Any new mechanics?
Any current mechanics you’d remove?
I like KI 1 and 2 original ideas of how the combos are done. New one came up with this. Maybe taking a deeper look on how to approach that in another KI and add another new idea to the system.
COMBO Making and BREAKING: I like the idea of counterbreaking to avoid how easy is to break in this game but…There’s something wrong about it. First it’s inconsistent, online and offline. It has meaning when the players are really playing the same game. However, most aren’t. I do like the idea of having combo breaking but it could have adjustments.
Mechanics: It’s hard to know when you can take your turn back if you don’t look at frame data. It wouldn’t be bad ppl would be encouraged to not just throw stuff with ease and to just get away with it.
Shadow counters are a cool idea, nothing against them.
Flip outs. Not fan of them considering the game offense is huge alone. Grapplers should not have them as easy.
Crush counters (staggers). I kind of like them. But why a character like Tusk has more than the other characters? standarize this.
Individual character meters… More, less, none?
They could explore new ways for the meters (even having the possibility to add different properties you can choose, like two modes and you select the one you feel more comfortable depending the MU).
For instance, a meter or mechanic that would give Wulf a zone ability or a rushdown one that would help him to x mixup.
But it shouldn’t be that different from the rest. In this game some characters are normal and other are way too different and even have extra bars for their mechanics. It’s strange
Any ways you’d change the combo system?
Is there anything you’d like to see them bring back from the old games?
More chains and autodoubles with the possibility to add an extra manual hit before the linker. Similar to KI2.
But this also has to do to the way to break combos. Some baits moves maybe? (a la KI2 style?)
How close to the current game would you like the next one to feel?
I like the base this new game gave regarding footsies (in some cases). But the feeling I’m playing characters that “belong” to different games annoys me. The game shouldn’t feel like each match belongs to another game.
How complex should the characters’ movesets be?
If I would take the game now I might find it to be a mess in many aspects to newcomers. navigating the move list doesn’t feel that intuitive. There might be more complex characters but not by a huge difference. The simplier the better, for a 6 button fighting game of course.
Some characters are like a swiss knife. But I can’t tell at which point that is bad. It can be cool but it could be wrong too. There needs to be a coherence in the overall game and the way to play it.
Would you change how Instinct works in any way, or shadow moves?
Less instinct gain for the characters that have huge advantage with it? Just something I’m thinking about if they are going to do it the same way. Or rework that comeback mechanic in another way. It’s something you can experiment and play with. Old games didn’t have them and they were fine with it. It’s something to explore to come up with nice ideas because all fighters today have them and I don’t see that changing.
I kind of like how shadow works. They are easy to do and not that hard to deal with. They also have different properties. But please change the effect…
I get shadows are breakable while the old ones were not. They could not be breakable again if the combo system changes so it’s not that dependable of shadows.
Which would you want them to bring back?
Who would you specifically want to leave behind?
As a big fan of the old games
- pure grapplers, zoners and jugglers. Not KI based (KI never had that). BUT…This also has to do with the stage design. Zoners do great because Stages are wide. Grapplers would do even better if the stages were shorter. The stage affects how this game is played. Finding a middle ground could work. If the stages would be as huge as the old ones this game would have been a pain to play (that didn’t bother me in the old ones much though)
How would you change / update character’s movesets?
Whatever they think it makes sense. But try not to make it a swiss knife (again)
Any new character types you’d like to see?
I think this game explored most of them and created cool things. But I’m just not a fan of every playstyle I got to see here, it changes every match way too much!
Any new guests you’d like to see?
MK guests for sure. Not “comical” or guests that just won’t fit the style (I know ppl who felt Rash was so ridiculous they stopped playing because KI was no more to them. I don’t share their opinion on leaving KI, but I get that Rash feels off in his animations for the game, but he does feel great for his own game).
Any new or returning finishers you’d like to see?
Just make good looking short cutscenes when you think it fits or add some dramatical effect in the end. There, where gameplay isn’t affected.
Who should be the final boss?
I’ll leave it to them. But I like monsters
How would you like to see the next game tell the story?
Story mode, with cutsecenes that gives us a hint or explore on characters personalities and motives. But I’m ok with normal arcade mode and the ending.
What kind of modes would you like to see?
How would you change or evolve existing modes that you’d want to bring in to the next game?
- Arcade and storymode, 2 vs 2 mode, challenges (whatever you think it could be fun). Tournament mode (AI too) Maybe with an improved shadow system with the tiers could be cool.
Shadow survival was a really cool mode. Would like it to see it improved, finding a better way to train the shadow and of course, not crashing.
What new modes from other games or simply new ideas in general should they try to bring in?
SFV trials for each character.
Would you like to see a seasonal schedule again or a full retail release?
Whatever makes the game better, as long as it doesn’t hurt it.
Would you change the grind for leveling at all?
What lessons from this game would you like to see applied to the next game?
An easy Dojo, and advanced dojo. And trials for characters that cover the basics they can add.
Are there any aspects of this game that should be left behind or brought forward you’d like to talk about?
What would make you most exited for a sequel?
Do you want to see IG develop the next game?
How would you like the UI to look? Colors, background activity, fonts, etc?
Something closer to the roots. Darker. Watch out for aestethics, don’t make it hyper flashy. Particles are nice but this one has too many effects to even see what’s happening. New GUI design. Easy to follow and get into the modes/action
What should be customizable?
Some colors. Maybe GUI colors too
What’s a good number of characters in total for the roster, including DLC?
What’s a good number of stages and should they tie those to characters like they have in the past?
Any new stage themes you’d like to see?
I think the roster is ok. Would like more stages.
What kind of DLC should they try to have and how much of it do you think is reasonable?
A better designed retro stuff
What really worked for you in this game and what didn’t?
Did work:
KI is back!!
Didn’t work:
Ppl. The game allows a lot of stuff that doesn’t make them really improve as players because they get away for free: Really easy confirms (not talking about CA, doesn’t bother me) , a lucky guessbreak, a character’s powerful instinct, a missed input because of negative edge can make you miss a match in milisecons.
The combo breaking/counterbreaking system favor some characters a lot over others.
Reset game: you drop the combo, it’s really easy to get a “non wanted” reset and even get away with it.
Isn’t KI a combo game? It should focus on that, not in resets. Make combos harder to perform and punish bad resets. Strong vortex game allowing huge damage isn’t that fun.
Overall, this is the only figthing game I cared about these last years (congratulations). I do think SF, INJ2 and DBZ look amazing in their own style, but I haven’t find myself enjoying them more than few casual matches.