Are we getting any new content this tuesday?

Havent really gotten any updates lately about any extra’s like skins/guardians/etc…

So who think we are getting something tuesday, and if so, what do you think it will be?

I was just going make a post. My guess is maybe the owl since everything is there except it physically.

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I’m hoping we get the next character announced, like how they put Kilgore in the game with a countdown.


Very possible, but would most likely be meh to me…got a blue tiger, but hardly used it yet, because of my golden fractured wards etc…

That would be awesome :scream:

It won’t always be “content” but we will get something each week, whether that is a character, skin pack, guardian or something smaller like a 2x experience event, a Shadow Lords sale or something to that effect. Since we recently had a character release and a new guardian I think its safe to say this week we’ll get something more lowkey.

I expect some news on the owl guardian or perhaps a new crimson guardian.

I miss character teases


I would expect another three pack of gold skins.


Maybe even an update on how well the Kilgore tourney pot is doing could be something to carry us over.

Hearing how the community has contributed to the cause is always good news.

I’m guessing a stream at the end of the month for a possible sneak peek at the 2nd character too.


Yeah. Hoping we get them monthly like we would during a season.

Hopefully, but I doubt it will come out as frequently as monthly.
Fingers crossed though.

There is only two of them. How zarking far can they stretch that out.

Even if it’s small, there should be something to munch on every Tuesday. Last week it was a gaurdian and a twitter message that read ‘ultimate info coming very soon’ or something to that effect. Don’t be surprised if it’s a double xp weekend or something small along those lines.

Maybe a MLK accessory for TJ lol

I have a dream…

Shhhhh, the devs will be thinking ‘‘Challenge accepted!’’

I only say that cause it’s not a season release, so they have no obligation to rush them out monthly.

Maybe ‘‘rush’’ isn’t the right word, but you know what I mean.

If we have to wait till next year to get both characters then I will kill a sheep

Just in case, I’ll make mint sauce. :sweat_smile:

Medium rare, well done?

I was wondering when we get the ultimates, are they coming out one by one, or in one big patch?

I can’t imagine it being anything other than a huge patch. My guess is it will probably come after the last character. I don’t see why people think that they will charge for them though. I mean, they haven’t charged for any other moveset changes in the game.