Injustice 2

Following up on the Injustice 2 leak from CollapseControl, this is the picture taken of an Injustice 2 poster in a Gamestop. And because of this, Ed Boon tweeted this:

Looks like Gamestop screwed up.


Yeah, and GameInformer just said on twitter that they independently confirmed that the poster is real. Boonā€™s brows must be seething with rage right now.

Actually, I doubt it. His brows seem like theyā€™d be peaceful and fun-loving. The kind of brows that like to frolic in a field of wildflowers, hopping here and there like happy caterpillars (thatā€¦ hop?).


Well, as soon NRS or WB officially confirms it is real, Iā€™ll stop being skeptical about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol it probably is real. Itā€™s just that GameStop messed up.

Yay! New injustice!

I REALLY hope they have Nightwing again, or Green Arrow. :confused:

This. Heā€™s my fave DCU character. <3

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Nightwing is my male orchid


Well, other than the sticks, they donā€™t have anything in common. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not blaming them for a lot of stuff they had control over. Even completely forgetting the PC fiasco, they had a miserable launchā€¦ unless they donā€™t have to take blame for their terrible netcode, the programming that created a game breaking OS (remember when Raiden was winning all the things because of it?), and the code that created a memory leak.

But in any case, and here is the cruxā€¦ why do people insist on defending NRSā€¦ NRS is nothing more than a subsidiary of WB or in other words NRS is WB. So if your argument is that Iā€™m being unfair because I should also hate WBā€¦ then fine, you win. WB to include its capacity as NRS is a piece of ā– ā– ā– ā– . Does that make you feel better? That NRS aka WB aka NRS is at fault? So yeah, I feel entirely justified in saying that NRS is a garbage company that I will never trust again.

It may sound like Iā€™m splitting hairs here, but the truth of the matter is people are trying to give NRS a pass as if they were some separate entity from WB which of course they are not. Does it make you feel better when I tell you that I wonā€™t be buying Return to Arkham? That just seems a little irrelevant though. But my trying to make people who arenā€™t aware of the shitshow that was MKX aware of the potential shitshow that could be Injustice 2 does seem relevant.

Well, no.
If one of your colleagues does something incriminating, does that mean you are also guilty? Of course not!
If you wish to blame NRS of something, then at least make sure that it is their fault. And with the case of the whole PC issue, you are blaming the wrong guys.

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If my company had me work on a project that was unethical and I did it, does that make me guilty? Yup. Sometimes even culpable by law!

But what you are missing is that my colleague and I are different entities. NRS literally by definition is the same entity as WB. Or to phrase it in the form of an answer for one of those annoying logic problems, ā€œnot all of WB is NRS, but all of NRS is WBā€.

WB is the boss. NRS is one branch. HVS is another, an outside source hired to work on making a product NRS made capable to run on PC. They failed. WB fired HVS for failing and then did nothing.

NRS isnā€™t responsible. Blaming them means you are wrong.
Continue this discussion here and you will be reported for going off-topic.

  1. Iā€™m not blaming them for a lot of stuff they had control over. Even completely forgetting the PC fiasco, they had a miserable launchā€¦ unless they donā€™t have to take blame for their terrible netcode, the
    programming that created a game breaking OS (remember when Raiden was winning all the things because of it?), and the code that created a memory leak.

  2. So if your argument is that Iā€™m being unfair because I should also hate WBā€¦ then fine, you win. WB to include its capacity as NRS is a piece of ā– ā– ā– ā– .

You should absolutely feel free to tattle. But to pretend as if discussing the parent company of a game and any potential problems that sequels will have is not relevant especially when people are openly engaging you is wrong. When a game made by NRS comes up, its history and launch issues is 100% relevant. If DH et al announced a new multiplayer game, would it really be irrelevant for me to mention that I am hopeful because of how good KI and its netcode is? Of course not. And similarly, when NRS mentions a new fighter, their past history with fighters is 100% relevant. Or would you rather I discuss problems with Injustice 1? Would that be more relevant for you? Or do all conversations have to fall under a tiny and narrow subset that you want to talk about in order to be relevant?

Youā€™ve said your piece. Moving on.

The netcode? Yep. Absolutely. Totally NRSā€™ fault. Iā€™m with you 110% on that one. Thankfully, they fixed it, though they did it a bit too late, itā€™s still better than nothing.

But this whole NRS = WB is just not true. If you think that Iā€™m stretching to clear NRS of wrong doing, then youā€™re definitely stretching to indict them. As Incubus said, NRS is one branch of WB. Did you blame NRS for Batman: Arkham Origins not being as good as the Rocksteady Arkham games even though NRS has literally nothing to do with the Batman titles? No?

