Having an issue on PC where the game is frequently stuttering. I never had this issue before the most recent patch. My PC is more than capable of handling this game at max settings.
What’s funny is that I decided to play online for a little bit today and not once while I was playing online did the game stutter at all. I have no idea why this is happening.
Sending you a message
Other players have reported that turning off (or adjusting) the antialiasing options has helped.
Have you tried that yet?
Can u help me or not???
Urza, I pulled up the system requirements and you need to be running at least Windows 10 64. Windows 8.1 might not work.
Solved? Let me know how
Can u read me??
Hi, can anyone help me, yesterday I tried to launch KI and received a message that I have purchased the anniversary Edition and asks me to install it, when I tried to doit the Xbox Series X asks me to buy it.
I would DM the Profile - UltraSupport - Killer Instinct Forums account to see if they can get it fixed for you.
Thanks, but I can’t find the option to DM, I’m a new user, I guess it´s a limitation
Thanks for referencing the profile @Goukipoo. @AEGAKI we’ll reach out through direct message where you should be able to reply now.
Thanks @Goukipoo !
I’ve the definitive version of the game (digital) . I want to play the game after a long time. Now i get these message:
When i press ok, i have to pay 31€
I’ve reinstalled the game but still i have to repurchase the game. How can i fix this issue?
Reaching out for support through direct message now!
Thank @AEGAKI and @HappyUnicorn864 for helping out the dev team! Apologies to anyone else who may have encountered this issue. If anyone else is having troubles with upgrading to KIAE from any of the previous free upgrade titles, please speak up here so we can help.
So I have the Xbox game pass for pc, and I downloaded Killer Instinct anniversary edition, when I opened the game, it said that I own the anniversary edition but don’t have it installed and I clicked install, when I did that it opened up a page for me to buy the anniversary edition, please someone explain
Im Playing on Xbox One and My Disc copy of Definitive Edition Is Letting Me only use 3 characters (Jago Unlocked after shadows Tutoriel) Fulgore the Rental Character and Rash my Main
Did you ever get this figured out? If not I would DM the Profile - UltraSupport - Killer Instinct Forums account