Ultra David Tweeting about KI


Looking at these tweets, I don’t see anything wrong with his opinions on KI.


Isn’t that generally going to be the way for any fighting game, though? Even for someone who plays a ton of different fighters and is really well-versed in the various FG archetypes and styles, I doubt it’s likely that you would find anybody who loves everything about every character in a particular game.

Don’t we all have characters we like and dislike, both on the visual and moveset ends of the discussion? I know I personally have some characters whose moveset I like but I’m not thrilled about their looks and others whose visual concepts and design are great but whose movesets I despise.


I find it odd that he is still trying to get his point across he doesn’t like how strong S3 characters seem to be but he was beat at Evo by S1-S2 characters.

Why do we care about someone else’s opinion(s) here? Please explain.


Can’t see the point…

Just because you don’t loose to something doesn’t mean you don’t like it. Besides these aren’t Pauls thoughts for the most part just his way of justifying his disdain for certain charecter playstyle and disdain in ki that isn’t exclusive to S3

Yeah, not great publicity.

I’m not wholly sure of what you’re getting at, though. In another thread you mention his tweets and the flak that Gargos is giving the game, as if it’s the game/devs/characters fault…

While I agree that UltraDavid’s tweets are not good for the games public image, I don’t think their existence is evidence of anything other than David having an opinion, and KI having some pretty extreme characters and traits (especially when compared to games without resource-free combo breaking mechanics). Certainly, some of his opinions are on-point, and may be addressed in Friday’s patch (specifically the one about Arby)… others kinda look like ■■■■-talk (namely Omen, and just use of the word “hate” - we all know the saying about strong words). Also, he expresses an enjoyment of simplicity/clarity (in Tusk and Mira), which lends implied disdain towards ambiguity/complexity (in Raam and Gargos)… He is a SF guy, afterall, so that can be taken with a grain of salt, if you will (no offense or shade on SF, it’s just very much a drier, simpler, more traditional RPS type of fighter).

I don’t quite know what I’m getting at… I’m guess I’m just making analytical observations and reading too much into a pile of tweets because I have nothing better to do right now.

But seriously, what is that YOU are getting at here?

((Not trying to be rude or argumentative, just askin’ for clarity)). :grin:

EDIT: Does Arby actually have a true auto-meaty grenade setup, or is David being hyperbolic and misguided in that part. Yeah, the gun damage, but auto-meaty?? If that’s not a thing, that’s kinda shady to be accusing designs of being cheap in ways that they actually aren’t. Misinformation is unnecessarily inflammatory.

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Believe me, everyone knows he doesn’t like S3 characters but losing to them would have been a better argument than “Hey look at this guy on Twitter, he says the same thing!” I am getting really tired of hearing/seeing posts like this. He is just sounding like a broken record.


I actually disagree that losing to them would make a better argument. Losing and complaining imply that you didn’t do what u should have as a smart player and train, adapt and find a way to overcome.

Paul theoretically did that, I’m sure there were many Charecters whose playstyle he believes isn’t healthy for the game in pools and etc. but he beat them all. That doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t like it and I can at least respect him for not crying after losing without looking for a way fight and win against These charecters.

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I’m with @GalacticGeek on this one. I get that Paul b doesn’t like certain characters and so does ultra David but I don’t understand the relevance.
I’m not fond of Raam but I accept he’s in the game and move on, I’m not gonna campaign to have him changed. I love gargos.

Plenty of other fighting games out there and ki has plenty of other characters. If the game isn’t fun anymore just move on.

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Ultra David’s opinions are important because he’s been around for a long time, has studied multiple games in-depth (for commentating and personal interest) and generally has reasonable things to say about games and their mechanics. He’s seen the decisions developers make and the consequences those decisions have across various games.

If someone with this type of experience and insight is criticizing game design decisions, I think it’s worth listening to him. Should you agree? That’s up to you, but take what he’s saying into account. Think about it.

It’s also really bad for our community and our game to have someone with this type of experience and insight making criticisms like this. Criticisms that most of the competitive community are also making about the game.


