Shadow Lords Mode

So when May rolls around, will Gargos be allowed to be part of our teams even though the goal is to beat him and his forces? I would assume to, but im jw lol


Never mind, I just saw the post above mine. Got it :slight_smile:

Yes and no. more on that later :slight_smile:


Ah, I think I know. You pick gargos and you face ultratech, you pick ARIA and you face gargos. I know what side I’m picking.


Chooses anybody, except Gargos
More or less, all characters have their agenda,but most agree: they dont want to be obliterated by a demon invasion. Night Guard, Ultratech, non affiliated characters (Hisako, Wulf) can make a frail alliance against them
Omen could betray him (hinted in his backstory)
Not sure about guests
Not sure about picking Gargos as secondary

Chooses Gargos
Gargos minions are mimics, can imitate other beings, quickly adapting to the reality they are invading. Your objective its quite the opposite: you have to conquer earth
Guests are mimics
Secondary characters are mimics or enslaved

I hope it doesn’t–given that some of the characters this season are going to be guests, and providing that those guests are noncanon (which I hope they are, tbh) it gives them more time to focus on weaving the stories of the characters from other seasons together. Also, I just like having as many single player modes as possible to choose from, so I might feel a little bitten if this was replacing one of them. But who knows–maybe Shadow Lords will have substantial story content in its own way. We really don’t know all that much about it right now, so I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Does the name Shadow LordS mean something…it does say Lords, not Lord.

Does this mean we might be getting another Lord (Eyedoll?)


Sounds really interesting. I’m guessing that you can earn and craft power ups on Shadow Lords, then your powered-up character can carry over into a new online versus mode.

Could be dope.

That could mean anything. It’s a possible small hint at best.

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What if…WE are the shadow lords? :scream:


SF confirmed to be a reality. So that raises another question…where the hell is Bison and why hasn’t the world been taken over yet?

@TempusChaoti Sounds amazing! great job team! So will there be a regular story mode like S1 and 2 or will this be “the story mode of S3?”

so there technically isn’t s a story mode like season 2?

So is this an indication that we can all team up online and fight against the darkness.

In this case I call upon all the other armies to raise your weapons, claws, fists, or god knows whatever you have and take the fight to the winged demon lord!

Its single player bro. But YEAH!!!, grab what ever you can hit something with and lets nail this inter-dimensional demon’s butt!!!

My team1 will be thunder kim wu & sadira!

Team 2 glacius Orchid and hisako

Team 3 maya fulgore jago

Team 4 aria kan ra mira

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They mentioned on stream the multiplayer mode would tie into shadow Lords. I wonder what that means exactly, I read hoping we could get an update on allowing both local players profile to gain xp, level up, etc.

You can craft items for Shadow Lords. IMO there will be damage boost, reduction, shadow/instinct meter boost, augmented chip damage, heavys steal life, armor to x specials…

New multiplayer will allow to use this against another player.

Something like gems in sfxtk (but better), or MK test your luck fights

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Sound really good! And since i am more the Solo and couch coop guy when it comes to fighting games i am willing to take everything the guys have to offer!

But i hope we still get an Story Mode for season 3 as it was in season 2!

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As cool as this mode sounds I still want a story mode even if it’s done exactly the same way season 2’s was.


Could be like mkx factions… we chose Team Gargos, Team Ultratech or Team New Knight Guards where online shadow lord wins contribute to your Team, winning team gets points, collectables, KI gold etc…