Iron Galaxy don't care about lore WTF

I would say direct the mods in their direction and aside from that treat them like any other member that is genuinely wanting discussion. That’s what I usually do. If they are a troll, they usually end up breaking rules enough that they get dealt with.

Also don’t engage them outside of the forums after they get banned, even if they are screaming your username to the heavens. I figured out that one the hard way.

…I can’t say I disagree with this. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed Shadow Lords, but after several, several runs, yeah…I pretty much stick to survival for my offline play. I would do Arcade more often, but the UI there is just a mess and the start-up completion menu just about screams “You already finished everything, why are you back?” at you, plus you can’t do it with anyone beyond Season 2.


Well, as already explained, they have people who work on the game and someone else working on the lore. Adam Isgreen is that person. I don’t know if they have more writers, but he’s the lead one, I believe.

That said… KI has lore… it’s just not presented very well in the game. I personally prefer the way it was done in Season 2, but because it isn’t consistent throughout the seasons, it clashes quite a bit. It isn’t shown well in the game, because… well… IG’s priority is simply not to focus on the lore. They want to give us good and fun gameplay, and then the lore is kinda shoved in from the side.

It’s kinda sad that the lore is mistreated like this, true.
It just hasn’t been one of the main focuses of the team.


Me too…my only beef with S2 was that they had spent quite a bit of effort building up Aria as the “boss”, and while that was true in lore for her being Ultratech’s head, in game play terms she was only the final fight for a handful of characters, and even then fighting her in story mode was no different than the average AI version of her. IMO hey should have had all roads point towards her at the end, and then give her a “boss” version…maybe just full instinct for the entire match with a normal life bar instead of 3? But what’s done is done.

I agree, although I do like the lore and background of the characters, the way it is presented in the game is confusing at best, especially for someone who hasn’t been playing since season one like myself and some others who had the time to digest what lore was there since the game’s beginning. Hell, it’d be easy for someone to play the story modes of S1, S2, and Shadow lords out of order and be confused about what happens when where and how in the story, with the result being apathy which makes me sad because there is some cool stuff there… :cry:

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And what makes this worse is for a beginner the game just about jumps you straight into Shadow Lords to start with now…cause you know…that’s where the microtransactions are…:confused:


Sorry, what fighting game are we comparing it to? MK and Injustice have a big story mode but everything else out there (for time immemorial) is hot garbage when it comes to story. Take your pick between the plodding, pointless and repetitive “stories” in ASW games or the random ridiculous from SF or then… whatever the hell is going in in Tekken. These are fighting games. The story bits are just there to move between fights. If you aren’t used to that by now I don’t know what to tell you.

KI has a novellas worth of character background for season 3. If you want lore rich story games look to a different genre. As an aside, Capcom tried this with Red Earth. It’s a story driven fighting game thats halfway between street fighter and something like the Capcom D&D games. It was so successful that it never got ported to any console and there’s never been a sequel.


I think I’d prefer a JRPG style story mode with villages, dungeons, stores, inns…etc.

Then when run into an enemy instead of the turn style gameplay, you of course have Shadow Lords style match with the items and chests and whatnot.

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Well there is the saying “A rising tide raises all the ships in the harbor”.

I honestly doubt anyone here is expecting an epic on the scale of Lord of the Rings in terms of story, but when the KI team does get to the point where they can add more story content to either this game or the next, it might be good to take a little bit less of a “hit the bulls-eye with a shotgun” approach when jumping from season to season.
IMO KI is fine on the amount of lore, but the organization of it is akin to a jigsaw puzzle. It’d just be nice if when/if they get a chance they figured out a way to make everything flow better.

…yeah, yeah, I know, It’d also be nice if they had no personal lives and an unlimited budget and all the time in the world and they made solid gold skins for everybody…wait they did that one already. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s kinda what Mortal Kombat Deception’s Konquest Mode did.

But I’d rather have a game fully focus on that part then, instead of it being an “extra” mode thrown into the mix, because then it’s usually rather half-assed.

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I honestly hadn’t see OPs name before and if I did, I’d forgotten about it. But yeah, I took the bait. I usually do, and I should probably stop doing that.

