This may not be the most accurate title for my thoughts but it does relate to this character and my stance on it at the moment.
You see, since patch 3.7 I’ve been experimenting with kan ra ever since I came back from the KI World Cup and i honestly am not having fun with this character anymore. I can’t recapture off of my command grab from sand spike because reasons. I also cannot cancel crouching hk into special moves. It feels like I’m getting less and i don’t know why.
This is not a complaint towards any entity or development team, this is my personal feeling about the character. I just feel like the time I’m putting into this character is not going to add up and satisfy my want to enjoy playing KI. I HAVE TO TRY A LOT HARDER to do things that other characters can do easier. The combat design of the character is surrounded by the availability of his sand but ever since the sand geyser bug i have less situations to use the sand. I want to feel like i can beat a decent number of the cast with this character with ppl at the same skill level as me but characters such as glacius, arbiter, and kilgore have similar playstyles yet need to take less risks on wake up. Kilgore can explode ALMOST for free (ppl haven’t learned to grab him yet), not to mention he has an INVINCIBLE DP. glacius and arbiter have wake up that doesn’t inflict damage to themselves and they can instinct cancel it. I don’t think kan ra benefits in other areas like cursing the opponent our long ranged command grabs because of i don’t hot these moves in certain situations in getting a HARD PUNISH.
I’ll cut the technical complaining short, the real purpose of this thread was to show that while kan ra is a cool looking character that i like, I REALLY LIKE, i don’t feel like i can win with him, and thus i am not having FUN with the character.
Having fun with a character you play isn’t just about thinking that the character looks cool and enjoy what they do, but also being able to express yourself through how you play the character. I feel like since s3 has started i can’t do kan ras combo trait because certain normals blow out the combo and i have not received an answer for why this is the case (please watch the video provided below to see what I’m illustrating)
The most fun I’ve had playing kan ra is coming to the forums and exploring new things to do with the character, and while fubuki142 is doing good things with the character (kudos to him btw). . . .I’M NOT FUBUKI, and i don’t play like fubuki. (Tiny rant incoming: i honestly think a lot of ppl that lose to top level kan ra play have a lack of knowledge on what they are getting hit by, and if they did then they would have little to no issue with kan ra).
I don’t think I’m wrong when i say that i think this character is DEAD. Like, I’m an Omen main, which means i hardly see anyone playing my character. However i can literally count on one finger the ppl who play kan ra. Which is sad because I WANT TOO BELIEVE IN THIS CHARACTER. . .but I’m tired, tired of loosing because characters like jago, glacius, shago, fulgore, etc don’t have to deal with my scarabs because they have better mobility and projectile options. I’m tired of this character having bugs. I’m tired of this character having a large learning gap with hardly ANY reward. I’m just. . . .do tired you guys. . . . .
. . . . . . . .i don’t think i want to play this character anymore. welp, thanks for listening.