The KI Life Thread (what's going on in your daily lives)

So my family and I have been playing the crap out of Minecraft (bedrock version) lately…primarily me and my 2 boys, but my wife and daughter have been popping in every now and then. We’ve made a fortress/town with a lot of different shops, houses for villagers, minecart roads leading out to all the local villages. It’s pretty neat to see what all we’ve come up with.

Right now we have it on creative mode, just to set up some infrastructure we had on previous maps, or something similar, but we’re getting close to a point where we’re going to switch over to survival and keep it there. I know it’s not as amazing as some people do, but I’m rather proud of what all we’ve accomplished so far.


Say what you will about Minecraft, it really is the epitome of “sandbox” games. You can walk into the world and just play around with a group of people. Have fun!

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i had alot of fun with dragon quest builders, its basically minecraft in the dragon quest world with monsters, allies, and you can ride on a lion to get around faster. if you do the sandbox mode, villagers will show up to hang around your place of both human and monster variety. part 2 is out already and its better than the first with the mechanics

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Yeah, I’ve got that as well. I really enjoyed the idea of it being set in the original Dragon Quest’s world also. Dragon Warrior(Quest) on NES was the first game I owned outside of Super Mario/Duck Hunt, so going back to Alefgard was a real treat. I thought the “What if the hero joined up with the Dragonlord?” scenario for the game was a pretty interesting premise to build off of (pun intended). And while I really, really enjoy playing it from time to time I tend to gravitate back to Minecraft more often than not. I haven’t played Dragon Quest Builders 2 yet, but I’m really wanting to play that some time in the future as well.

in other news, my brother is going to get a gaming laptop so we can play PC games together for the first time in history. looks like we’ll be fighting in warframe, FF14, and whatever else comes our way.

i cant help but think if he wouldve had the money for it, the amount of damage we couldve done in past MMOs like warhammer online and back in my gank/griefing days of world of warcraft in the ghetto server that was dunemaul. seriously, that server was rock bottom in progression lol everybody spent more time ganking and killing than raiding. if you werent listening to old school gangster rap or death metal playing there, you were doing it wrong.

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So I just ordered a potentiometer/ volume knob for my Arcade 1up MK2 cabinet, because the volume controls on the cabinet are lacking. It has 2 settings: loud and speaker-distorting loud. the volume knob is supposed to be here today. It was going to be my first mod to it…and then thanks to a random youtube video I saw this morning I learned about the EJB menus on the games. In case anyone isn’t aware Ed Boon programmed in a complex button combination into each game that accesses a system menu, and on MK 2 and UMK 3 you can also access the volume controls. I’m going to install the knob anyway. The EJB menu doesn’t help with MK1, because it doesn’t have a volume control setting.

Also, I’m working on my 4-player arcade controller. I just finished applying the black veneer to it, and I got some vinyl sheets to print out the artwork. I would have preferred to have it all in one large sheet, but given the way I have it laid out it should be fine. I should have it completely finished in the next couple of days, though I may redo the plexiglass on top…I kinda cracked it removing the buttons. :sweat:

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How is Final Fantasy 14? I’ve heard great things about it. What’s the monthly charge for it?

As for the life part of this thread, not sure if anyone noticed, but I was gone from this site for a month or so, primarily because my work computer wouldn’t run this site anymore. I was finally allowed to join the 21st century though and install Chrome so I’m back. :slight_smile:

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its similar to world of warcraft just with final fantasy animu setting, it has its differences and its perks. i cant go into much more detail since i havent played it in a few years. i dabbled in it last in 2013 shortly after its revival from the giant ■■■■■■■■■■■ that it was. square enix had to apologize to the entire base, then they rebuilt the whole ■■■■ game lol. now, its prospering with a ton of players from what ive seen when my brother plays.

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So I finished my arcade 4-player controller.


Yeah what a crazy story! That game looked like it was headed for the trash heap and then all of a sudden it came back strong and practically reinvented. That’s pretty cool that Square Enix stuck with it like that and were able to turn it around. Since then, I’ve always thought about giving it a shot, but I’ve never done a subscription game before. Not sure I can justify it if the price is as much as like a Netflix subscription or something along those lines.

You sir, are a man of wealth and taste. Love that you put Gauntlet Legends on there! Man I need to go back and play that game again.


gauntlet legends

totally forgot about that game. used to be one of my favorites…!

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i believe its 15 a month if i am not mistaken. however they do got a trial thing you can do, where you can get up to level 35 without paying any sub fee. personally, id go that route if you were to try it out considering we are a couple working stiffs with not much time. you could potentially be saving more than a month, maybe even 2 or 3 depending on your pace, worth of cash youd spend in sub fees. however, i believe your ability to do things will be pretty limited. but, you should be leveling up before doing anything else anyway

Now that’s impressive!

Looks great by the way.


WHEW! Yikes. Not sure I’d get my $15 worth each month. The trial seems like a good way to go. Thanks, man!

Yeah, when it comes to multiplayer games, Gauntlet was always one of my favorites, and Gauntlet Legends is my favorite Gauntlet game, so to me it was a no-brainer.

Edit: Also due to the button/joystick color options that were available to me (aka cheapest options I could find on Amazon), I had them match with Gauntlet Legends player/color layout.

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This week has not been kind to me or my family. We had some issues with our plumbing which was an easy fix and didn’t cost much.
My old Computer mouse died after 1 year of use, a, but I have a new on now.
My grandpa from my mom’s side past away.
It’s all been one mess. The only thing I have to look forward to is that my Grandma from my dad’s side is cumming to visit with my uncle and aunt. With a barbecue on Sunday.
So far the good the good thing is discovering some more cool stuff going on with Blender.
Of course Jeff and I are also planning to upgrade to Windows 10 in November so projects are on hold.

That’s the best one in the legendary series so far.


I’ve been completely addicted to FF14 for about 2 months now. It’s very fun!

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…and apparently now I have another project… I just got a copy of the original Ninja Gaiden for Xbox, and when I went to put it in the system, my original Xbox wouldn’t turn on. So now I gotta see what’s going on with it. If I’m guessing right, the power supply was damaged during a power surge. All the capacitors seemed to be ok. So I may be looking at either getting another chance to hone my soldering skills, or I may just replace the power supply.

…and here I was wondering what I’d be doing for a project now that I finished my arcade controller. Guess I know now.

Edit…yeah, I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it. And looking around it’ll probably cost the same or more to repair it than it would to just get another that still works.

I finally added the volume knob to my MK cabinet. Would have had it done last week were it not for the first set of potentiometers getting lost in the mail. I put it under the control deck so it’s out of sight, and just set it to a comfortable level.

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my crew scored a medium house in the player housing neighborhood area. lol he had to be up at 5am to score it because those lots were going really fast

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