What was your first fighting game you ever played?

If there’s one game that I’d love to see MS purchase the rights for and hand off to IG so that they could make a 3D masterpiece to go with their 2D masterpiece in KI, it would be Mace: The Dark Age. That game had a great aesthetic, cool character designs, an engaging story and fun gameplay for it’s time. Yeah, it’s exceedingly outdated by today’s standards, but there’s a lot of potential there, no question.
@TempusChaoti just curious if you have an opinion on this game or whether you’d want to see MS acquire the rights for a reboot. I personally think it’d be amazing, but that’s just me.

Also curious what your first FG was, same goes with the other @developers.

As for my first fighting game… I don’t know if I played any on the NES way back when or in the arcade, so I think mine would have to be Street Fighter 2 in the arcade. Well, in the pizza place not far from my house. Any time we’d order carry out from Salerno’s, my mom would give me a few quarters and I’d button mash Blanka’s electricity or E. Honda’s hundred hand slap like they stole something. :slight_smile:


Mace is nice.


Nothing tops the execution of commands on Yi er kung fu!!

I think it was Polygon i’m not sure.

And did you know that OneyOG is composing the Music for the new clayfighter game and PhyscicPebbles has done the Concept art for the game.

I need link…

Look in the Description in the video.


Cool! I can’t wait to see new ClayFighter game! Bad Mr. Frosty is my favorite character!

This game was cancelled though… We won’t see it again :cry:

When did this game get cancelled???

That was the DS Game that Cancelled back in 2011

This just activitated a part of my brain that was dormant…
Had to watch on youtube, but I had this game, seems like forever ago…

Here is Mine as far as I can remember

And last but certainly not least

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Here are my first 3 fighting games I ever played:

Who will rule the new Urth?


You and me have alot in common my friend :slight_smile: (well except the two MK games but still.


I really loved Primal Rage. Someone needs to get on that reboot!


Nope. Are we talking about the remake version on the PC? It’s not happening. A year and a month later from its announcement and the game and the community forum literally have no life.

Their last bit of news was on October 20th, 2015.

InterplayChris, a community forum member doesn’t even know about the development and has apparently lost touch with the team.

Also here is a post of an anoynomus source claiming to be an ex-interplay employee

ex-interplay staff here, clayfighter was a disaster of a game because herve caen who runs interplay managed to ■■■■ the entire project and team over.

No one was paid a cent for a year of work, we were promised original art assets to have on day one and rather than getting what we needed we were given a little bit of a source code for an n64 game and nothing else (which also was infected with a worm from 1998).

A year later we still don’t have anything we were promised on contract and herve made sure to announce the game the instant we signed off on the contract rather than waiting for the trailer we said we wanted to make (which was uploaded to a channel we had to dig for to even locate and has 8 subscribers and he refused to even help promote - then proceeded to get angry that it didn’t have 8 million views on it)

interplay is not what it was years back after herve took over and it’s basically a mad man sitting on a throne of old properties who intends to leech royalties and revenue off of them without reading into any legalities and cannot even afford to pay or hire staff.

we knew interplay was bad getting into the game but we didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was since herve went from letting us have control over the game to wanting it rushed despite not even paying a cent for the game and would ignore all concerns we had just demanding a new build of the game every few weeks, leading us to believe he wanted to just sell an unfinished version if we quit which is why he wanted builds rather than giving us what we needed already.

the company deserves to crash and burn at this point and stock is worth less than a cent. i think two people are still on the team for clayfighter, the rest of us quit during autumn last year.

As much as I don’t like to believe rumors, it seems pretty conclusive considering the timing and inactivity on Interplay’s end. Believe me, I followed them closely… it pains me to see the team cling on for dear life, and even then they still don’t mention any of their promised games. Just look at Herve Caen, the CEO of Interplay Entertainment.


Awww man! :frowning:

My bro @JEFFRON27 and I even did a fan-animation pitting Sauron and Armadon against each other. Right here


Well i will be honest i never liked clayfighter but is some people out who like the series.