Season 3 UI being shown today!

The new lighting and character select looks awesome.

These new lvl 4 ender animations, please God no… I really hope they either drastically change the way they look or take them back out of the game entirely.

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Pretty much my thoughts I new UI wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Actually like it .

The new level 4 animation not so much.

Seems to be in alphabetical order. Not sure though I wasn’t paying that much attention :stuck_out_tongue:

I really enjoyed the stream today. Some nice surprises with a pretty cool looking new UI.

Whoever it was in chat that told me Shagos ultimate achievement could be unlocked in survival. Thank you! It worked :smiley:

Ok you’re not making it easier lol.

So from what I saw:

Loved Rash’s accessories
-The Conker / Banjo nod was perfect.
-The army accessories were cool.
-Lots of funny stuff that I thought fit the character.

Missed Kim Wu’s accessories :frowning:

New select screen looks AWESOME.
-Love how the characters kinda step from the dark in to the light in their own character specific animations.
-Love how fluid and responsive the select screen looks now!
-Still not huge on the honeycomb design, but it works well as a consistent theme and I like how the characters are organized.
-I like the green mist. Not sure why some are down on it. I think it adds polish.

The Stage Select screen is solid.
-The Stage layout grid looks nice. Kinda wondering why the character grid doesn’t match this style, as I think it looks better.
-Kept the scrolling highlighted stage on the top part, which has always looked good IMO.
-Theme select… This is a nice option, even if others take issue, but scrolling through that many songs? Kinda wish it just overlaid on top of the stages.

The “Fight On” screen could still use work.
-Really wish they’d have a cinematic clip of each character in their environment, like from the season 1 dossiers or even something cooler.
-Or perhaps they could do an evolution of original arcade KI arcade “Fight On” character clips, not because it has to be old, but because that style looks good.
-So yeah, the fact that they still have the same select screen entrances for the versus screen is kinda disappointing.
-The new versus logo doesn’t really mesh with what’s going on behind it. Looks okay for season 3, but it’d be nice if there were some sort of effect on it like sparks falling from it, lightning striking it, green mist pouring down from it, etc plus the rest of the environment being more cohesive.

-Overall it’s not bad, it’s just something that could look better and I hope this whole screen gets a makeover either during season 3 or before season 4.

The level 4 ender animation: Love it!

-It’s a nice, non-intrusive little addition to add some oomph and cinematic polish to a level 4 ender.
-Love the camera work on this. Again, it’s not intrusive, it doesn’t change anything from a gameplay perspective.
-The color on it seems slightly odd though. It looked more turquoise when it feels like the green used in the logo would be more fitting.


Think this would be a nice small update to the UI.


Ok so I’ve just arrived home from college, found out a lot gone on while I was out, found the stream and watched it.
Since the 3 stages thing I’ve tried to not set up expectations, seeing the bright side of everything and complain less but OMG, why to touch things that don’t need to be touched? What’s the point of that level 4 ender animation? It doesn’t add anything to the match, it’s only distracting. Is that shadow the final one? It’s even worse than the one before it, it’s a dark purple splash of ink. But the worst of the worsts for me is the music selection. It managed, in one move, to destroy the meaning of the stages+the music for me. Kan Ra music @ Tusk stage, Arbiter music @ Kim Wu’s. I just can’t.
I can’t express enough how disappointed I am. Yes, I’m complaining and you can ignore me. I just had to type to feel better.
It’s not going to stop me from buying Killer Instinct for PC, which I’ve waited for years since 2013, but at the first online match someone chooses Orchid’s music on Aganos stage, I’m forever out of online.


liking 69th comment for the sake of liking the 69th comment.

“Missed Kim Wu’s accessories”


Oh that’s PERFECT. I’m actually amazed at how much that slick logo improves the overall look of the whole thing and ties it all together. It honestly looks like it should’ve been there the whole time, like it belongs.

It also doesn’t seem like it’d be intrusive either, as far as accessory and color tiles are concerned, though I could be mistaken.

It’d be awesome if the white light at its core could have a sort of animated effect the comes out at the player from behind the logo, like sunlight through a cloudy window, with tiny dust particles floating and what not.

That might be intrusive on accessory/color tiles and if so, maybe save that as an animation that triggers once the characters, colors and accessory sets have been chosen. But even if it doesn’t have an effect on it, I think it’d still be great.

@TempusChaoti, is there even the slightest chance that something like that could be added pre release or even in an update after season 3 starts rolling out? It makes s great select screen perfect.

@OmegaSaiko Hey thanks a lot man!! Those pics look great. :slightly_smiling:

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did anyone cap rash’s Accessories? I only caught the “Bootsie Toad”

They showed two.


i missed the stream because of work, is someone going to upload it anytime soon, or at all

You can watch the stream archive on Twitch.

I really like the new UI. My only complaint is that the music select is a long scroll list. That might need some work.

I love the new mini character intros after you pick the character. They look great. The character select looks good (there’s only so many ways to do this, but I think it looks nice). It’s tough to tell from the stream but I hope keeping the shadows until after you select the character makes the character select less jittery.


archived! there are 4 videos total because it kept breaking up.


I thought they were going to get the pics of the accessories and stuff up “after the stream” today.

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thanks I missed that. I started watching the stream kinda late.

Oh man! That’s the cherry on top bro!