Kan-Ra S3 general discussion

Oh those ones…meh.

Just kinda curious where you guys think Kan Ra is after the new patch. I kinda went away from him in season 3 as new characters were coming out and I’ve really enjoyed Mira for a while, but now I’m going back and trying to work with him again.

I remember listening to Sajam and Infil talking about him on their patch video and while I don’t want to put words in their mouths, they both seemed to think that he’s in a good place, but not top tier and that it’s a good thing that a character like Kan Ra’s not top tier.

What do you think?

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I don’t think he sucks. I feel he’s a little weak only because a lot of offense got buffed in season 3 with flip out and KanRa overall got nerfed. KanRa is not rewarded much for running away or just zoning. He needs to utilize both command grab and shadow swarm to succeed over all. At least that’s been my experience.

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Could you elaborate on what you do to force your opponent into scary situations. I seem to be having trouble with people who know how to avoid to command grab.

Use the anti air command grab or just hit them with buttons.

A little bit more would help!! :joy:

Look…I’m about to tell you something, and no offense @F3Sleep but whether or not you are the best at something doesn’t prove you know what’s best for it. (Speaking to sasuke) If a person who is succeeding with one method of play styles (in this case, one chance breaks) that’s good, but the other person doesn’t have to. Sometimes you have to play the combo game in order to get optimal damage. I believe sleep knows a lot about the game but I don’t think sacrificing damage in order to get safety and setups through low breaker windows is the golden rule (not that he said that btw).

My advice for today sasuke, if you have an opinion, stick to it. You are too good at this game to not have a valuable opinion, even towards the evo champ. Don’t lower what you said by suggesting that your opinion to his doesn’t compare, because it does.


My preferred situation is throwing two swarms, one in the air and one on the ground directly in front of me. From there I do a lot of sMP, sHP or cMP into spike. I do a lot of that to make people expect and block it. If they get hit I get a free trap to bug them with.

Once I get that respected I start doing those same buttons canceled into command grab, hopefully onto a trap and recap for combo. My normal ender is launcher into setup or flip out into another command grab or swarm. sBHP and sHK are good lead intos for command grab as well.

Best position you can be is behind a shadow trap, a ground swarm and an air swarm. That’s close to impossible for some characters to penetrate. Having a life lead at this point is a sure win.
It’s another story vs characters that just ignore Ra’s stuff like Fulgore, Spinal and Cinder

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Lmfao, It’s like im reading how I play. We’re literally clones.

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A very strong position vs teleport characters is to have a swarm behind you. Especially the HK version that stays there forever. Whenever I get the chance I use j.back air swarm and dash forward to get it behind Ra.

I am about to change my opinion on shadow swarm. Putting it out in neutral slows down the match giving you time to charge up an unblockable twister.

Everyone i seem to play against jumps that when i use it. Also, cant find much of a reason to use it other than to get them on the ground. I try to throw down a sand trap and recapture off of the whirlwind and sometimes it works.

Yeah, that’s what I do. Charge whirl, dash, st.HK, Antlion recap.
It’s hard to jump the twister with a shadow swarm on the field + antlion + potential AA clutch that just got buffed.

Is the sHK supposed to hit or just using it to summon a trap? Also is the shadow swarm you’re using in the air or on the ground?

The HK is just to summon the trap. You need a new one because you just killed the previous one with your whirl. It also doesn’t matter whether it’s air or ground. I don’t use a specific timing for the shadow swarm. It’s just there to slow the match down and give the opponent something to think about.

Did anyone else catch SCR top 8 where Sleep brought out Kan-Ra against Nicky and had some really really close games. I missed his games against LCD but I know he used Arbiter against the guy before him.

3.5 brought us…nothing.

Oh wait, one of Ra’s worst matchups just got… worse?!

Pretty much. But don’t anyone dare give Kan any buffs because he might get “annoying to fight”.

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Remember in Skullgirls when their zoning character was designed to be “annoying” right in the original design notes?

Simpler times…

If I get any buffs for Kan people beware.

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