.

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I fail to understand how any person could justify spending 60 dollars on half a street fighter game.

Because we are only interested in the half they gave us.

Seriously, I enjoy the distractions that KI has given me. I’ve spent more time fighting shadows than I thought I would. But I literally only do the story as a means to “learn” a character. I frankly don’t care about the story. I only care about ranked.

The list of games I play but have never beat the story in:

SFIV, SFV, GG (all of them), BB (all of them), P4AU (not entirely true, I got through one of multiple story boards), KI (I have beat it with Jago and Wulf on all 3 difficulties), KoF, MK9, MKX, and I could probably dig up a few others
 oh, like Melty and UNIEL

The list of games I play and have beat the story in:
Skullgirls (I actually haven’t beat it with Beo or Robo to be honest)

I get why someone might not be comfortable spending money on a game that is missing core modes, but please try to put yourself into the shoes of someone who is literally only interested in ranked. There’s a lot of us.

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The reason anyone resorts to ‘fanboyism’ can really be summed up in one question: “Really
you picked that one???”

Everyone makes choices on a daily basis
wake up or stay in bed, brush your teeth or hope nobody notices, donut or bagel
coffee, tea, or Sega? And with each choice we own our decisions, they become a part of us. And when simeone comes by and says you made a bad decision & bashes every minute detail of that decision, egos flare up and justification of self-worth ensues. It depends on the person and how healthy an ego they haveas well as what choices they attatch it to as to how damaged they will feel, and
I forgot where I was going with this
Anyway, don’t gett butthurt over people getting butthurt because they feel like they backed the wrong horse and want to lash out over it.

Personally I play both games, but have mostly been playing SFV lately because it’s the shiny new. They both have good and bad points, although SFV is harder to tell right now since it is new and we don’t quite know what’s happening further down the line. The only 2 things about KI I really would complain about though is the lack of new stages for S3 and I would really like just a straight-up Arcade mode.

I fail to understand why anyone would want to play SF against the AI. But these are the sort of comments that just generate argument.

I did
every SF game up to 5 I only ever played offline. But the AI in 5 is bad
well, from what I’ve played of it anyway. I almost feel like the AI was designed by whoever did Mortal Kombat 2
it either just sits there and lets you dole out the punishment or it overwhelms you by always coming up with the perfect counter to whatever you throw at it with virtually no middle ground.

A lot of casual players enjoy single player content. Online can be super intimidating. Which could explain why MK is super popular enough to get millions of purchases. Casuals eat up the game. The hardcore tournament players for MKX are probably not in the millions but it shows how beneficial it is for the game financially.

Here is a casual SF player who is a reactor explaining why he doesn’t like SFV. Also kind of funny.

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If you both are playing side by side, sure. But with the netcode that Street Fighter has at the moment, half the matches don’t feel honest.

It’s all fine. Lots of people play KI offline too. I was just making the broader point that different people like different things. Let them worry about their $60 and make your own choices.

I never enjoyed AI, but back in the day I spent hours sorting out the SF 2 AI on the SNES so I could beat the level 7 difficulty without losing a match and unlock the “special ending” consisting of a mural with all the characters standing in their win poses behind the “thanks for playing” screen. I was so stoked about it I hooked up a VCR and recorded it, lol. I probably still have that somewhere
 Simpler times.

It’s not that bad in my experience, but I do mostly play extended sets with people with good connections. Of course KI’s netcode is the bee’s knees. Also worth noting I have a weekly SF local I go to and practice for and there’s some small money involved, whereas KI is online only for me, so that takes away some of the fun and competitive drive.

When was the last time you tried it? My experiences shortly after launch were abysmal, but they’ve continued to improve. I’ve had people across the states who I couldn’t play with at launch because one of us would always end up with bad teleporting, but overtime all of those matches are now playable.

Also, if I set my minimum connection limit to 4 or higher, I’d say that the number of teleporting matches I get is effectively zero. This will slow down the finding of games, but only marginally (and I’m in the middle of bufu nowhere).

Of course, coming from KI is going to be rough since KI has fantastic netcode
 but that’s the downside of starting at the tippy top.

I just hate the way SFV looks when the netcode goes sour.

KI slows down/rolls back; SFV sort of teleports the characters haphazardly across the screen.

That said, when SFV netplay is running smooth, it’s all gravy.