Tusk's face

were did you get this pic?

It’s Tusk’s official hero art, as seen on Adam’s Twitter.

Then where’s Kim Wu’s?

If I knew, I’d gladly inform you.
As it stands, I don’t, since Tusk’s is the one I know about (plus Arbiter’s, technically, since I think it’s in the thumbnail for his trailer on YouTube).
If I had to guess why Tusk is seen before Kim Wu, I’d guess personal preference, but I can’t really say for sure.


Nah, seriously speaking, not a fan of what’s been shown of Tusk’s face. Somehow it looks cheap, lower quality than the rest. I’ll keep my judgment for when he actually gets released, though.

The heating sword thing does look awesome, BTW

I don’t think he looks as old as some claim. Around the same age as new Thunder, I would guess. Note that beards tend to make men look older.
Now what I don’t like are the eyes. The look dead and flat to me and it looks as if he’s wearing eyeliner, lol. And his lower lip seems way too thick but only from certain angles.
What I do like however are his expressions. Someone here compared him to a Skyrim character but I’ve never seen a character who shows that much emotion in any Bethesda game before.
Slightly off topic, but I think his voice is really awesome, good job!

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With a face like that it would have made more sense making the character a rival or relative of Tusk. I know they change and update the characters for this game but that is not Tusk!

Much better, just need to get used to the fact that this is what Tusk will look like from now on.

MUCH BETTER. Is it a fan art ?

There is another thing that bothers me, it’s his stupid stance : not only he seems to have a stick where I’m think, but above that, WHY DOES HE TURN HIS BACK TO THE PLAYER ? It’s a silly decision. Turn him, devs, we want to see him.

I really think IG will do smt about him. After all, they did not hesitate changing Cinder personality between his first cocky appearance in the trailer to a deadpoolesque character.

Kim Wu is fine.

It’s his stance from the original game. That’s why he is like that

All you kim wu doubtes need t watch the arbiter stream!

she has been finessed and finished! She even has a new jump and new korean instinct vocal fr one of her 3 instinct callouts ( orchid has 2 recorded 'firecat! With her third 'take ‘em down!!!’)

Her win animation is badaaaaaasssss

Im gonna pass out before 3/29

I agree- if they get tusk looking like the handsome hero art, he will be awesome. But the voice somehow doesn’t fit, it’s too collegiate and without accent or bravado. His stage and attire speak otherworldly, not seattle audible voice acting community college 101.

He looks fantastic in his hero art. Current 3D model? HORRENDOUS.


Alot of the post in this Thread are Insane as Phukk lmao.

Tusk Does not Look Over 35 but to young’ins that’s Elderly smdh.

Tusk looks 97% accurate to that Hero Art so maybe the complaints are just a moment of first impression vs reality.

Tusk has always looked like a White European Male to me, his very character gave off the vibe of a Celtic-Germanic-Nordic style Warmonger type.

Tusk in this game is the Ultimate Super Hero ( I like this Term and the way Adam used it to describe Thunder) of Nordic Mythology. He looks like he’s straight from Ásgarðr and Tír na nÓg or maybe even one of the Eternal Warriors of Valhalla.

With him being European looking but having a Name like Tusk I’m gonna go the long shot and say he Predates either of culture families that we THINK he’s apart of. We may think he’s Celtic, or Viking, or Barbarian but Actually he’s 10,000+ years old and the man grew up on Mammoth meat. They call him Tusk because of the way he use to Kill the biggest most intimidating Mammoth with it’s own Tusks. If Tusk ate Mammoths then Tusks is from a people Ancestral to the Celtic, Germanic, Nordic tribes of central and northern Europe. Thus #notaviking , heck he might be the Man who started the Myth of the Æsir Tribe of Gods. @TempusChaoti @TheKeits @rukizzel Back me up guys. :laughing:

And he works at Starbucks evidently from his voice lol just kiddingggggg

this is the very first bad re-designed char. please stop and think about what you are doing.

that face too generic, reflexive, seems a mad/lunatic guy
 tusk is a brave, impulsive, moron, violent barbarian, and he says “DIEEE!!”, my goodness!!! his skin is not that opaque, theeth are horrible.

please don’t ruin my main, damn it!!


I feel like people are taking this too cut and dry.

Yes, old tusk was full of fire and looked younger, but who’s to say that wasn’t the case here?

From the gameplay reveal at IGN, I came to believe that this tusk is the same tusk from KI2, like, he is actually from that period in time. Therein, what we perceived tusk to be could very well have been the same tusk we’re getting, just at an earlier phase of his life.

As one would imagine, eternal life would totally take the fire out of someone to a degree, leaving them as a haggard and tired person (assuming lack of insane ambition/madness like Kan Ra and Spinal). This would explain his current demeanor.

Next is his look. Some say Celtic, some say Nordic. I say why does it have to be one or the other? A common trope of Immortal warriors is travelling the globe and observing warrior cultures from all over. Who’s to say that he didn’the do that, collecting bits of culture as he went along?


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Would love a barefoot version!