Ultimates are coming!

This whole “15 Ultimates” chat has this place in an uproar, firing off a crescendo of doubts and accusations of IG’s intentions for the rest of the Ultimates.

Oh I do like seeing how much we fans squirm about no news, then go through the same motions when there is news.

So here’s my 2 cents.
I’m happy with the news, happy that they’re free and can’t wait to see who else gets an ultimate.

I’m guessing that after this ultimate pack, we’ll see who the 2nd character is going to be.


I honestly think it flows well besides the camera cut after the headbutt so it’s fine.

Cant freaking wait for the first pack. Love this game.

Updated the Killer Instinct Countdown site.


My god… I can just hear my friend yelling “SHA-f’n-ZAM, mother f*cker!!” when he finally scores that win with Thunder during a set. Lol.

On a much less foul mouthed note, @rukizzel can you clarify please “quickly input after Ultra” for us yet? Will it be like the Ultra Ender where you can do it anytime during the Ultra or must it ONLY be done immediately after the ultra begins before the hitting really starts.

There is so much wrong with this statement, that i dont know where to start. Stance changing, rudeness, generalizations… But i also know that when people DO start with you, there is no ending it. So i’m not even going to bother. No more bites from me, go fish somewhere else.

Yes, As someone who loves this game, someone who was afraid of ultimates being microtransactions, and someone who DOES genuinely appreciate this gift, i WILL buy Kilgore, despite not having any previous plans to. Thank you.

(That is, WHEN i have the money. I am a broke MF struggling for a job / career / school / trade right now. When does the Kilgore fund stop? At what point does the funds no longer go to the scene, if there is a date?)


I’m tempted.


As long as Spinal gets an Ultimate…:skull:

I agree on Spinal as he is my main and absolute all time fav since the originals (he NEEDS to cackle the entire duration I wanna see a truly insane Spinal, lol) but also hoping for Cinder and Orchid, honestly if it is all 13 original playable characters from KI1&2 (not including Eyedol and Gargos) as some have suggested and then 2 of the new bloods I would be ok with that and it’s an excellent start. Obviously I would want all characters to eventually get one but 15 is certainly better than one, right? Out of the new people I think Hisako and Sadira seem to be the most popular but I could be wrong. Hisako is my fav newcomer so I would hope for her and any of the other ones at that point as long as all the OG Killer Instinct fighters get them hopefully.

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To the IG staff:

Thank you.


1 ultimate for 15 characters…2 ultimates for the rest :smiley:

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I kind of agree and disagree with some of this guys points, not sure what to completely agree on though.


Do I REALLY need to do this post again?

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Not perfect but 15 is still better than only 1. Here’s hoping your favorite is among the chosen ones as I am hoping all of mine are… problem is I have too many characters I like, lol, but I’ll hope most of my top favs are among the chosen at any rate. Thank you @developers for your awesome work so far and as always… make Spinal’s ultimate insane with full cackling all the way (here’s hoping he’s in the next batch of 5!!!).


Not including Shadow Jago and this pack will have 15 ultimates which some of the ‘confirmed’ are

  1. Jago
  2. Thunder
  3. Maya (based on the pack image)
  4. T.J Combo (based on the pack image)
  5. Tusk (Based on the pack image)

So i am pretty certain that the 15 in the pack will be all the classic characters
6. Kim-wu
7. Orchid
8. Cinder
9. Glacius
10. Spinal
11. Fulgore
12. Riptor
13. Sabrewulf
14. Gargos
15. Eyedol

This is great that the ones in the first wave are the original cast members (I am pumped to see Fulgore’s)


If I did the math right 15 would mean the entire ki1 and 2 cast and then one original new ki char getting an ultimate which is sooo bitter sweet

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The pack has 5.


Eh, you can’t please them all. I made the mistake of reading the Youtube comments for his video, and then commenting on another guy’s comments.:sweat:

…let’s just say some people don’t seem like they would be happy unless they went full-on MK Fatalities and we have KI fighters ripping their opponents entire digestive tract out of their mouth…you know…because KI1’s ultimates/no mercies were so gory & edgy at the time…like the one where Thunder knocks Saberwulf up into the air and a can of dog food falls down in its place. Yeah, there’s the epitome of gore right there. :unamused: SMH. Nostalgia glasses were pretty thick with that one.

Thunder’s is pretty good, and it’s in keeping with his original where he summons lightning, so I call it a win. IMHO it’s not as cool as Jago’s, but it’s fine.


15 for now but everyone will get one eventually.

That’s not promised