Character Backstory - The Herald of Gargos

I know a tiny bit about Greek Mythology but I don’t recall anything called Ikkorans, the closest thing I can remember that sounds anything like that is Icarus, but that was one being and not a race of beings IIRC.

So after refreshing by brain a bit there does seem to be a slight parallel between Daedalus/Icarus and Gargos/Omen. Daedalus and Gargos are both trapped in a place, and then they attempt to escape. Icarus (Deadalus’s son) overcome with the awesomeness that flying gave him made him ignore his father’s words about not flying too close to the sun, and his wax wings melt and he falls into the sea. If you really think about it, Omen is a being created by Gargos, so in a way could be considered his son too.

Omen seems to be heading down a similar path as Icarus, he is overcome with how much he enjoyed emotions and now wants to enjoy human sensations again, so his goal is to take over Jago (permanently )so he can become a hybrid and enjoy the best of both world’s, and is also starting to think about becoming more than just Gargo’s servant…So if Omen’s story is supposed to be somewhat inspired by Icarus’s…things won’t end well for him lol


So um… Is Hisako going to possess someone? Because that should totally be a thing!

The line about shedding his ugly winged form made me chuckle. I don’t think his design is half bad, but I know a lot of complain about it.

Funny, the bigger reseamblance between Icarus and Omen is that both had wings… and then lost them XD

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Another week, another awesome backstory. You guys have killed it this whole time with these! Really appreciate it.

As far as the whole Omen / Shago / Jago existing at once thing, count me in the came that believes Jago, as Shago expelling Omen broght both Shago and Omen in to full existence separate from Jago. All three, having beers. Talking sports.

Omen: "Hey you guys see the White Sox signed Matt Latos?"
Shago: "It’ll never work out. He’s too much of a hot head."
Jago: "Dude, you are so negative."
Omen: "I feel nothing about it."
Shago: "There’s a surprise…"
Jago: folds arms and shakes head "Yew guyz…"
all lol

Anyways, I love that Omen has the potential to go rogue here, and I definitely see some of the parallels that @Blade4693 is drawing to the Daedalus / Icarus story. I’ll be curious to see what might happen if Omen “flies a bit too high” so to speak.

I could see Omen becoming a cool neutral wildcard or perhaps Sadira or ARIA make him an offer he can’t refuse in order to side with them and/or spy on his master? Either way, it puts him in a much more interesting position then “bad guy lackey” which can tend to mean “lower level bad guy punching bag” as far as the FG stories tend to go, which is something Mortal Kombat villains like Baraka, Reptile, etc tend to suffer from.

I think the whole light in the shadows thing is a reference to free will, human emotions, the ability to feed on others and not serving Gargos… That’s the light for him, I think. Not “goodness.” Seems like somewhat of a foil to Sabrewulf as opposed to a kindred spirit. The Dog wants to be free of his affliction, while Omen wants to be free to feed his.

Will this mean another shadow character? I’d have to think so, especially if it means more money added to the community fund. I’d kinda love it if they made multiple shadow characters for this purpose. Only thing is that I’d want the shadow characters to have full colors, full accessory sets, and dark versions of their regular character’s backgrounds. I’m thinking Shadow Maya, Shadow Orchid and Shadow Tusk. I’d pay $10 each for them if that money went to the tourney pots.

Oh yeah, also like the “that wasn’t supposed to happen” line as far as Shago being created. Seemed like a slight tongue in cheek reference to Shago becoming a real boy, though I could be wrong. Either way, I dug it. :slightly_smiling:

Anyways, awesome job. This not only made me like the character more, but really made me care more about what he does and what happens to him in season 3 than when he was in full on lackey mode. Of course, the downside of that is now I really want more colors and accessories for him too. Give him the full character treatment, please!

Can’t wait to see Aganos next week. Really curious to learn more about him.


What if when omen was purged, jago in a sense split in two as in his good side and his evil side.


Oh did Omen actually lose his wings? I know he lost the ability to feel and enjoy all those emotions/sensations he felt while in possession of Jago, but I didn’t see that he lost his literal wings like Icarus did.

I like the part of Omen starting to think about becoming something more. My version of his future story:
Since Omen now has a body in this realm, he starts feeling more and more powerful, so maybe he doesn’t have to serve Gargos anymore, maybe rule this world himself. So Omen pretends to join the “heroes” in order to defeat Gargos, only to reveal himself as the new ruler afterwards.
This would give him a lesser-villain-who-nobody-cared-but-was-pulling-the-strings-to-become-the-great-villain status. Like Black Zetsu from Naruto[SPOILER] who has been there forever and nobody cared about him but he was the real guy behind everything that happened[/SPOILER].
That would make him a classic in the future games just like Gargos is now.

Its more a joke about Omen not showing his wings while grounded, only airborne


If they do another Shadow Character, I would much rather see an original. Maya’s sister (I believe her name is Myra) would make a great candidate.

Great story! Nice to see that even a “Bonus Character” like Omen is getting his complete backstory! :smile:

I like the fact that Jago, Shadow Jago and Omen now can exist at the same time!
This probably means that Shago will get his own story! Imagine a Jago VS Shadow Jago in the Story Mode? :smiley:

Also: Don’t forget that Omen ask to Sadira to join her to Gargos’s side, so probably Sadira will fight with Omen because he will stop following Gargos?

Shadow Mira is a character that I’ve advocated for as well. Maybe this could be how Eagle returns too?

There are options, certainly, and if we wind up with a roster of 8-9 and at least two, perhaps three (or more) are guests, I’d say the more completely new characters, the better, even if this is how we have to get them.

On the other hand, I do like the idea of having Shadow versions of already released characters because it fits with what Omen’s done already. Plus, I’m willing to bet that it’s easier to repurpose some assets from an already created character and re-color a background than starting from scratch on all counts, though I could certainly be wrong on this.

I’m honestly somewhat conflicted. Maybe one or two completely new characters like Shadow Mira and Shadow Eagle along with Shadow Orchid? The best of both worlds? Since I was referencing this more in terms of characters created for the community fund, I’d feel kinda bad if they had to develop all new characters from scratch, but I guess if we’re paying $10 a piece or something like that, it’d be worth it for all parties involved?

Maybe MS keeps half for KI development and the other half goes to the fund? I dunno. Now I’m going way out beyond anything I have knowledge of, so I’ll just stop and say that the more characters KI has, the better. The more funds MS & IG can put toward KI, the better. The more MS & IG can put toward the tourney pots, the better. The more money they can pocket for making such an awesome game, the better.

Wait, so it is confirmed that Jago, Shago, and Omen are all considered separate characters? Shago isn’t just Jago possessed by Omen?

It’s a command grab… called Possession.

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You are correct, sir. Three separate entities.

You know what meant.


think Steven Universe

Seeing as to how we have at least 2 guest characters, which leaves about 6 returning or new characters, will Shago and Omen get story modes then in addition to the 6 other characters?

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Omen is Starscream confirmed


Omen thinking about turning against Gargos? That’s a swerve I never would’ve guessed.

And the hints for Shadow Orchid/Shadow Whoever Won The Poll are piling up!

Gargos sounds hella tough. Can’t wait to see the guy in the flesh soon!

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