Stage Ultra Announcement

What IG devs can be tagged on these forums?

That sounds really weird, besides, the banshee crashing in has very low sound effects. I’d like that to come crashing and bursting down from getting shot by some wraith, that would make it seem like it had speed enough to crush an Aganos. Now its just kinda
 gently approaching the enemy


Actually, a lot of people have been asking for Stage-Ultra specific callouts for a long time.

“Banished” on Kan-Ra’s stage, “Knock-off” or “Lights Out” on TJ’s, etc.

It was a pretty popular thread on the S2 forums, but I don’t remember if I’d seen a thread created here on the S3 forums.


It’s starts getting a lot noticeable that Mike isn’t doing the voice anymore especially after hearing that lol. Plz let it be a placeholder (something tells me it’s not) and doesn’t come out when the game releases. KI usually has good corny stuff but that was cringe worthy lol

For everyone suggesting the “Knock Off” announcement should be used instead, please reserve that for actual knock offs, ie: on Arias stage. As for this one tho, take out that “stage ultra” announcement. Even if it did use the original voice actor it feels completely out of place.



I like a lot of the little changes they have made this season, BUT THIS IS BAD. That’s interrupting the hype awkward. Like REALLY awkward.

The new announcement doesn’t even sound close to matching either of the announcers who are used. It definitely doesn’t sound like Mike, that’s for sure.

I’m not against the idea, but good gosh, sound design may wanna revisit this one for some touch ups.


I like the idea but that was cringe-worthy to say the least. Hopefully it’s better with Chris.

I think that was the Halo announcer (rather a stand-in like they got for the arbiter)
saying a KI-like phrase.

I also think the announcer saying “creatored” is a Halo thing, like a call out to the way the announcer in Halo speaks.

The more I listen to this, the more I think this is a stage specific announcer thing.

The voice is just not hype enough

Crater’d is fine but the rest was really bad.

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LCD is trolling XD you guys know they aren’t seriously in the game right!? XD

It sounds a bit awkward, but I’ll wait until I hear it on my own TV before I judge.

LCD is Trolling? Oh god ur one of those lol

LCD is trolling you guys!

No. This announcer sounds really bad and awkward. Plus when does LCD ever make announcements? Why would IG fix something that’s not broken? Cmon you know this isn’t real lmao

I do hope it’s a troll but I highly doubt it at this point. It seems like when something hype happens, shortly after something anti-hype happens. Hopefully the launch trailer can make me forget this until I do a stage ultra on season 3

??? Cause he was at the Microsoft office and got this recorded gameplay lol. Even LCD who I know loves to troll and joke around here wouldn’t stoop to this because IG would get flak. He’d probably say he was trolling 5 mins when the vid is out lol

How do you feel about the new level 4 enders? In asking to gain insight on what you mean by “It seems like when something hype happens, shortly after something anti-hype happens.”

LCD put a filter over his voice and said STAGE ULTRA. Am I the only one to call this out??? Okay the game releases on Tuesday. If this is real then you’re right, if it’s not then I am.

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but look at the stage ultra? what is wolf being knocked off of