Is Eagle's promised free availability for Definitive and S3 Ultra edition live already or not yet?

@rukizzel As an update, I followed the advice of the Killer Instinct twitter account and contacted xbox support over the issue of Eagle being unavailable and unpurchasable. They then sent me to microsoft support for windows, and they told me it was the developer’s problem.

Just wondering if the @developers have any update on Eagle not working on Windows 10 for Ultra owners. Tested it today after waiting a week, still can’t even purchase Eagle.

Tried contacting Microsoft support again, they still said to ask the developer.

Its been over three months. It’s really baffling.

You fucked this one up hard, devs.

Next time don’t make false promises.

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I don’t think calling it a false promises works in this situation Most of us got everything as promised, and technically you did as well since you can’t buy him because you already own him. it’s just a few people got glitched out of luck. Sadly I don’t think this’ll get fixed since they’ve pretty much ignored addressing the issue and the last time they did that (the lost fightstick compatability on Windows 10) the issue was never addressed to this day.

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If they ignore this issue it will be a shame, as it means the game will be permanently broken for those of us affected.

Paying $40 to buy the Steam version and access the characters we own would be a sad solution to the problem.

We’re all still waiting on those terror and gold skins too… been weeks and we’re being ignored by the @developers. Tweet at them, they’ll ignore you :slight_smile:

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It’s really disheartening to see @developers don’t even give us any form of acknowledgement at all.
I understand that database manipulation isn’t exactly a common skill for game developers, I’m an IT engineer, these things take time, I get it.
But not even a single reply since Steam release? What gives?
A simple statement like, “Hey, we are aware of the issue and working on it!” would’ve put our minds at ease, don’t you think?
I didn’t even know about free stuff very recently I wanted to pay for them, but now, I don’t know…


@developers as a test I checked in with KI after the Windows 10 fall creators update last night. Eagle is still completely unusable, though interestingly this time when clicking the “purchase for 4.99” link via the in-game store, I get a pop-up informing me I already own the content. Then the same error box comes up next, I’m dumped back to the store, and Eagle is still locked.

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Yes, I know several people who are unable to get Eagle (even if they wanted to pay for it), because the game thinks they own the content but they can’t pick the character. Eagle is just completely glitched for these people and always will be until the devs fix the problem.

It’s been an issue for these people for months now, and they’ve given up on the game because of it. You guys really gotta fix this one.


Hopefully, this works for all of you guys.

Unfortunately, the problem for many is that they can access the DLC characters on an Xbox One but not on Windows 10.

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Everyone should tweet at them. It’s completely bizarre how they’re just ignoring all of this.

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Folks have asked on Twitter. Unfortunately the twitter handler advised them to contact microsoft support. I did so and was told to contact the developer.


I waited a week and logged back in today to check, and Eagle is still glitched and unusable on Windows 10.

@developers I don’t like complaining so much but the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I’d like to be able to fully play KI again. I think the player base is at least owed a public notice that the problem is being investigated.

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Weekly “Eagle is broken” update for @developers - logged in today, Eagle still glitched, however a new thing: in training mode I can select Eagle as the CPU opponent. I never noticed that before, so it may be a new behavior. Still can’t play as him, and the Windows 10 store says I already own the content.

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Training mode has always allowed you to select chars you don’t own on the CPU side so that you can practice against some of their buttons/skills.

Also, Eagle is still unavailable for me. I tried re-downloading/installing the game yesterday and still no luck :poop:

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I’m sad the devs have not even talked about the issue. Maybe they don’t check the forums anymore (or rarely enough that they don’t see this thread)?

I’ll send a tweet to them to see if it helps.


I’ve sent several tweets over the last few weeks; no response yet.

@snickerdoodle HALP! Can you bug the devs for us, get an official response - this is becoming absurd.


I just noticed the various gold pack skins up to #7 suddenly became available for free download in KI’s “Manage game” option, and are perfectly selectable in-game. I have the supreme edition, but that most likely carries over to season 3 ultra and definitive editions.

I already purchased Eagle so I’m not able to verify, but considering the gold packs are there, the characters might be accessible through there as well?