Ultimates are coming!

I can’t wait for the remaining ultimates to be realesed


I bet Glacius’s Ultimate is the coolest.

…I went there. :sunglasses:


Must… Ignore… pun…:triumph:



Arrgg puns worse then the last

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Lmao stahp

@TotalJimkata @TempusChaoti @BlitzedKraig

James, please make an Ultimate for Omen with just the 3D cinematic version of the following…
Taunt>Throw x Cancel x Shadow Rashakuken> Slide>Demonic Despair >Laugh pose.

Kind of like the scene in his original trailer!

PLEASE!!! Its all there ready to go! Just make it in developer 3D mode!


Have to say Ultimates are a whole lot better when you see them up close in game (so to speak)


The original cast is getting the ultimates Sorry S3 guest characters.

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That’s not confirmed though

15 characters Jago sabrewulf Glacius orchid kim wu Gargos spinal fulgore tusk tj combo Maya Thunder Cinder

Adam Isgreen responded to a similar post with “We never said that”. So no, its not confirmed.

That’s just speculation though. The devs ave not confirmed this

fine, but it if it IS confirmed i want a ft5 pronto.

To be honest I would like to see Rash get an Ultimate, would be funny.


If an original character were not to get an ultimate, then who would they be? My guess would be Gargos and maybe

Dunno about Gargos and Eyedol, but if I had to choose the two it would definitely be Gargos considering he’s the boss.

That’s only 13. You also left out riptor and eyedoll

Gimme some battletoads or riot.

Jk. But I have a feeling that at least one new character(Hisako, Kan-Ra, etc.) will get an ultimate. Just a hunch

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So cool most characters will be able to do ultimates and ultras. Should be there from day 1. At least it’s here somehow for free. I wish everyone get a finisher before the end of this year.

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