The KI Life Thread (what's going on in your daily lives)

The official name is “the child.” But the writers have made it clear they like ”baby Yoda” and are happy for people to keep using that.

@BigBadAndy pretty good paint jobs there man, your iron man looks pretty sweet!

right now i just finished a 40k squad of 7 world eaters chaos chosen with a chaos lord. now ive started up my alpha legion boys and a vex machinator lord discordant.

also i been watching the mandalorian, like everyone else i find baby yoda adorable lol. its been a fun show overall even with its flaws, ive had more enjoyment in 5 episodes than the 2 sequel trilogy movies which i didnt like at all

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The show is great. I’ve enjoyed the sequel movies - in part because I watch them with my kids who are as excited about these movies as I was when I was a kid. I can understand why people don’t like them, although I admit I find a lot of the complaints to be pretty melodramatic and fueled by nostalgia goggles.

The Mandalorian didn’t interest me all that much. I anticipated it was going to be a grim dark, “edgy” take on the universe and I was completely surprised and delighted by where they took it instead. It’s not a perfect show but it’s really fun and I think actually makes a terrific filmmaking homage to the best of western (ie cowboy) film and tv tropes. And my kids love it.

PS post pics of your world eaters. I’m always on the verge of buying into Games Workshop because The models are so cool, but they soak you for a fortune before you can even think about playing a game.

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the sequels just didnt appeal to me at all, the characters are boring and luke skywalker turning into jake skywalker just didnt do it for me lol. i saw it as lost potential. but the mandalorian show playing like a spaghetti western? oh hell yeah im down for that. the eastwood man with no name trilogy is one of my all time favorite movie series and this show reminds me of it.

heres my world eaters pics that i got on hand, i need to get better pics and my bro is too nervous to base them lol. i said do it anyway, practice or you wont learn otherwise. btw if you gonna prime a model in black, vallejo model color black is the way to go, it just leaves a really good finish that wont fill any details up. these were primed in a light grey since red is transparent, i hate havin to throw extra coats

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Those look great. I appreciate the cloak - it’s always so hard to get those highlights the way you want them.

I prime through my airbrush with Badger Stynlrez(sic). The black is way better than white or gray - but not fun to paint over. I typically do a zenithal highlight and then ignore it.

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recently my older brother (10 years apart, not my twin brother) has been living with us for for a month. Jeff and I are still looking for a job, and of course we’ve been sharpening our skills more.
I also made changes to the talon model.

thanks man! i laid down a dark blue over the black, then i did a few coats of light blue dry brushed, then i took light blue, mixed in white, dry brushed that on there too towards the tip of the cloak. i dont have an airbrush, but i have tried one before and i gotta say it was amazing.

also ink washes help big time to bring out the model’s details for a more deeper look to it. itll settle into the sunken parts and shade the model, then you go ahead and throw down a lighter shade of your base color but dont hit where the ink settles. youre basically highlighting it and adding more dimension. itll add more time to the job, but worth it.

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It’s been exactly 4 years since I’ve joined the forums and the first thing I think of is Shadow Jago.
Fridays right?


Friday the 13th right?



I’m just going to leave this here:


So, I think I just experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. I’m not for sure, but what I could look up online seemed to point to it.

I take 2 different medicines, one for depression once a day and another for anxiety twice a day. This afternoon I wasn’t paying attention and took a second of the antidepressant, but I talked to a doctor and he said I shouldn’t have any overdose issues with it. I think it did have some effect though. I’m currently working the 12-8am shift, so I tried to take a 2 hour nap before I came in. I got all nice and cozy and settled, but I was wide awake.
I could feel my body kinda get heavy, and I couldn’t move, though if I put enough effort into it I could. I was even aware that I was dreaming. All in all, it was kinda trippy. But yeah, next time I’m going to pay closer attention to my medicine.

Paying close attention to your medication is always a good idea…

Tough to say if you were experiencing sleep paralysis or just dozing. I tend to feel the same way when I take a decongestant so I guess it’s all in how extreme it is.

I saw the nurse practitioner that prescribed my meds today, and she she said that it was in fact sleep paralysis. Neat.

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ive experienced it before myself, but without meds

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Just listening to music while trying to plot out my next chapter in my story.


Not a soul in the office yesterday, so went to see Jumanji during lunch break. Our office is above the movie theater lol

Today’s also quiet so perhaps waste money on Star Wars?


Giving the Chaos for the upcoming Primal Rage Animation a revision
Here’s the head so far


Just 90 minutes until 2020 here in Tokyo

Be Safe everyone!

Happy New Year and hopefully we get a new KI next year!!

(PS hopefully, one with less Marvel characters lol sorry, I had to get that shot in :wink: )


Happy New Year everybody