Yeah, and you know me, a big retro/emulation nut. To be honest I’ll likely never play 90% of the games I put on it. It’s just fun to put this kind of stuff together. Plus it’s a great gateway into Linux, so there’s that as well.
It also just amazes me that a single core computer the size of my thumb is running stuff the IBM computer I had in my late teens couldn’t. I mean to run the DOS version of DOOM at full speed I had to have the graphics set at low quality and the play area minimized to the size of a Gameboy screen!! Hell, my Note 9 phone isn’t much bigger than a Raspberry Pi and it’s probably a better computer than anything I had before 2010. I can play Gamecube games on my phone! It still just boggles my mind how quickly tech is evolving.
I just want to keep up and keep sharp so that later in life I won’t end up like some of my older co-workers who, no joke, just earlier today I had to explain how the restore up/down button on an open app window does. Yes, I had to explain to them a basic Windows feature that has been around since at least Windows 3.1.
This is very true. But be careful. Although it varies from college to college and course to course, they generally don’t repeat material over multiple classes and they expect you to actually do the studying/reading/practicing on your time. I know a lot of people who felt like college was easy until they got to midterms and then flunked out.
been drivin the race car to work, no issues, no leaks, only fun and heavy metal in the stereo. 3 years killing myself paid off!
I spent a good deal of this morning working on my near non-existent soldering skills. Watched a guy mod something or other and realized my prior attempts were missing a “no s***” element I had completely left out…flux. Anyway, I got a small practice/digital clock kit and started soldering it together…and in the end it would have worked had I not been a dumb*** and broken off a leg off the microchip in the process of sticking it through the holes in the circuit board. Even still, when I plugged it in parts of the readout were lighting up and the buzzer on it was making sounds, so obviously I got it mostly up and running. Anyway, I’m going to go ahead and get another one and try again.
I figure if I get good enough at it maybe I can fix some of the broken electronics I have laying around the house…maybe even fix some that aren’t broken.
Hey guys, I just created my very first stop motion animation today! I downloaded the app called “Stop Motion,” you can find it in App Store. The app is really good, and it’s easy to understand how to make stop motion and quickly finish it. So I created the stop motion animation for almost two hours in my room. Honestly, the quality looks not really great, but I’ve tried my best! I hope you guys like my transformers stop motion animation!
After watched this, I would love to make another transformers stop motion animation. Maybe I will choose one of transformers characters that’s easy to transform.
Finally coming home after two weeks away. Just one more day of work and 24 hours of travel to go.
a ■■■■■■■■ of work here, gettin that bread. think it might pour cats and dogs, its insanely humid out there. anyone else going to see rambo this weekend?
Still trying to make a few tweaks to my book before I proceed with the next chapter.
So my PC busted yesterday. It has randomly crashing recently, and when I finally checked the BIOS, I found out the CPU was getting up to 100°C, so apparently it was shutting itself off to save it from damage. It had been getting a bit of dust buildup, so and I went to open it up and do a thurough cleaning to see if it would help, and the heat sink was wobbling a bit. Upon closer inspection the heat sink’s plastic housing had busted around 3 of the 4 connecting screws, so it wasn’t really even hardly touching the CPU. So it’s out of commission until I can get a replacement. Thankfully I found one on Ebay for $50. Probably could have used a cheaper run-of-the-mill heat sink if I had a normal PC tower instead of an Alienware X51 that requires a more particular heatsink/fan design due to its smaller form factor, but it is what it is.
Wow. It’s reqlly unusual for a Pc to fail due to a mechanical issue. Good luck with the new heat sink.
Well, I got the new heat sink today, along with some arctic silver thermal paste, and…so far everything seems ok. I didn’t realize how far gone the other heat sink was. The fan on it had been staying maxed out for months. I thought it was just because it was a small form factor PC with poor airflow, but nope.
Anyway, thermals have dropped by nearly half their “normal”, so far the max temp has been 45C. I haven’t really tried to stress it out yet, but I did play DOOM 2016 on ultra settings…didn’t hardly heat up at all, so I’m pretty happy. I’lll likely try Minecraft with a path tracing mod tomorrow, see how that works out.
if it played doom on ultra, it’ll play minecraft easily too. i dont think that game is very graphic intensive from what i have seen.
another day in paradise at work, another dollar. i took care of a job yesterday that had my stress and anxiety at higher than usual levels yesterday so im feelin nothing but relief now thats out of the way. tomorrow night im gonna go watch rambo at the movies, thats gonna be fun
Default Minecraft is not super graphically intense (although you would be surprised - it’s much beefier than it looks), but a lot of the graphical mods make it really intense. It doesn’t look realistic but it can have some pretty detailed effects going on.
then that must be from all the building you can do and putting so many polys onto the screen all at once. interesting to know
Yeah, with a path tracing mod Minecraft on my rig (i7 6500, RTX 2070) can only pull about 30 fps. Ray/path tracing is really demanding on the GPU, but the results are downright jaw-dropping.
So today I have spent a good deal of time cleaning up and reorganizing some files on my computer, particularly in my music folder. I’ve been meaning to for awhile and just hadn’t. But good lord is it a mess! I used to just scatter everything everywhere! Not to mention it’s been far too long…I still have mp3s I got from Yahoo Music back in the early 2000’s…probably downloaded them off of a dial-up connection. I did manage to remove the blight that was Itunes finally (half of the reason why my music folder was a mess), so that’s a plus…there’s some mp3 and wav files I used for windows 2000 startup/shutdown back then as well…it’s been an interesting time, that’s for sure.
looking at a good 15hr day this fine wednesday, gonna be dying in the heat inside a warehouse taking care of business there. maybe texas will show us mercy today, most likely not. at least i slept a full 8hrs for once, and afterwards ill probably cook somethin up for dinner and watch a horror movie to relax. anyone seen creepshow on shudder?
Welp I was successful in making a new model for Talon in blender. I think I’m gonna make my first spider for blender next. Of course the modeling process will start with my goto in modeling
Z BRUSH!!. Hope everyone else is doing well.