New character revealed: Shin Hisako!

Sorry, I’ve been running around all day and can’t scour all the unofficial backchannels… is there a video posted for her intro that someone could linke me to? Pretty please?

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I updated the OP with it ^^


Her eyebrows look a lot different in the latest video when compared to the teaser, in the first video it looked like she had a big bushy caterpillar unibrow. I guess the textures weren’t loaded all the way or something in that clip. lol

I feel like a name that more clearly defines this hisako other than Shin hisako is " hisako-unbound"

She used to be bound to the grave and bound to her uncontrollable rage and hatred. Now with her father sword she is freed from all that baggage. I actually feel that shinsako now has her old personality now. The personality of chikaru and now, as Maximilian would say, has eyes unclouded by hate. Edit: …literally now. They are different color eyes lol

Considering her backstory and how she lived, died I definitely could believe that we are seeing chikaru personality. She seems like the type of girl that when given the power of a gaurdian would be a little like Alucard from Hellsing abridged. Especially this quote when he says "What’s the matter Demigod? you were talking that good s**t awhile ago…Hit me, Fight me! GIVE ME A HUG!!

For those who haven’t seen it…

Shin Hisako’s Intro:

This character…

Must…resist…making new Main…


I swear that smile is going to give me nightmares

I’m not getting how she’s that frightening to people, but the animation looks good so far.
Can’t wait to see her movesets and accessory

Just added this to the OP

BTW; notice the small tease about her theme!

Goodmorning/Goodevening, are we going to see anything about shin hisako today/tonight?

Amazing. If her moveset animates and looks as good in game as she does in that intro she’s automatically a very strong candidate for main material for me ^^

Really like the swiftness of her slashes and the lighting effects, and I absolutely love that they kept her creepy nature.

Can’t wait to see how she plays and the type of char she’ll be. Haven’t been this hyped for a char in a while! =D

Give it up Ostrich. At this point, you’re only trying to fool yourself. Take the plunge, if only for a pocket ghost girl.


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When she says " I’l devour you" and then smiles, is she smiling cause she is trolling you ? Cause she has no reason to devour you since her hate and vengeange is gone

you dont need to be consumed by hate to devour someone…XD


Maybe she is just cannibal!


I’d let her devour me :slight_smile:

With teeth like those, I wouldn’t take that chance

I mean, come on. It isn’t that hard to drink without biting the straw

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if my can opener ever breaks,i know who to call for help :grinning:

Her win animation is up.

Hmm, kinda appears less and less “pure” than I had thought she would be. Still has the feel of a malign apparition. A spirit of vengeance. Well, a yokai, just with another weapon.


Added to the OP