New character revealed: Shin Hisako!

I dunno, after RAAM, two Shadow Lords, and another kill-bot I wouldn’t mind another human(-ish) character right now.

Even so, at least make them interesting.

Tusk is kind of just a generic buff guy and Kim is a teenage stereotype, neither of them are all that intriguing sans their mystical weapons. I’d like for the character to be unique and interesting on their own, not just a file clerk who found a katana in the trash and turned into a super hero.


So this may finally be my chance to fight you and actually have fun? :confounded:

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Nope. I plan on finding whatever is broken and annoying, and then spamming that until I win.


Not broken as much as balanced in the worst way possible.

But this is not the thread for my salt sorry guys lol

As long as it’s NOT Joanna Dark I shall be happy. :slight_smile:


Ryu Hayabusa!

I have a feeling it’s gonna be Eagle wielding the katana.


what? no stage characters and after, no theme characters? XD and the third problem? no textured character? or no name character…

There’s a difference between the things you are comparing and you know it.

I still hope for a future package with lost stages.




Let it go, there’s a number of topics and threads i personally ignore for the very reason youre about to pop off…

You can find better uses of your fingers and time.

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Agreed. I do think that Tusk is interesting on his own and that Kim fills a nice role (accidental chosen one / teen with attitude), but I do hope that the katana wielder is more like a badass master, either an old sage, a gadget wielding ninja, or perhaps an ancient, mystical samurai etc. Not a spirit inhabiting a suit of armor (that’s kinda Bishamon’s shtick) or some sort of comic relief that stumbled on to the sword or whatever.

That music sounds so cool! Wondering if it’ll be a Kenshi-type telekinetic thing or maybe always holding one and dual-wielding in Instinct. The wait is not long now, like 20 days? :flushed:

EDIT: Just throwing it out there

Looks like we’ve got a samurai, sent kicking and screaming into the future

But in all seriousness, if they’d put a theme for it, then the only logical thought I could make is that the character has some kind of guardian bonded to him, similar to Kim Wu

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I’ve got a few theories of my own about the new katana-character:

  • I believe that “Samurai” will be one of the good guys, as the fighters who have weapon-linked guardians have been goodies so far. It makes sense too, as SPOILERS

Hisako went well out of her way to aid both Kim (Dragon Guardian was bonded to her nunchucks) and Tusk (Wargram sword) in the Shadow Lords story videos- It’s almost as if Hisako was fated to stumble upon a guardian-infused weapon of her own eventually… :wink:

  • Whoever it is, they’ll likely have a significant link to Hisako, but is this newcomer a friend or foe of hers?

  • Sam R. Ai might be a “normal” human or a monster, it would be SO cool if it turned out that the katana wielder was a creature, like a long-slain zombie, or a set of cursed Samurai armor that fights on its own. No matter what the katana guy turns out to be, I’m sure that this fighter will be a fun one if they showed up in the KI universe!

Looking forward to seeing what’s next! :sunglasses:



So something else ive been wondering about…

When you guys listen to the music from this trailer, do you hear a similarity to The Instinct, the main theme of Killer Instinct? I do…

And that logo at the end gnaws at me for some odd reason…

The katana is waiting for its warrior to get it, eagle sounds like the only good guy left to pick up that sword. I already got bashed in another thread because people said he is native americanThe rasputin look alike tsar looks like the last char ,either him or merik deem.

Yea there is, similar to all other themes, which is fueling the argument for a new character as opposed to a new Guardian.

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