Can someone please explain to me what just happened?

Just put him in danger, wait for him to pop instinct, then kill him asap.

Not sure what’s so ridiculous about that :confused:

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Doesn’t work.

I waited for him to pop it and he still revived.

Got him down during the animation. Use a grounded heavy to throw him down. He got like half a bar tho

Just like how you can deal with TJ’s last stand, wait for him pop Instinct and then KO him, same stuff, the only thing I did the first time I saw that was laugh, I pretty much saw that coming.

Yeah, like I said that doesn’t work. At least not when I was playing. I waited for him to use his instinct and then finished him off, he still got right back up and regenerated an entire health bar.

So much for that… The best strategy I use is make sure with the 1st or 2nd character leave Gargos with low health so the 2nd (or 3rd) character can ultra him or KO him ASAP and start the match like he started with 50% health (full red lifebar) and unleash everything I have to destroy Gargos.

The thing with that though is he gets one freebie lifebar per character you face him with, I had him down to danger once and then I died. After loading up my second character I used the infinite shadow moves consumable and hammered him down as soon as the match started and poof he magically got an entire bar back and wound up killing me again.

I said this in another thread, but I tend to think that a mode geared more toward the casual audience should maybe have a 4th difficulty labeled “easy mode” that’s for new players to the genre.

You wouldn’t get anything toward mimic skins, the stage unlock, or anything above low level consumables and guardians (anything that would give you better stuff would be locked and Kan Ra wouldn’t add anything beyond common recipes), but all of the missions you come across are easy except for Gargos, who might be medium, but still very beatable with a low level guardian and consumable equipped.

This could just be for people that want to play through and get all of the story bits. Maybe this also helps build up their confidence to go to normal mode and then challenging.

I totally get that the mode is structured for several playthroughs, I do and I’m looking forward to more play throughs. But for people just looking for a smooth ride, to play a few matches and have fun with it while seeing the story, I can easily see less skilled players being turned away by getting absolutely destroyed in hard, very hard, or impossible matches (as well as the Gargos fight).

I know, final bosses are supposed to be hard. I played fighting games back in the arcade days too. But again, for a mode geared more toward casuals, this mode structure should probably come with a more casual setting that allows people to play through and enjoy it without having to deal with a lot of frustration that’s kinda baked in to not having the buffs and guardians to deal with opponents as the difficulty ramps up and you haven’t grinded nearly enough.

But even casual people like to unlock things…this way you are completely locking casual players out of extra stuff…

Unlockable things should be obtainable with a modicum of skill. Astral plane should be obtainable through normal for example its a challenge but not impossible. Seeing how many people ‘rebelled’ after hearing only 3 stages, why would you want to keep a fourth from them…especially when everytime its right IN YOUR FACE with a lock on it in the stage select…what would happen if you keep mimics from those players…

…and yes, I’m still salty because I’m too casual to ever beat Gargos on Challenging difficulty, and its not like you can retry everytime, it takes a while before you even get to him without his buffs.

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Awesome stuff.

I take off all of his buffs and the mission still says its “Impossible” difficulty.

I fight my way through my main and lose, on my second I mange to hit him while he doesn’t have instinct again in an attempt to prevent him from resurrecting. Wouldn’t you know it, my attack gave him enough instinct to resurrect? Then I die.

Character 3, again I wait until he’s supposedly unable to resurrect and what do you think happens? He comes back.

I’m SO DONE with this mode. Anyone who says to just treat him like TJ and wait out instinct, it doesn’t work. This ■■■■ is broken and this is on NORMAL.

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I’m solidly against his resurrection ability, he doesnt need a third bar, he’s annoying as ****

To be completely honest this crap is making me hate Killer Instinct. At least in its current form and is killing my desire to continue supporting this disappointing mode.

I feel the same, and I really enjoyed the beta…
Also not being able to play the Astral Plane after doing so for 2 weeks exclusively, I feel like my game is missing content, it pisses me off…the last time I felt this pissed off with a game was…well, never…

The beta was the greatest thing since sliced bread, I kind of held myself back and didn’t play it the entire time because I wanted to get to enjoy it in its full glory but now its unplayable and all because a few exceptionally skilled players whined that the mode was to easy so now you need to be a savant to play the damned thing on easy mode.

Then if you complain about it you’re hounded with people telling you to get good or train in the dojo missing the point entirely that easy mode should be accessible to everyone and that some people aren’t going to reach the heights they have.

It pisses me off even more because I’m one of those guys who tries to complete the achievements for his games and I’ve been struggling to even get my first win in gold tier for ranked mode let alone hit killer. Now there’s another few achievements I’ll never get because you need to have hands made of rubber to pull of these combos and robotic eyes to see the future so you can play this game and succeed anymore.

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I’m in the same boat, low gold in ranked…

I can live with that though…

I’m just glad I got the beat Godlike Gargos achievement when I did…

Yeah I wish I had the forsight to have cheesed it when I could, now its legitimately impossible if you’re not rubbing elbows with EVO’s elite inner circle.

We should have a few matches soon Crimson, seems like it might be pretty balanced skill wise.

Bedtime now though :sunglasses:

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We’re already confirmed to be getting a difficulty patch, calm down. It’s one fight in the whole mode; maybe the most important one, but still only one. Chill.

Also, a lot of people said Gargos was too easy on the forums, way more than people who said he was too hard.

Please don’t tell me what to do, no offense but just don’t. I and every other scrub here has the right to be livid.

Yeah nobody said he was to hard because he was balanced for the majority of players, only the super elite butt kicking high-skilled players asked for a harder boss leaving the scrubs to suffer. I’m just glad I didn’t spend any of my money on this mode, even as it is with the best loot this is impossible.

Don’t let Gargos resurrect! Just hit him with a Heavy Attack while he’s rising into the air. You can knock him to about 35% life that way and stop resurrection.

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