So, I just started playing ranked matches on-line recently, and I have to admit I’m surprised by how often I see people tea-bagging when they take a lifebar or win. Maybe I’m just an old man, but it strikes me a really juvenile display. On the other hand, Spinal is the closest thing I have to a main, so I have no problem throwing out his taunt any time there’s an opening to do so, because I think he’s funny.
Personally, I’d also really like the option for a “respect taunt,” as I’d happily toss those out between lifebars, but so far that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.
Anyways! What’s your perspective regarding on-line etiquette? Is it all just “part of the game,” or do you feel some actions are crossing a line?
I do it sometimes. Especially the taunt. I dont think it os disrispectful to taunt after the match, it is like the character is celebrating. I dont care if someone tea bags me or taunts. Why would I?
I will say that, personally, they are both disrespectful. But if an opponent does either, I go Super Saiyan and kick their teeth in. Then, I’ll go to their corpse and proceed to taunt/cancel into tea-bagging. (Or clam-slam for female characters).
I’m not appreciative of being taunted between rounds, but the tea bagging is just unnecessary.
I find it even more disconcerting when you watch a tourney and see it happen. I was disgusted at that 8 bit beatdown when someone in particular (not name dropping) won his match by his opponent doing input error, then proceeded to dash all the way over to the opponent to tea bag, taunt and might as well have just switched on their mic and cry out “Yeah, you like that? Huh? Huh? huh? Suck on that!”
The other thing that infuriates me is the other high profile player that does the change sides bottom smudge manoeuvre. I don’t really care that it’s all mind games to these players, there’s no excuse for it.
If you’re good enough to compete for the top title, then do so with your skills at the game, not by playing mind tricks on people.
Seeing this kind of thing at tourneys tells everyone it’s ok and it’s hype, but really, there are bad winners as well as bad losers.
How do you guys get hate for that? I rarely taunt or teabag but adding all the times I did it in 500+ hours it is a lot. Never got a message or something because of that.
I hate teabaggers with a passion because I consider it arrogant, rude, disrespectful, distasteful, and disgusting.
I don’t have issue with taunts, since it’s in the game, unless it’s done repetitively by being canceled into it over and over again. If you do that, then IMO, it’s almost as bad as te-a-b-a-g-g-i-n-g* (see above, but without the v-u-l-g-a-r* aspects).
Why? What is it that offends you so much? Are full ultras disrespectful? Or double and triple ultras? Is the victory pose of the characters disrespectful? No offence but I don’t know why people care about such thing. Its a mystery to me seriously.
Personally, I find full, double, and triple Ultras in ranked to just be time consuming. They do leave me a bit miffed if people do them after the first round they’ve won (if I’m playing killer vs killer). Same with a taunt or tea-bag.
Ultras don’t bother me, but I agree - they are largely a waste of time. IMO, they’re only good for the XP you get for leveling up characters - it helps leveling go a wee bit faster. Still, it’s good to know you can now leave the match during the ultra without repercussion.
As for in-game taunts, I usually reserve them for between rounds and at the end of the match.
Doing taunts excessively though (or te-a-b-a-g-g-I-n-g) is just bad business, IMO, because it means you’re just asking for a whooping for being such a d-o-u-c-h-e-b-a-g.
It is unfortunately a part of the culture of gaming now to be an ■■■ and have it be acceptable. If an NFL player taunts they get a penalty, if they did anything as disrespectful as a teabag they’d be tossed and suspended. However developers are now building these into our games. No way what this game was made that this was not considered a valid element of the game. You can taunt and call it something other than teabagging. call it better but it amounts to the same thing. It’s half the reason I don’t really play anymore.
The only time I let the Ultra run 'til the end is when my opponent tea-bagged. Because, yeah, it is a bit disrespectful to purposefully waste someone’s time like that when you both could be looking for a new match. Which is spiteful on my part, but I’m okay with that.
It doesn’t bother me that much when someone double or triple Ultras me, but I guess I don’t see the point.
I like to make japes too, but they’re usually directed at the characters rather than the player and/or are quite corny. For example, if I’m playing Aganos with his tank accessories, I can say “I think you’re gonna tank!” Or if I lose to a Spinal player, I’ll say “now I’ve got a b-o-n-e to pick with you.”