Fact of the matter is that sometimes there are people that flat out troll and seek to get a rise out of people and then there are people who tend to be strong on opinion, sometimes to the point of hyperbole, but weak on subtlety, nuance and respect / consideration.

I don’t think it’s about being too trusting or too naive to think “okay, this is pure trolling, but if even 1% of them enjoyed this game at some point, and I’m sitting here at my work desk on a slow Friday afternoon, waiting for the clock to release me to the weekend… What the hell, let’s see where this goes and see if there’s a person hiding in that troll.”

At worst, I’ve given someone the attention they want, but at best, a conversation comes from it, and I see a conversation happening here in this thread. Sometimes people are just mad about something and want to vent and sometimes that’s the OP and sometimes it’s someone that picks up a kernel of what many consider to be a troll post and starts in with real, legit concerns.

Sorry, this was all just my normally long-winded way of saying something I probably could’ve said in a few sentences.

TL/DR: I’m here to talk to people, and even if there’s trollish intent, ya never know where a thread might go. Sometimes people are just mad and talking helps and sometimes a thread that starts out bad can become interesting or even vice versa. But yeah, I’ll try to improve on letting me curiosity get the better of me. :grinning:


HAS TO BE DIRECTED TOWARDS ME… im not the bad guy people, im on your side, i just dont understand how to operate these forums properly… im tryin hard though… i dont like being called a troll just because i post 3 threads that interwind with each other… one of my threads led into a ‘new engine’ thought… just out of my DLC CARRYING OVER THREAD!!! thats AWESOME!!! :+1: others dont feel that way cause im blowing their phone up… REALLY???

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Don’t think much of it dude. Everyone has been on high alert because of this one particular group of trolls decided to make their own group after they all got banned and have been popping up with duplicate accounts, stuff like that. It’s been a pretty big headache.


thanks fella!! that helps ease the issue…

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Don’t worry, you’re fine. It wasn’t the name but the pattern of speech and the talking points. First response to disagreement? Swear a lot and then accuse everyone of being on damage control. The. Try to make up an argument. Then back to swearing. This guy was Vlad or Ravenzore for certain 100%.


KI Troll words:
Damage Control

KI Troll quotes:
KI is Dead. I’m not trolling, the forums are corrupted, I just want the best for KI.



Ladies and gentlemen. #PlayKI and continue to make the critics suffer, KI dies only if we stop streaming and playing.

Stop replying to trolls and flag them.

We know who they are now.


Maybe related, but I’m not convinced. Raven’s MO has been to stir up crap (or have his buddies do it) and then use it to fuel a rant video where he declares victory over the “marks” that he makes almost immediately after an incident occurs. So far there’s been nothing out of him.
And yes, I’ve been keeping track of his Youtube channel, sadly. Mostly I’m waiting to see when he’s going to give up and move on, especially since he’s been screaming my name into the void. Why he picked up on me as opposed to everyone else that has called out his BS on the forums, I don’t know.


I already exposed him. We won. He didn’t.

Whoa whoa whoa, I wasn’t referring to you at all, man! We’re all good as far as I’m concerned. You seem like an enthusiastic person who likes the game. When I think trolls, I think either constantly negative people that spew nothing but rage and vitriol and crap on every thread, or those newbies that pop in to bring negativity and attack everyone to get a rise out of people and leave (or get banned).

If you’ve acted in any way like that, I have yet to see it. Posting some similar topics in multiple threads doesn’t come close to the kind of trolling I’m talking about. If you’re still learning the ropes on these forums, no problem. We were all new one time as well. Don’t sweat it. Keep posting your opinions, questions, thoughts, whatever. Sorry if you thought I was taking a shot at you. I wasn’t. :slight_smile:

There’s someone named Raven that makes YouTube rant videos about KI and the forums? Did he used to be a part of the forums? I don’t even recall that name. You’re not talking about Raven is Raw are you?

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In regards to the OP

KI’s lore isn’t great but it isn’t terrible by FG standards in my opinion its just…kinda boring to be honest