I am really disappointed about him, he lost everything that was making what he was. The new Tusk is just a new guy with a big sword, he is more like a new character, not a returning one.
Iron Galaxy removed almost every of his character traits and I don’t know why, at least give him another name.
I don’t care about the new look, we can always have the classic one if the new one doesn’t please us.
He sounds like a young adult, the voice isn’t bad, but it doesn’t fit at all with him, bring back the old one or do something alike. Listen his voice is like listening Deadpool in french, you just don’t listen Deadpool in french…
No Backflip DP, you had the choice of giving him something unique and a f*cking badass looking DP, and you gave him something like Fulgore, Jago and Orchid instead.
Seems to be the same for the ender if we go by logic, I doubt you made two types of DP so the ender will look alike, so no backflip followed by a big sword hit ender.
No Frontflip/backflip ender either.
The ‘‘roundhouse’’ kick opener/linker/ender seems to be gone too, replace by the shoulder charge opener, another nice move replace by something even more lame and already in the game(Glacius).
But the most important thing about this moveset removed is that it was the main ‘‘DAHH’’ moveset, and the DAH is gone too. Removing this kind of character traits to me is like removing the Shoryuken voice call of Ryu when he is doing it, you just can’t, this is part of the character.
At least you kept in a certain way his up-and-down sword slash kinda linker. I don’t really understand why you are removing so much traits of a returning character, I’ll wait until I see more, but for now, big disappointment