wow I can’t believe I became 20 years old now.
Happy birthday!
May the Instinct rage on!
The Book of Faces foretold this day…
The prophecy of birthing day is fulfilled!
Let the celebration begin!
My family and I went to Dave & Buster’s for my 20th birthday party today, and there were not many staffs at D&B’s for some reason. Also, the foods we ordered weren’t very delicious at all. But I have enjoyed at the restaurant with my family and played some arcades. It was fun. My great aunt gave me Godzilla king of the monsters blu ray. I can not wait to watch this awesome movie!
Plus, my parents presented to me Masterpiece Megatron from first Tranformers live action movie! Honestly, I was really really happy when I opened the present and saw this MPM-08 Megatron box.
I love my mother and father.

Happy B-day Kev!!!
On another note I’m pretty happy with my efforts today. I replaced a broken analog stick on one of my Xbox one controllers. Desoldering the broken one was a bit of a pain, but putting the new one in was a piece of cake. I’m just happy that I didn’t scr3w it up. The controller works as good as new.
BTW…why does the word “■■■■■” get censored on this site? I mean, I get it in the sense of its vulgar slur, but even then it’s a pretty mild slur, and aside from that it does have other meanings that are far from censor-worthy. Besides, “screwdriver” isn’t censored…
happy birthday @KevBones10!
think ill give the beast another wash this weekend under the shade. brake dust already starting to annoy me on the wheels lol. anybody here washes their own car, make sure to use 2 buckets with dirt traps. soap up the car, throw mitt into 2nd bucket filled only with water to get dirt out. then wring it out, go to 1st bucket with the soap/water, then back onto the car. dirt scratches up the car and messes with your clear/paint.
So I had some…news…yesterday. I went to the doctor yesterday for my insomnia, and aside from wanting to do some stuff about that, he was talking about trying to get my weight under control. I’m supposed to meet with a dietitian soon, but the doc said save for some sort of miracle where I magically lose about 80 lbs in the next few months he’s talking about potentially doing surgery to get it under control. I was hoping things would come to that, but to be realistic despite trying several times over the years the only time in my adult life that I have ever lost any significant amount of weight was when I was working a warehouse job 10 or so years ago where I was in a constant hard run stacking cases of soda on pallets for Coke for 12-18 hours a day, which is unreasonable for anyone to maintain for any length of time. I don’t know anything in regards to a timeline for all this stuff yet, but…yeah, it sucks. I mean, I know in the long run I’ll likely be better off, but still…
i do not know the entirety of your situation, but maybe this will offer some kind of encouragement. however make no mistake, it was a hellish task. one of my friends was really overweight, close to 400lbs id say. so one day, after he had heart palpatations the fear of god was put into him as a result.
so the next day, he dumped out all the sweets, all the junk food, sodas, everything. then all he did was find the time to jog, exercise, drink ONLY water, and he ate nothing but chicken and salads. im sure there was other stuff too, like fruits veggies, things you need. well it took a hell of a while, but the dude dropped down to around 250lbs. funny thing, the guy would still drink like he was close to 400 so he would get utterly tanked LOL. was very hilarious, but as i said the task was herculean, took all of his willpower but 1 foot in death’s door tends to change hearts and minds.
easier said than done but you have to start somewhere id say. diet is a big part of it, but if theres a way to avoid going under the blade, waking up even earlier than usual to work out will be worth it even if its extremely difficult.
How long did it take to lose 150lbs for your friend?
about several months to a year, he was extremely dedicated to it and never faltered. he even strapped on a vest with weights in it to go run with. we just saw him start shrinking as the months went by, it was crazy
edit:i also feel its very important to mention that he still runs/exercises to this day without fail to maintain his current form. he had to completely change his life style and eating habits permanently.
i also have to bring up that i know a guy who got surgery for being hardcore overweight to bring down the poundage, he didnt maintain a good diet and now hes back to where he was now only stacked on with medical debt and he kinda looks odd. that is something to consider, that no matter what, eating habit must change
@G1GlaciusPrime, I certainly can’t give you medical advice, but weight is a struggle for a lot of people. I’m a little puzzled because all the information I have suggests that @R1stormrider is right - that surgery without lifestyle change always fails but lifestyle change can work without surgery.
