Are we getting any new content this tuesday?

Ooooh, I get it. You delayed 3.9 patch on Tuesday to not break the “new content every Tuesday” thing.


I’ve bought everything with money i worked for ( not youtube funds, or donations ) and im still waiting patiently… it doesnt bother me about info for the future… i would rather they have a solid gameplan together before they give any details for the future… remember, haste makes waste… slow down and grill

Hopefully that design director has seen the new set standard for cgi sculpting and software execution along with the necessary addition of at least 1-2 alternate costume sculpts

I feel the stage development is fluid & graceful the characters costume design / hair / accessories just need to mirror that passion

So what’s new this Thurs… Oh, wait- today’s almost over. :neutral_face:

Good thing we’ve got issue #1 of the new KI comic book tomorrow! :+1:t2:


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Dont you mean ‘Tues…’ :wink:

That’s it- I completely blame Orchid’s “Disavowed” spy ring for hacking my post, and I would never have typed Thursday when I meant Tuesday, even if I was incredibly tired when I wrote it. :sleeping:


There we go! Those pesky rebel spies won’t get away with making ME look silly anyone- I can do that myself, thanks!



Alright- we got the Steam release last week (Great work, @developers@) , but is anything on the agenda for this week? :smile_cat:



Good question!



You got anymore of that new Killer Instinct content?



Av. Vc

What? :face_with_monocle:


Bumperino for the contentino

I didn’t type that. Not sure where it came from…

We don’t even have a word from devs, not mentioning content.

I’ve got a feeling that the current wave of radio silence is related to the 4K update, and I have this spark of hope that more content, (*Fingers crossed for Season 4!), that more content will be tied to that update.

Wishful thinking, I suppose!



I hate this thread :sweat_smile:

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel bad that this thread is basically an expectation thread for the devs?


It wasn’t when we were getting new content every Tuesday, and they were saying we were getting new content every Tuesday. But since that slowed down, yeah it has kinda become an expectation thread.


You know, I had a realization earlier today that I’d have preordered the Xbox One X instantly if I knew that there was a Season 4 or something like that coming soon to our ever-evolving game. :thinking:

I bought the original model Xbox One for KI on launch day, and between KI, the other games I already own that are getting a shiny new update, Sea of Thieves, and the other bells and whistles that come along with the upgraded console, I finally made up my mind and preordered one at the Microsoft Store earlier today.

Although I’m totally onboard the Xbox One X train NOW, I’m sure that I’d have easily joined the 4K party ages ago if something new regarding KI was announced- especially since it’s been confirmed that our game is getting a special visual update for the new console.

Now to the naysayers, not only does this thread highlight brand-new additions to the game, like limited-edition Crimson Packs, new skin packs, or other content to players who may not otherwise know that we’ve got new stuff incoming, why not remind the community that Tuesday was intended to be the weekly launch day if there was anything to release that week? It’s not any of us screeching “OMG, it’s TUESDAY- WHERE THE #*&^ IS MY NEW STUFF, @developers?!” by any means, and I sincerely hope that no one had felt that way. :neutral_face:

After all, we’ve certainly got the remaining metallic skin packs, the 4K update, and new Crimson Guardians, confirmed to be on the way, and I’m still feeling optimistic that between the comic, upcoming trading cards, and other merch that may be on the way, that there will also be more in-game content coming up too.

Staying positive, and I’m hoping to enjoy the pretty visuals, lightning-fast loading times, and brand-new Season of monsters, freaks, and weirdos on the Xbox One X soon enough! :green_heart:


PS. I can’t help but to wonder why Microsoft Game Studios is seemingly holding some interesting cards like the new Avatar creation system and the classic Xbox emulator (in the Xbox One) so close to their chest with the launch of the Xbox One X weeks away… :thinking: Maybe more KI is one of those cards?


Things like no future info regarding a season 4 and lack of other exclusives made me decide not to get an Xbox One X (at least for now). Sea of Thieves has my interest, but games on the Switch and a busy schedule kept me from trying the alpha/beta more then once and then I was overwhelmed because I didnt really know where to start (admittedly my own fault). I already got 32 games on the Switch in the last 5 months, and hardly any, if any, games on xbox. Right now its just my Blu-Ray player…

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I can absolutely see how it would read that way, but I don’t think that’s the intention, at least for me, I know it isn’t. I don’t expect anything at all. Sometimes it’s just nice to know; to throw the question out there and hope for something, while not being disappointed when there’s no response or nothing released. I don’t feel like I’m entitled to anything just because they said they’d be releasing weekly content several months ago. That was several months ago. The well had to dry up some time, of course.

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