Because thatā€™s more or less where youā€™re going here. NRS is responsible for Mortal Kombat, therefore theyā€™re responsible for the shoddy PC port. Sorry. Not true. That is not factually accurate.

I have zero issue with you blaming them for the issues that NRS directly had a hand in, but when you go on about NRS and how they do business, I still think that a lot of what you were talking about initially was more WB stuff. WB can make decisions about MK independently of NRS, so no, NRS does not equal WB. WB chose the PC port dev and theyā€™re the ones that did the shoddy work.

Anything else you want to put on NRS, go for it, I guess. Iā€™m not here to stop you. I donā€™t think theyā€™ve done anyone wrong. The netcode being an issue grated on me a little, but they fixed it, long after they needed to, which tells me they cared enough to do it in the first place. If anything, they get points for that, even if they lose them for having bad netcode to begin with.

Be angry if you want. As PC owner, I think you have every right (not that you need my approval), but I donā€™t share you frustration on a lot of this stuff, at least as far as NRS specifically is concerned.

I have been one of the harshest critics of NRS after MKX. And they are a laughable company compared to IG (all hail based @TheKeits). But as a die-hard DC fan, there is only one image that truly captures my excitement for I2ā€™s announcementā€¦

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Guys, back on topic, thanks.
Injustice 2 discussion and debate, not overall NRS and WB.

Alright, this will be the last piece I say on the whole thing even if someone engages me directly.

The problem with disassociating NRS from WB is that it is impossible. I understand what you are saying, and youā€™re right. WB is the problem. The problem with disassociating NRS from them is the same issues are going to persist since NRS is by definition and the law a part of WB. They may be the more functional wing of WB (letā€™s not get into that), but they are a wing of WB nonetheless, and so Injustice 2 is a WB product and that includes all associated problems.

The reason I hold NRS and specifically Boon at fault is because 1. the BS OS that literally ruined the game for me (I have posts on TYM to attest to that), 2. That it was almost entirely unplayable by virtue of the code (an issue that hit the consoles too), and 3. That he did the online equivalent of looking me in the eyes and guaranteeing that my version of the game would be ā€œjust as good as the consolesā€ which we all know wasnā€™t true. So I donā€™t think NRS gets away scott-free, and so I am going to settle and leave on, ā€œWB to include NRS is a piece of ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€.

Okay, if thatā€™s the last thing you want to say, then this is the last Iā€™ll say. We can agree to drop it.

No itā€™s really not. You just blame the publisher for the publisher decisions and the developer for what they actually develop. NRS did not actually port MKX to the PC. You literally say there that NRS is part of WB. Yes. Correct. But when you blame the part of WB that has nothing to do with 90% of what youā€™re mad about, then youā€™re blaming the wrong part. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m getting at.

You want to blame NRS for looking you in the eye and lying, Iā€™d ask thisā€¦ What were they supposed to say at the time? If they thought that everything would be fixed, would that still mean that they were lying?

Iā€™ll certainly grant you that if they knew and didnā€™t say anything, thatā€™d be a garbage thing to do, but again, maybe they couldnā€™t say anything other than that because WB wouldnā€™t let them. Should someone lose their job just to save you $80? These are things we donā€™t know, and Iā€™d rather not lay blame at someoneā€™s doorstep until I have a more than reasonable inkling that theyā€™re the ones responsible.

If you want to blame WB for that game not being up to snuff on PC, go right ahead. If youā€™re worried that Injustice, or any other game developed by NRS, but ported to PC by another company might not measure up, Iā€™d say youā€™re probably right to worry. I just donā€™t see why NRS is a piece of ā– ā– ā– ā–  based on WBā€™s decisions, but you seem to want to direct your anger at both, so go for it, I guess.

Glad we could talk about this in a civil manner. I appreciate that.

Apologies. Back on topic I go.

So who else might NRS look to for including in Injustice 2? Iā€™m assuming / hoping that Darkseid is the main villain and that weā€™ll see a majority of the bigger names returning, but who else?

Iā€™m also not familiar with Static Shock. What makes people want him?

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Really hoping they take recent feedback into consideration. Pro players who really love the game have some worthwhile things to say and many of them have been doing so constructively.

Underneath ā€œInjustice 2ā€ are the words ā€œEvery battle defines you.ā€

Iā€™ll be very curious to know if thatā€™s just a tag line, or if they created some sort of story where what you do in a match determines where the story goes next or has some influence on the story as a whole.

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a tagline but ya never know! :slight_smile:

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