Ultimates Monster Pack

It depends. I think by now they’ve learned to ignore the haters and go off of the metrics to tell if they’re doing a good job.

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You’re welcome…
(I’m so sorry)


Personally, I’ve liked all of the ultimates so far. (Yes, including TJ & Mira)

I’m not really picky. Just as long as I can do some flashy stuff, and it works lol


I wont say the creativity on Mira’s ultimate is garbage or terrible. However I will say whats the point of doing her Ultimate when her level 4 Bite Ender is the flashier uncensored version?:disappointed:


I had forgotten this thread existed and just now read through all of it so I could catch up with everyone else and discuss ultimates in the right place.

Seems the bad part of the thread has passed for now so I won’t bring it up again. But I seriously needed that dose of stupidity in my day, thanks.

Yeah, but that’s the funny thing about censoring…it can make not so bad (bad meaning graphic,vulgar) things appear worse, much worse than they actually are.
Case in point:

My guess is considering KI not only has the T rating but wasn’t really set up for Ultimates, perhaps they thought not showing the final death blows would make their average animations have more umph behind them, relatively speaking. That and the ambiguous nature helps them avoid the wtf-ery MK has of having a character be dismembered or disembowled one match and back to perfect health the next.


I’m just going to say this. I enjoyed Mira’s ultimate a bit more than Sabrewulfs. I see what they were going for with both characters. Mira’s was just a bit more exciting. Sabrewulf’s started well. A few “slow” slashes. Instinct howl and then some pounces into a cool effect. The pounces felt weird to me. I would’ve prefered if he did a few more faster and faster slashes and then cut into the effect. Both are really good though!



I would Definitely say that saberwulf ultimate save the mira Ultimate mistake

** and help us to forget about that girl who like to suck on everything, even her ultimate sucks!!! ahhahahahah :joy::joy::joy:

I always been in love with this dog but im not sure to handle all theses setups between all different characters I play, ( sadira aria glacius and maya, soon omen
I use hisako only for 2 specific characters in the cast lol I abuse this parry on these 2 yolo characters :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

and the wulf is special to play also , so I only enjoy the other playing him " like flash666 on stream" and im happy :grinning:

I think the complaints seem a lot worse because they’re very, very slowly releasing them one at a time so we all fixate and pick apart each one as they come out. Instead of getting all of them and allowing us to focus on them as a whole as a feature, allowing the better ones to eclipse the poorer ones.

As it is now we see a good one and praise it then see a bad one and shame it individually.


This is 100% spot on.


What stupidity? All I noticed were posts of some people liking Mira’s Ultimate, and others disliking it. This thread looks like every other thead here.


My favorite theory on this is in the Zero Punctuation review if MKX that thanks to the resurrection sub-plots with Jax, Scorpion, Liu Lang etc that death has no consequences in the MK universe and the characters have realized this. That would explain why Johnny Cage would rip open his own daughter like it’s nothing. He probably does that instead of grounding her. :joy:
“Cassie, you’re grounded. I’m taking your legs until you learn to behave.”
“Ugh, whatever dad”


Speaking of MK, have you guys noticed how grounded and fairly reasonable on violence story mode is compared to standard post-match fatalities?

I always see MK’s fatalities as just a gameplay thing that is actually non canon.

In story good guys dont kill anyone, and only bad guys do some brutal stuff sporadically.


I for one enjoyed the let people enjoy things lmao


True, but it still doesn’t keep people from noticing this stuff:


How is this any different that most movies and tv shows? In the X-Movies there are so many scenes that show Wolverine using his claws to stab, and not one drop of blood is on the claws. The superman movies are horrible, he wears a pair of glasses and no one can figure out that he is superman. Action and Horror movies are really bad when it comes to killing someone and then comming back.

I don’t get why a character in a video game comming back after a fatality is such a big deal. It is about ending a match with style and nothing more.

I think you’re missing the tongue-in-cheek nature of my posts. :wink:

Yes. I missed the tone. I have a hard time seeing tone in text. I am great at picking up body language, and tone of voice. For some reason I can’t do it in text or email.


Don’t worry, it’s actually a very common issue. It’s easy for written text to come off as insincere or disinterested when it was intended to be nice, or vice versa. I think that’s part of what led to the use of emojis and text shorthands like LOL or WTF; they allow people to more easily convey tone when they can’t use their voice or body to get it across.

Back on topic. I like Wulf’s Ultimate a lot. I’ve been really happy with most of them. In no particular order so far I think Wulf, Fulgore, Jago, Aganos, and Riptor are my favorites thus far.

Glacius better be as good as the hype leads it to be. But in the mean time, fingers crossed that Hisako gets a good one!


People always think Im yelling at them or being a jerk throuhg my messages. lol… I can never win!

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