Shadow Lords Mode

So basically it’s Killer Instinct meets X-Com…



Better use the good work over Shadow Lab.

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Sounds great but will we also get a separate story mode as well?

What would be nice is if there were side scrolling beat-em-up stages like the old Tekken Force modes. So the core gameplay would be substantially different and not just our standard fights with different rewards.

I mean, our standard fights with different rewards is a good thing, but slicing through hundreds of mobs of fulgores and other mimics such would be even more nifty


What they should do is make a action adventure story mode that’s separate from the 2d fighter. Then if you want to be fight you can play the 2d versio on another disc. Make it 2 disc.s Sure it might cost alot, but I for one would buy.

what ?!

This sounds like the most amazing story for any fighting game ever. MKX story was decent but completely linear.

If this is as involved as it sounds, then it is something I’ve always wanted to see, but never thought fighting games cared enough to create.

I love these characters. I would love to create a story with them. I want to team up!

Is there co-op multiplayer involved?!

So many questions, so little info, so much speculating which I can’t stop myself from doing…

Before saying That, Just ses the story itself. If it suck, we would have a good solo mode but not necesseraly a good story mode.

Definitely intrigued by this. An infinite single player mode with story? I immediately interested.

But now we’re also talking about crafting and collectibles? I wonder if this means that we’ll be able to unlock accessories that we get to augment or combine elements to make them unique, and maybe take those out of this mode and in to the rest of the game. If so, that’d be amazing.

I tend to doubt that this replaces story mode, as it’s not like the story would’ve infinite. Though that makes me even more curious to see what story this mode will have.

Either way, you have my attention!

Sounds alot like part Heroes & Heralds, Tekken Force, and part RTS-game…idk. Seems cool though. can’t wait to try it out!

Here’s hoping for unlockable accessories and colours that carry over to multiplayer!

Or the ability to team up with someone else online tag team style to play it!

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I think they may just use our shadows, makes sense for the reason of populating the globe with the mimics, they can randomly use actual player shsdows at the portals and have the computer characters be the bosses, so to AI bosses show up at a portal location, open it and brings forth a horde of shadows/mimics… it’s random so you have different levels of competition, before you work your way up to the AI boss or bosses (ladder style) to defeat and close the portal… imagine running into your shadow at one of these portals?


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First off, this sounds interesting. But I do have a nitpick, but most of you can probably already guess what’s coming:

@Jukesy1992 and @Blindgamer102, what are your thoughts on this mode and its playability given the information we have so far? I’m personally worried aabout a number of things in terms of accessibility, notably getting your characters together (unless they use a standard character select screen), crafting and upgrading items etc as well as using KI gold for items (unless there’s a way to work on that outside of the game, which there might be but I doubt).

But it seems like an interesting concept nonetheless, just hope it’s playable for everyone.

IG and every developer I really love you for Shadow Lords


The way I see this mode is a combination of 2 games based on the description and screenshots.

It’s a mix of MKX + MKX mobile + Hearthstone.

In one if the screenshot it says Fulgore was spotted but with modifications (which implies different abilities, maybe unlimited shadow, etc…) just like MKX Mobile has cards that add modifiers like armor or its kind of like the realm invasion of MKX.

Hearthstone in crafting to create abilities etc…

Also team of 3 MKX Mobile style

Sounds promising.

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Reminds me of Soul Calibur 4’s Tower of Souls, personally, albeit randomized. I’m guessing enemies will be non-Shadow AI (unless a few specific Shadows are chosen), and will have special traits like, attacks drain health or hard knockdowns last longer.

Makes sense to me.

My big question was whether or not this is outright replacing Story/Rivals mode for S3. After reading the news article explaining what Shadow Lords is, I’m now convinced it is. Taking into consideration close to half of the new characters for S3 are guests, that alone pretty much neuters any sort of substantial story/rivals mode (although I’m sure Tusk, Kim Wu, Mira, Gargos, and the last person could carry one), barring redoing everything for the S1 cast to fit in with the new “canon” established by the backstories and S2.

Either way, color me curious.

Also in some of those types of games, the things you collect in one playthrough carry over to the next…

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Isgreen mentioned “assemble your team from the entire roster of KI characters.” Take your note from that and “uneasy alliances abound.” That would seem to fit your first two questions, no? :wink:

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