Why do some people hate RASH♥?

His theme is awesome, he isn’t a character I would go for normally, but his music is a pretty big redeeming feature, too, too epic.

This is a game where a mma fighter goes blow for blow with a 8 foot tall demon. I don’t think he feels that out of place honestly given ki is already absurd

Alot of the people are under the notion that he’s broken or overpowered. Though he’s not in anyway. Most people just don’t know when it’s their turn to press buttons against rash.

I can’t imagine that.

No seriously, I always thought KI was a pseudo-serious, pseudo-silly game. How else do we explain Pain and Panic’s inclusion?

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Personally, I don’t hate Rash. He’s actually a really cool character.
I don’t like guest characters. I prefer either canon characters or originality.

Apparently people are missing it. It is not about who/what they are or even fighting against them. That has nothing to do with whether or not the character fits. So, no it doesn’t matter that he’s a toad, and it doesn’t matter if he’s sometimes frustrating to fight.

Classic KI is a different beast, and many younger or newer players aren’t using it as a reference point. This is KI for this generation. Everything character in KI shares a similar tone, sure there are goofy accessories, but the characters themselves share a similar tone…except Rash. All the characters share a similar proportional aesthetic…except Rash. He’s the only character that breaks the fourth wall. He’s the only character with morphing physical limbs. Even Arbiter shares the same tone and aesthetic as the rest of the cast.

He sticks out like a sore thumb.

So Aganos has the same proportions as Jago? Saberwulf has the same proportions as Kim Wu? No. But they “fit” because you want them to. Rash doesn’t “fit” because you don’t want him to. He “morphs” because technically he’s a digital creation (IIRC Battletoad lore is they were kids that got sucked into a VR world and became their in-game avatars)…the same could be said for why Aria’s components can morph…essentially it is the same reason…digital creation…but she fits because she doesn’t break the fourth wall like Cinder does…oh wait but that doesn’t count because that was just his trailer, right?

Whatever the case, you keep throwing around words like tone & aesthetics, with the only standards for what establishes them is their aesthetics and tone. Bottom line is you don’t want him to fit, so he doesn’t.

Doesn’t glacius morph his hands and feet into weapons as well?

Can i ask you a serious question? Not salty at all?..

Do you really see no issue with Rash?

When 2 characters Fight, if Player 1 Has a read on Player 2, Player 1 Can usually come up with a plan to counter what player 2 will do. For example: Projectile Invincibility through fireballs, Low / High invulnerability for footsies, Back dash into Whiff punish, Anti-Air, Using the priority system to get a counter-hit.

But with Rash, almost everything HAS to be “respected”. Even if you KNOW what he will do, your only option is to block, and wait to DP or shadow counter.

Its like… It doesnt matter what character you have chosen, because your gimmicks / specialties all get beaten by Rash. Your only option is to sit and wait. That sucks.


Glacius forms ice constructs. His physical limbs do not change.

Don’t be so obtuse. It’s obvious that Aganos and Jago don’t share proportions. They are, however, sensibly proportioned. Meaning, they, as well as, every other character have balanced proportions. Rash does not; his proportions are not balanced. It causes him to stick out; he looks unbalanced in reference to the rest of the cast.

Cinder does not break the fourth wall. Aria doesn’t morph either.

You need to pause and be objective; you’re letting your emotions do your thinking for you. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether I want him there or not, or how I feel about fighting him. There are other characters I much rather weren’t there, but they fit. Kan-Ra and Sadira come to mind. Rash is a well-designed character; he just doesn’t fit, he’s an eyesore and people notice, especially newcomers.

Whatever though; you either agree or you don’t. I’m not going to have a cyclic discussion with an emotional person.

Here is the easiest way to look at Rash. He is the Jar Jar Binks of KI :slight_smile:

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I have zero problems fighting rash. In fact I spend more often than not giving tips to rash players in how to deal with me. Rash is similar to sabrewulf. Hes a powerful rushdown character and an anti zoner. So he’s suppose to get in on you and make it hard to get off. Much like riptor orchid or any other rush down characters. Unlike those characters however I can easily abuse rash once I knock him down.

Also not everything in rash has to be respected. Wrecking ball punishable and they nerfed his boot so that’s also punishable. His tongue is also punishable.

Cinder did break the fourth wall. He paused and narrated his trailer.

You don’t have to respect anything from rash. Without meter he has nothing to escape pressure, nothing he can do on wake up, nothing to avoid mix ups, and he literally can’t do anything after you block something without you letting him. The fact that you think he has to be respected is probably why he gets away with so much stuff.

Narrating his trailer isn’t breaking the fourth wall dude.

It is when his narration occurs during a freeze frame and he’s clearly talking directly to us.

You need to go back and watch then. He’s never clearly directly talking to us. You’re confusing a soliloquy with breaking the fourth wall man. He never directly addresses the audience, we’re just able to hear his thoughts.

[quote=“Zcythe, post:52, topic:11249, full:true”]
Don’t be so obtuse. It’s obvious that Aganos and Jago don’t share proportions. They are, however, sensibly proportioned.[/quote]

How exactly does one sensibly proportion a rock monster??


Cinder does not break the fourth wall. Aria doesn’t morph either. [/quote]

Yes he does, and the fact that you are particularly giving his trailer a pass but burning Rash’s end game quote at the stake shows that you are cherry-picking details for the sake of confirmation bias.
Also…if Aria doesn’t morph, where does her blade arm go when she’s in uni-beam mode? How exactly does her body materialize when a new drone selected? No, if she didn’t morph, you would be fighting 3 fluttering drones, not a girl-bot.

[quote]You need to pause and be objective; you’re letting your emotions do your thinking for you. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether I want him there or not, or how I feel about fighting him. There are other characters I much rather weren’t there, but they fit. Kan-Ra and Sadira come to mind. Rash is a well-designed character; he just doesn’t fit, he’s an eyesore and people notice, especially newcomers.

Whatever though; you either agree or you don’t. I’m not going to have a cyclic discussion with an emotional person.
[/quote] Ah…name calling…the internet’s bread & butter. Also classic tactic…can’t really debate with someone toe-to-toe so instead label him something he’s not so you can pass your own opinion off as the only rational choice.

Nobody I know would ever describe me as emotional. But whatever…this thread’s not about me.

Rash fits just fine. He has various elements that are shared by the rest of the cast, but you want to overlook those because you don’t want him to fit. They don’t support your confirmation bias.

Whatever though; you either agree or you don’t, right?

Personally I hope he stays for the long haul like Saberwulf. IMHO he’s a welcome addition to the KI cast, covers the whole comic-style movie monster/ ninja turtle type trope, and his wackyness helps to keep KI from becoming…what’s the term I’m looking for?..full of its own importance?..too big for its britches??..not fun? I guess those work.