Last two characters guessing game

This is still cool enough to turn out interesting, haha. Now I can’t help thinking KI needs a character with an Australian accent.


Somewhere else in the forum, I’m sure I read how PD is a long dead game that no one played or weren’t even born when it came out and therefore was an unreliable source for a guest character, but was battletoads not an older game than PD?

All this talk of Joanna’s similarity to Orchid as a hindrance is so shortsighted. She’s a spy! She’s a girl! SHE’S GOT HAIR! SHE BREATHES AIR!!!

Why can’t the (less sarcastic) similarities be a challenge for IG to really show how much she DIFFERS from Orchid?

*She shoots guns
*She’s British (at least in the original)
*She uses gadgets
*She’s got alien friends
*Her costume is usually a racing biker type body glove
*She’s actually succeeded in taking down the evil corporation (I know Orchid, UT just refuse to flush)
The list goes on.

Everyone seems to think that she’ll be a carbon copy of the Joanna Dark we (those that played PD back in the day) all remember from the game/s, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Again, this is where IG can turn heads by making her their own.


Finally someone with common sense. I was getting worried about the state of the community here lol


I think my problem with Joanna is that she’s not very interesting.

I was a huge fan of the N64 game because it was basically a carbon copy of Goldeneye, I purchased it again on the Xbox LIVE marketplace on the 360 because it was a terrific game but honestly is Jo really a good character? She’s pretty generic, she doesn’t have a ton of personality and she was only in one decent game that by today’s standards is just a cult classic. There was that one terrible sequel on the 360 that bombed but aside from that which nobody talks about… she’s not all that great.

Rash is from an even older series but at least Battletoads was a phenomenon that spanned across multiple platforms and had dozens of ports, sequels and crossovers that were all for the most part successful. I just get the feeling that Jo is only being suggested because of nostalgia and because her only good game was part of Rare’s legacy. We all remember how great that game was but Jo wasn’t really a good character. She could have been anyone, Perfect Dark was a good game and it wasn’t because of the person you played as.

Long story short Jo is boring. I don’t care for her one bit. I’d rather see a dozen other guests then her because there is pretty much zero hype there. Now if there was a new PD game coming out that looked fantastic and they were adding in a character from that game I’d be more receptive but as it is, Jo is from a dead franchise and brings very little to the table for me, personally.


Yet boring is the top choice: Shorchid was top voted for in the polls but Joanna is boring?

I really don’t get how contradictive people can be here. Not saying you are @xCrimsonLegendx, I don’t know who you voted for in the poll, I just find it weird how so many people want an Orchid clone yet think that Jo is too much like Orchid.

I say put the two together and make Shorchid out of Jo, I feel it’s the only way to lessen the damage or disappointment to both parties.

I think the last two characters are Scorpion and Pikachu. Yes, it’s all coming together now.


Oh goodie… Two of the biggest fighting cliche on ki? Honest and true? I can’t wait. Pukypoo, uhh pubicdoo, uhh pinchipuke, what ever your name is “get over here”

First of all no, just no
Second of all Microsoft don’t own either ip
And third of all, no, no, nooooooooo

Alot of the people that are against JD are also against shadow Orchid. All 3 of the current guests had their own franchise game released when they came out. Rash was released for a week between S2 and S3 when Rare Replay was released. Arbiter was part of the Halo 5 hype, and Raam was released with Gears 4 hype in mind.

I still think that the only reason JD got so many votes was due to people hating the idea of Eyedol. The other reason being that JD, Eagle, and Eyedol were the only names people knew.

What was there to hate about Eyedol? I mean apart from when he actually released day one with that jumping HP BS. :laughing:

Don’t forget that most of these options in the poll were from popular suggestions made here on the forums.

Fair enough, I had thought they wanted Shorchid but hated the idea of JD being in the game.

I hate the idea of Shadow Orchid, honestly Jo should be a costume for Orchid and we can put all this behind us.

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Can they put TJ in a shark outfit so we can all put that idea behind us too?


In all seriousness the TJ shark thing pissed me off, if we’re going to get a “landshark” at least make him an original character. A sharkbeast with an original moveset is much more appealing that an aging N64 icon. But I’m biased, I think KI needs more monsters, humans aren’t that interesting. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s cool man! I know we disagree on this and that’s fine. I got an lol out of the picture though, so thanks for that. :slight_smile:

I’d be open to the idea of a shark beast if I saw a single picture that made it look cool, or at least cooler than a more general sea creature, but now we’re just talking semantics.

Bottom line, if MS / IG can do it well and make it look badass, then I don’t care if it’s a shadow version of Orchid, a shark beast, a sea creature or anything else under the sun. I just want it to look cool and play well.

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That’s what it comes down to at the end of the day really, we all know IG and MS can take any turd of an idea and polish it to diamond standard.

I really don’t like RAAM in the slightest and I know he was basically added because MS was pushing Gears of War for the release of their new game but they did a great job with him and even if I don’t like it, he’s a decent character. I know when they inevitably add Jo and Shadow Orchid they’ll do an excellent job of making them interesting and fun to play regardless of how tasteless and unappealing that low hanging fruit might be to me.

I just like to see variation in KI, its one of the only fighters out there that truly prides itself on a diverse cast, to the point that some of them like ARIA practically feel like they belong to an entirely different game. The themes are all different too, each character is unique somehow and even clones like Shadow Jago are different enough that they’re not just a duplicate like Ken and Ryu were for so many years. I really hate the idea of rehashing themes with the cast, we have one Shoto and his shadow clone. We don’t need to recycle that and have another shadow character. I’m not opposed to an Orchid remix but don’t use the same “shadow” theme as another character, make her a furry tiger woman or something. Make each and every one of them uniquely themed, please for the love of the Tiger spirit.

