Quick question to those of you who have built your own fightsticks/ hitboxes…what would be a good way to go about getting an encoder that would be Xbox One/PC compatible?
Well as of last month I can officially say I’m old, though I was hoping life would stop being as repetitive as it was before that point. As always I got a small amount of money and a tiny yet overpriced ice cream cake (it’s pretty much family tradition at this point). I used the money to buy Witcher 3 during the Xbox Halloween Sale, which even a few hours in is already better than the entirety of Nier:Automata, and I also put more money in my PSN account so I can keep it there and pretend I’ll buy MH:Iceborne at it’s full price (which I’ll probably buy at full price anyways because of the impending RE2 crossover).
Overall, bad life. Too weak and too bad at anything serious (business, taxes, etc.) to understand how to have a proper job. At the same time though I always find ways to keep hope alive, so I guess I did something right, somehow.
Also this old laptop dies too easily from overheating, so I think it’s time I took another hiatus from this forum in case it burns out, before I can wipe it’s memory for the 100th time (the built-in keyboard burned out long ago, that should be an indication of how rotted it is).
The brooks universal fighting board is a bit pricey, but it has worked flawlessly for me on my Xbox one. That’s what I used in the Xbox fight stick I built. I haven’t tried it on PC.
For just a PC, a dragon PC board is incredibly cheap and does the job just fine. You might also get a cheaper ps3 PCB and then use a brooks converter.
EDIT: just plugged in the universal on PC and it works great - even for KI which doesn’t work with most of my PC controllers.
I just bought a Small house In Goblet next to my Crew Leader’s house. I completely understand LOL.
Housing is kind of a nightmare haha
Trying to prepare myself for the New York snow, which might come in the coming week or so. I keep hearing that this year’s winter might be brutal.
it appears so dude, im new and still havent started yet, and im all giving them puzzled looks over how hard it is to buy a house. they look at me like im stupid haha, “so, who are we looking at killing to take their house” ITS NOT THAT KIND OF GAME BRO i miss that open loot PvP stuff hahaha
Working your ■■■ off to save up to buy a house sounds a little bit too much like real life to me.
agreed, i am very grateful i didnt have to participate in that grind
Just finished my latest chapter for my KI/Carrie crossover story. Feel really good about myself with that accomplishment.
Carrie like the Stephen King novel?
today is tuesday. i am overworked like a ■■■■, and im starting to grow quite frustrated. but whatever, this train never stops and neither will i. today, im gonna get ■■■■ done then tomorrow, im going to make good progress. im gonna skip lunch and work late if i have to
Ok, so I have a question to those of you that use fightsticks regularly. I have a project that I’m working on, and without giving anything away the case I’m using has a rather large cosmetic circle in the middle of it. I’m trying to figure determine if it would be better to:
A: offset the joystick and buttons to preserve the circle’s cosmetic design
B: pretend the circle wasn’t there and just place the buttons in a more natural position in the middle of the case.
- Cosmetics come first.
- Function comes first.
0 voters
If I do B I could put the LK/A button right in the middle of the circle. I don’t think integrating the artwork into the button would be an option either, mainly due to a lighting scheme I’m wanting to implement.
If I do A on the other hand, the buttons will end up being pushed toward the back of the case. I checked and there will be enough room, but I am curious as to how you guys, as an example, would feel about a fight stick with the buttons and joystick more to the back of the controller.
I would say more about what I’m doing, but aside from making a fightstick, I’m wanting to keep the details a surprise for everyone. I am intending on documenting putting it together and uploading it to my youtube channel when I get done. From how things are looking, it’ll probably be mid to late March before I finish though, mainly due to acquiring the parts needed.
just when you think its all over at work, here comes another giant tidal wave. into the breach once more
Below is the product description on the Japanese Amazon website that says “e-Sports fitness equipment”.
Yes, looks a lot like e-sports to me too.
I’m actually more busy with my life and with MK11 than KI but I’m still going to honor the memories in my own way.
tidal wave over, now i can breathe again
On the video game front, I haven’t been playing any fighting games. I have played some Monster Hunter and then Fortnight (god help me) with my son and Battlefront II. Now we’re working through Just Cause 4 in tag team because he accidentally deleted his late game save file and I offered to help get it back.
Outside of gaming, I got a cheap 3D printer. I’m not that mechanically inclined so it’s been an interesting process. But I can print and paint a passable baby yoda:
I’ve also added the new Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures game to my collection and have painted up two sets for myself and my brother. A few that I’m proud of:
You know, they need to come up with an official name for baby Yoda. If they don’t come up with something soon baby Yoda’s gonna stick and people are going to throw a fit when they finally do give him something.
…then again they could possibly end up naming him after Yoda, and baby Yoda would fit.
Probably one of my favorite Max videos in a while