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Thanks, but I already have the Shadow Jago Figure with DLC color 10 and 11 code
However Iām still looking for color 10 codes for Jago and Sabrewulf.
You can send me a message if You are willing to sell those codes to me. [/spoiler]
exactly. purchasing the shadow jago figurine DOES NOT grant you playable character. You need to purchase Shadow Jago on Xbox store to redeem his 10th and/or 11th colour.
i sne that many times
order number, pic, ā¦ reply my email of the order and nothing for the las month every time i could and is to sad that i dont get my code @UltimateToy
I just got a new computer so I can check my email. I got the code a while ago but could finally see it when I tried to activate it the console said the code was already used, I hope I was not to late. I sent an email to the support team.
Please visit the thread below and post there, because that is the thread the developers are paying the most attention to when it comes to bug reporting.