I’m kind of on the fence about Kilgore, while I love how he plays he’s basically the same exact theme as Fulgore and that bugs me. The same goes for Eagle, Thunder’s default theme is a proud native American warrior on a quest of vengeance, his outfit was an amazing authentic recreation of his tribe’s clothing yet we got another nearly identical (themed) costume for him that’s even more genuine. So if we get Eagle, can we please not have him be another traditional native warrior? Give him a different look and appeal, rehashing tropes goes against everything that KI means to me.

Jo, she’ll be okay but honestly I just don’t see the appeal at all. Guests are supposed to bring in fans of other games and get them playing right? Rash did that, Battletoads was huge, Arbiter and RAAM brought in fans of their respective games… Joanna? While there are a lot of PD fans out there, are there really enough of us to warrant her as a guest? I mean Mira got a Jack of Blades costume from Fable, Jack of blades would have been an EXCELLENT character for KI, not only in theme but his potential gameplay style but instead he was made a costume after many of us lobbied for a Fable guest. Fable is a bigger IP than PD ever was but for some reason people won’t even consider the idea of giving Orchid a Jo costume like Mira got one from Jack.

I don’t know, long story short we can do better and I want to see the game filled with variety instead of remixing the rehashes and revisiting themes that have been done before. New content and ideas are always better than carbon copies.


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I’m sure that was part of it, but I’m also assuming that having a well known character from their other big series was a thought they likely had. Still, I think we’re in a similar boat on our excitement level and the job they did with him. Not a character I use much, but he still looks great and he’s very well designed too.

I don’t know if I’d say inevitable. They’re very real possibilities, but that doesn’t mean they’re automatically on the way. Hardly anyone even considered Kilgore, yet here he is.

I’ll leave this alone since you put “to me” on the end. I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Very true. Thing is, you’re assuming a Shadow Orchid would look just like Shadow Jago. Who knows if that’s the way of it. In edition to playing completely unique, she could also look completely unique. I get that the idea of a shadow version wouldn’t be unique, which is why I’m hoping she actually winds up being Kara or some new Ultratech assassin that could be a foil for Orchid.

But even if she’s not, unique look and gameplay trump character name for me. It doesn’t seem to for you and that’s fine. Different strokes for different folks.

Yeah, as I said above, this would be my hope and preference as well. Really hoping that if Shadow Orchid becomes a thing, that it’s more Kilgore and less Shadow Jago. Still loving the name Nightshade. I think she could be a great foe for Orchid and personally, I think Orchid could use a rival.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t as hyped for Kilgore when he was first revealed. My initial reaction was kinda “huh? Really? Okay.” But I do feel like he has a unique identity, perhaps moreso than Fulgore himself, and I enjoy his move set, even if I’m DPing accidentally all the time and getting in on an opponent seems next to impossible at times lol.

Still, he’s fun, unqiue, and while he’s “another robot,” I don’t mind a remix character so long as they’re done well. Do I need a ton of them? Do I need lots of overlap in character tropes? No. My tolerance for the idea might be a tad higher than yours, but it has its limits too. I’m still firmly in the “more original, the better” camp.

Agree 10,000%. I really want Eagle in this game, but not as a remix of Thunder and definitely not as another Native American trope. Yes, you can absolutely do multiple types of Native Americans without overlapping in look and style, etc. But with Eagle’s story and that brief picture we saw of him, I just think there are more different and unique possibilities for him.

Sure, give him some very cool, unique, authentic Nez Perce looks for his classic attire. I think that’d be perfect. But his new stuff? Dude just screams Weapon X, Ultratech weapon, brainwashed, etc. Not “Thunder part 2.” To MS / IG’s credit, I’m assuming they see that potential as well. Hopefully we’ll find out soon!

Well, you could absolutely say that about Rash as well if we’re going on popularity. But I do think that she has appeal, not just as a franchise, but as a character herself. I think she’s recognizable. Certainly moreso than many other MS properties that would actually fit in to the KI universe.

I love Lost Odyssey, but people are recognizeing Joanna Dark before they’re recognizing Kaim Argonar. Who fits KI better, Joanna or Alan Wake? The main guy from Crimson Skies? Kameo? The player controlled character in Fable? Who’s a much better pick from MS stable of IPs?

While Fable is a bigger IP, Joanna Dark is still a bigger character than Jack of Blades and I don’t think it’s really all that close. FWIW, I would’ve liked to have seen him too, but I’ll take the costume. I think it fits Mira pretty well.

I also want to see new ideas over remixes, but that might not be the choice we’re given because it might not be the choice they have. If it comes down to it, I’ll gladly take Shorchid over nothing at all. I’d just like to see them put a more unique spin on it than simply making Orchid’s Shadow Jago.

But yeah, from the Kilgore stream, I believe they mentioned the next two characters being hinted at in the lore dossiers. I don’t think you have to worry about Shorchid or Joanna. At least not yet. I also remember Keits using the expression “eagle-eyed” at one point in reference to people looking for hints. I don’t know if that was an unconscious coincidence (like the 4 wins certainly could’ve been) or if he was trolling us and Eagle’s next, but that wouldn’t surprise me.

Hopefully we find out soon enough!!

Haven’t read through the whole thread so not sure if this idea has been pitched. But after watching one of Max’s videos on the idea of Soul Calibur 6 getting a KI character on the XBox version, would it be out of the realm of possibility if KI got a Soul Calibur character as an additional guest?

Nightmare, Voldo, Mitsurugi, Ivy, maybe Cervantes? Lots of characters fit the mood of KI IMO.


Just stop

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[quote=“BblackorchidD, post:443, topic:17138, full:true”]

Just stop
[/quote]Nah, I think I’ll keep going~