Nintendo NX Reveal AKA Nintendo Switch

Yeah, but it’s not too different from what a lot of people do with tablets anymore.

I don’t travel, so if I get one I’ll mostly be using it in similar ways to what I’d likely use a Wii U if it actually had better range like playing it in the bedroom, which is on the opposite end of the house from my entertainment center…or when I’m using the bathroom (you know everyone will).

Then again I have been considering getting an Xbox One S and putting my regular XB1 in the bedroom, and then later getting a Scorpio so my family can get back to playing multiplayer games together like we did with our 2 360s. We had such a blast with Halo games. It’s a shame everything’s one player per console anymore.

I don’t think its any bigger than iPads or Note Tabs of these days (I could be wrong), shouldn’t add much more to your carrying weight.

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Here’s some pics of the controller concepts that have been floating around:

There hasn’t been any word about if this is something they actually plan to do or not, but that does seem very much like something Nintendo would do.


i approve of this concept

Some random thoughts on the Switch after thinking about it a bit more:

  • What’s going to happen to the 3DS and Nintendo’s traditional handheld platforms when the Switch is released? I think it would be pretty cool and beneficial to the system if Nintendo converged all their 1st-party support on the Switch.
  • Probably my biggest concern about the Switch right now is battery life. This was a huge issue with the Nvidia Shield IIRC, and the benefit to having a handheld with console-like specs is greatly lessened if the system can’t sustain itself for more than 3 hours without a charge.
  • Whether Bethesda personally confirms it or not, it’s pretty obvious that Skyrim will come to the Switch. Ithink the big question is whether it will support mods like the other current-gen editions of Skyrim Remastered.
  • I’m not putting too much stock in the listed 3rd-party support right now. The Wii U had a similarly promising graphic, but a large bulk of those titles were ports and the 3rd-party titles in general dried out pretty quickly.
  • On the other hand, this console should be a lot more friendly toward 3rd-party developers since Nintendo isn’t trying to shake the foundation of how we interface with games anymore. The lack of controller gimmicks could help this system a lot.
  • From Software support… Portable Dark Souls? :heart_eyes:
  • A 100% portable, complete Virtual Console… :open_mouth:

Has anyone said anything about Switch’s online features?

That Super Smash Flash pic though…


If the charging port is mini USB, there are portable charging stations for android phones. Can pick one of those up, make sure that device itself is full of juice, and carry it with the switch in a back pack if you’re traveling. You can recharge it on the go until you reach your destination, that’d be something I plan on doing. Gotta know what plugs it has first.

I’m still pretty excited over it,also CD projekt Red gave props to the switch, maybe we’ll see the Witcher games come to it? Cyberpunk 2077? Gwent

From Software is there.

Could we see a Dark souls?

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Yeah, get tortured anytime anywhere and flood your vicinity with profanity. Lmao


I’m hoping we’ll see Doom on there too.

I am NOT ashamed to admit I am going to buy this day 1 just because successful or not, it is going to have a Zelda, Mario, DK and (please Nintendo, please) Metroid.

Not really exited about Skyrim, but if RE 7 or MG Survival or another big 3rd party game (KI, eeh eeh :sweat_smile: , somebody? , OKNO :pensive: ) I will buy those.

I have the Xbox One but the portable side of the console is actually attractive to me, even if it doesn’t have the PC Master Race level of graphics.

A few posts in here bring up something I was curious about as well… What games do you guys want to see for this console? We know we’ll get the requisite Mario, Mario Kart and Zelda, but any franchises you’d like to see brought back or maybe a gussied up version of an older game?

I’ve seen F Zero and Metroid mentioned as games people would like to see new iterations on, but what else?

I’d love to see a new Eternal Darkness. I think that’d be cool. They also had Mace: The Dark Age exclusively on the N64. It’d be nice if they had their own exclusive fighting game besides Smash. Wasn’t Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 exclusive to the GameCube? That’d be an awesome series to bring back for the Switch. I also wouldn’t mind a Kid Icarus game for the Switch. The last one that came out was for the 3DS if I’m not mistaken, right?

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I can see it now…
The future of Gud Gitting


Implying Smash is not a fighting game.

Cause 3rd party support eventually dies on Nintendo consoles, but not handhelds.

Id love to see a new Mace. Starfox imo needs a port to the switch. That game just immediately died an agonizing death because of those terrible controls. Seriously, who approved that? Were they high as kites?

Red Dead 2 can go to the switch. Tomb Raider, Deus Ex games, Double Dragon Neon, Shantae, Duck Tales

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What? No way. Smash is most definitely a fighting game. It’s just completely different from something like Mace. It plays in a completely different way, winning is achieved in a completely different way, the stage structure is completely different, the tone is completely different.

Smash is an awesome game. I wasn’t trying to disparage it at all, if that’s the impression you got. I’d LOVE it if MS put out a Smash style game for Xbox One with all of their characters and mascots. But I think that style of game could also exist on the same system that has Killer Instinct without being a redundant overlap of exclusives, don’t you?

Miamoto apparently… he seemed to be the one steering that manure truck. It almost seemed like perhaps maybe he was upset that in earlier Starfox games noone used the cocpit mode because it was lousy so he found a way to force its implementation. I dunno.

Huh. Surprised that there is somebody else besides me who knows this series. I can definitely see a Switch port for the new game after the initial release.