Troubleshooting for Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition

Thanks for reporting this! What platform is this happening on?

I have the same issue
After the update the game always crashes.
Steam on win 8.1
Can u help me?

Hi. I am a player on Steam. The game has been working fine but now it just doesn’t launch. It will show a tiiinnnnnyyyy black window as the app executes and then disappear.

Thanks for reporting in and sorry to hear about the crashes. Are there any specific moments you are seeing that’s triggering the crash? Any information helps. We’ll do our best to look into it further.

Thanks for reporting. Did anything noticeable change with your computer that you think could have triggered the issue? What version of Windows are you running on?

No. I closed the game and it couldn’t launch again. I am a Windows 10 user. I verified the files and reinstalled. It’s very bizarre but this game I played for years is just useless suddenly.

Odd. Would you mind taking a video or screenshot?

Sure. One moment.

Here it is.

Is this issue fixable or identifiable?

In press play, black screen, game dont start.
Before the update was working good.
I know that if i update to win 11 this will be solved.
But i dont want tu update win.
Steam with Windows 8.1
Hope u can fix

We’ve passed on this video to our team. We apologize for not having a solution at this very moment but are looking into it.

We’ve passed the info to our team for investigation.

We’ll be reaching out through direct message for further troubleshooting.

We believe we have found the solution to fix this issue for Steam Win8 users, which should be available in our next update. Update date is still to be determined, but please stay tuned to Killer Instinct socials and the Ultra Combo News page for updates. Once the update is released, please let us know if it fixes your issue.

Ok great! Thank you very much!

I’ve been using the local multiplayer mode to get XP for armor sets, but for some reason, everytime I go back to the main menu, the game crashes. And if that wasn’t bad enough, if I spend prolongued time in multiplayer, I lose all my XP thus far. That actually happened to me before after I haven’t played in a while. All the armor pieces I had gotten were all gone and all the characters were down to level 1. Any suggestions that may help fix it?

We are investigating possible local player issues. We apologize for the crashes and lost progression. We can help you with the lost XP through direct message and will reach out to you now.

I appreciate the concern about my progress, but I personally have no trouble getting it back on my own. It’s just that the game crashing every time I exit local multiplayer makes it nearly impossible.

Understood. The direct message thread has been established if you need support for lost progression in the future. We’d still love to gather more information to investigate further through DM if you’re open to it. Heard on the frustration of the crash. This is one of the crashes we’re hoping to tackle in the upcoming patch. Please stay tuned to our socials for when the update will be and report back if you are still encountering this issue after the patch goes out.