I have never been my recommended weight - not since I was about 10. But I got rid of sweets from my life and was able to maintain a weight of 215 for a little more than 5 years. Then my kids were born and my work life started to involve a lot of travel and I creeped back up to 230. Then I turned 40 and it creeped up to 250. I’m still lighter than I once was (I was almost 280 for a while in my 20s. It is not easy to eat well and exercise in the face of adult responsibilities (not least of which is spending time with your kids instead of using your one free hour a night to go to the gym), and there is a lot of social pressure to eat from family and friends. For years while I wasn’t eating desserts I couldn’t get my in-laws to understand or cooperate and they would just like cake in front of me any time we saw them - and then be insulted that I didn’t eat it.
Anyway, good luck. Everyone thinks it should be simple and easy but it’s not. Hang in there.
So, I’ve somehow been diverted into the world of miniature based games (possibly because I’m an old nerd…) and there’s a new Marvel based game coming out. The challenge is that there isn’t a ton of scale urban scenery available off the shelf besides super expensive model railroad stuff. Which means I’ve been working on building my own. Probably not of huge interest to folks here but I thought I’d Share
its friday! plus, we are getting a cold front today, a much needed break from the brutality of the texas sun. i am looking forward to it, i wanna go outside, then im gonna forget wearing a jacket. i want to be cold, im going to savor every minute because come monday we are back to the mid to upper 90s.
@BigBadAndy i can relate to being offered food and stuff like that. my line of work, people often try to gift me with sweets or soft drinks out of appreciation. it really sucks to have to turn them away, as they feel slighted in some way even after i try to say otherwise. when they have bottles of water, it makes it that much easier for me as i readily accept those no hassle.
nice set up btw, get some spray spaints, bottles of model paint, and go to town on that. you can paint up brick walls and push for weathered look by dry brushing in various colors that suit weather effects. i got a ton of 40k models i need to finish, now that my car’s done i think ill be getting started on that soon
The buildings that are not solid brick I painted myself. The solid brick is a textured paper but the texture is generically rough so it doesn’t match the brick. I’m not sure if a dry brush would look good but certainly some weathering would help.
I bought some water transfer graffiti decals and they work great on the smooth painted buildings but not so great on the brick paper.
I’m going for a sort of comic book aesthetic rather than a grimdark 40k style so I was hoping to add color rather than grime it up too much. In any case I’m having fun with it. You should see the amazing tables people are putting together and posting online… mine is just to have something a bit more fun than a flat mat to use.
So far I have successfully avoided 40k but I have quite a few of their paints (which I finally transferred out of their crummy pots and into dropper bottles). I’m not a fan of their lore but a lot of the models look very neat.
you can go a bit dark if you were say, gonna do a Hell’s Kitchen kind of area from Daredevil or whatever. or go with a brighter look and have the heroes go in there to find evil then beat the ■■■■ out of it lol. sky’s the limit with that id say, you can do wooden fences with popsicle sticks and burn them a bit with a lighter if you wanna add some grit to it, break a few as well, have some tilted off to the side etc
Yeah , you really have lots of options. My personal nostalgia revolves around Spider-man cartoons so a lighter, brighter NYC and the residential burroughs look is what I’m going for. But I have half a dozen other wood tiles that I could play with eventually and the buildings are all unattached. So it makes everything modular.
It’s interesting, the game doesn’t have hero vs villain mechanics. You put together a team using whichever characters you want and then you have “crisis” scenarios that give you your game objective - usually things like recover the technology, rescue the bystanders from natural disaster etc.
Edit: they’ve posted the rules online already if you want to check it out:
Thank you guys! @G1GlaciusPrime @Fwufikins @R1stormrider @Valky115Qc
So, my aunt drew two of my favorite KI characters on the new shoes for my birthday. This is very unexpected present I’ve gotten. I was really shocked after opened the present. Thanks to my aunt! #BringBackKI
I finally broke down and got a light box to take decent photographs of my miniatures. See below a test shot from a model I completed a while ago as well as a shot of the unit I’m currently working to paint up.
im stilll convinced tuesday is monday’s ■■■■■■■ brother. got plenty to do today, gonna get it done and make that cash. after work ill be playing deus ex human revolution to unwind
These shoes look Killer!
Your Aunt is amazing at this!