Hey James! First of all, thank you for doing so much to get this game functioning as optimally as possible post-update. Your hard work is very much appreciated.
However, I regret to inform you that the load-in problem just to get to the main menu has gotten permanently worse. Now, instead of taking 2 minutes to get into the game, I have to keep waiting for 5-6 minutes just to get in to play. I love this game a lot, but it feels like it’s starting to take longer to get into the game than it does getting back into Konquest mode for my copy of Mortal Kombat Deception on PS2. Because of that, it is ruining my overall desire to play the game.
If you have any potential methods I could do to fix this, it would be much appreciated. And yes, I have done the Restart Xbox > Sign in > Eject Disk > Put Disk back in method that you suggested to someone in an earlier comment before I even made my first forum post on here. Keep up the great work!
EDIT: So maybe not permanently after all (I checked a few times before writing this message originally, so I thought it might have been). It still took about 2 minutes to get into the game this time, but that’s better than 5-6 every time at least.
I have exactly the same issue, Steam seems to have all my progress because it shows all the hours played but I guess wherever KI sync, that is what got messed up. I hope someone come up with an answer.
I know you all are working hard to fix multiple input issues, but I think a new one has formed. For the past few matches, I’ve been trying to activate Instinct mid-combo with Cinder and my combo keeps dropping no matter how many times I press HP + HK together to get it to come out. Every time I’ve tried to do it so far is with grounded combos, but I don’t believe popping instinct in the air causes any issues (at least, I haven’t run into any yet). If you could please take a look to see if the Instinct HUD is filling up prematurely or if you can fix this issue with the rest of the input bugs, it would be greatly appreciated
It is not after a quick resume. I was playing ranked the other day and randomly encountered this problem. This was just one example of a few (although the video shows me trying to pop it twice – both in and out of combo – when the Instinct bar was full and said I had it). Curious if it’s a whiffed counter breaker issue or a false damage value thing.
I have two big problems that make it very difficult to play.
In any online game mode, I cannot send an invitation to my friends Xbox Social. I can’t do this either in the waiting room mode or in the show fight mode. You all know how to do it and how it should work. I will not describe it. I click invite a friend and the game throws it at me on the desktop, while XboxSocial does NOT open.
In Shadowlord mode, the game does not allow me to buy guards, loot set, healing set. I can’t buy with either astral energy or gold, although there are plenty of both. so I can’t complete the game because the kits are out and I can’t buy them anymore.
Hi, thanks for posting this and sorry this is happening.
First, for invites, if you are on window PC the workaround is do border less full-screen (not full-screen). There was a change that happened that we are still looking at to patch, this is the known workaround and with the new rendering this does not affect performance (full-screen vs FS border less).
Regarding Shadowlords, it sounds like you are in a state where your inventory is locked.
This can happen if you skip the DLC Sync at startup, or there are service issues.
Can you confirm what platform you are on and when this started? Was it working after Anv. Ed. released and suddenly stopped for example?
Issue with daily loot, today i didn’t receive all the shadow points iwas supposed to get for day 45. Other days have been fine, but the only difference i can see is that i had to take a break from the game for 4 days before getting the login bonus. Before that i was there everyday to get the daily loot.
it started suddenly. let’s say on Monday I bought everything I wanted in this game mode, and on Tuesday I press enter, but nothing happens. reinstalling the game did not solve the problem.
It seems that synchronization is not skipped. it works.
Ok it sounds like your account is in a stuck state on inventory. The video would be great!
Let me message you and work through some steps to try and trouble shoot this.
Thanks for reporting this. What platform is did this happen on?
We have not seen this one, so there is a test you can do if you are up for it.
Play a shadow survival match (or direct challenge) and confirm the before/after on points.
This will confirm your account is not in a temp locked state for inventory. Please confirm if you waited for the DLC sync on startup that day as well.
Im on the windows version of the game and i did the test with shadow survival. I had 3595 shadow points and then 3620 points after winning 1 match. I think i waited for the dlc sync unless pressing buttons skips it midway through which i tried just now and it doesnt seem to.
Wait something else weird happened. I just fought a shadow rogue in shadowlords mode and it didn’t give any of the shadow points i was supposed to get. I did 2 other shadow rogue battles today and i got the points from them.
Edit: Shadow point count fixed itself after reloading the content when i moved around the menu, maybe this is the true issue? Although im pretty sure it still hasnt included my daily loot since i did other shadow point modes after noticing the missing amount and it never updated correctly at the time.
Thanks for the updated info. If you do press (B) during the DLC sync you will skip it and be in a state where things will not be correct. Even it it takes multiple times, always retry (A) to be sure things are all sync’d.
If you can take a clip of this if it keeps happening, that would help (please respond to my direct message with any follow-ups).
I have a very serious problem with Killer Instinct. Before the Anniversary version update, I was always able to play Killer Instinct normally, but after the update I was never able to play online games again, not with my friends, nor create a lobby, an error message always appears “Cannot start multiplayer game, try again”.
I thought there was a problem with my internet, but I see that everything is OK, including my internet has an open NAT. All my games work normally, but only KI has this problem. I also tried reinstalling the game several times, with and without DLC, but unfortunately the problem persists.
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