But the fgc isn’t the be all and end all of this game tbh.
I’ve been playing games for 30 years but no one is gonna hold my opinion over anyone else’s and I don’t expect them too.
If he or you don’t like the game you shouldn’t ruin for ones that actually like playing those characters.
Years ago before patches if the game came out, it wasn’t for changing.

If i don’t enjoy a game I simply move on, I’m not gonna ruin someone else’s enjoyment of it.
I loved usf4 but can’t really stand sfv and it involves some of the characters but I understand there’s thousands of players out there who love what I hate.


Most? No, not most. More like some. You can’t possibly speak for the majority of the competitive community.

With that said, I do understand the idea of how an expert opinion can carry more weight. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be wrong in some way - it’s still shaped from what they know, and what they may know can still be wrong or limited or even manipulated.

A good example would be an expert witness on the stand at trial who is unkowingly presenting false (or tampered) evidence against the accused, who is, in fact, innocent. The jury may be likely to believe and/or agree with him/her, but that doesn’t always mean that what they’re presenting is correct - naturally, the ramifications for such a thing are rather dire. The same applies here, I think.


So he doesn’t like Raam’s instinct, Omen’s transparency, Gargos’ options and Arbiter in general. But he seems to like Tusk and Mira.

I don’t know, I don’t see his criticism as a scathing indictment of this game. He likes some character designs, he questions a few design decisions in some and others aren’t really his thing. Personally, I love Gargos and Mira from this season. Absolutely love them. I’d probably change a few things about Tusk and Kim Wu, but I like them, however I’m really not that in to Arbiter or Raam and they’d probably have to alter them a fairly decent amount to change me on them.

Doesn’t mean that these latter two are trash or that IG can’t design characters, of course. They’ve made plenty of character designs that I really enjoy. Arbiter and Raam just don’t appeal to me personally (from a gameplay perspective), but I know that others love the way they play.

I can see some season 3 characters getting some adjustments, especially prior to season 4 (assuming that’ll happen at some point) and I’m sure they’ll take feedback from fans of all skill levels in to account.

If the characters you love appeal to you that much, then I don’t see why that should deter anyone where it comes to characters they don’t.


I adore Kim, tusk and mira.
It’s true even if there isn’t a s4 it’s not to say the cast could get another tweaking in the months to come. They said they were trying to let the game breath and the dust settle before deciding if things need changed big and small

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Polarizing is how it’s going to be when a game has such great variety within its roster. No way around it. Ultradavid would be posting similar opinions if he got into Guilty Gear, for example, undoubtedly, I’d say.

I also see nothing negative about this type of publicity within the FGC. He presents some good opinions, and some bad ones, and all it can do is raise awareness of the game, and make whoever may have interest in giving the game a chance, go for it. Those that are thrown off by the negative comments wouldn’t have given the game a chance to begin with, IMO.

Also, his opinions are most certainly not only valid but more than worth taking into consideration.


Good point. From now on, we will alll ignore your opinions. *Sarcasm

Why are you arguing that @llPaulBll cant speak for the competitive community, when you yourself are a SIGNIFICANTLY smaller voice than he is? You have no right to put in as much input as you have if you feel that even @llPaulBll s points are not valid.

He explained perfectly. This is a time when you need to put things in perspective, and just listen.

I say that as a friend.

Wow that’s a tad overkill. His opinion is as valid as Paul’s or ultra Davids. Just because his opinion is different doesn’t make it any less important.


I’m not saying that he can’t but that he shouldn’t - 1 person cannot speak for a group unless said group has officially appointed him to do so, which in this case, they have not done here. Nor did I say his views are invalid - I’m merely saying that, despite his expertise, he can still be wrong and that the things he states should be taken with a grain of salt. People should be able to assess things logically and and create their own opinions, not simply agree with everything a supposed expert says because they assume he’s always right.

I have every right to share my input as much as he does, as a member of this community. It may not carry as much weight, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make here.