Todays Xbox E3 live stream

Ohhhh …lol…OK… yeah that didnt look to appealing to me. But Vesperia reminds me of a Black metal band from Texas called Vesperian Sorrow. lol

Man yall are making me not want to try The Division now ! Its free so ill give a shot… and if not… owell no loss.

I was happy to see Gears 5, I feel it will be way more interesting than 4. I really hope!
But…I’m sad no KI news at all :sob:

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Yeah that was a highlight for me too. I figured there’d be Gears related stuff and I was completely prepared to be more or less ambivalent at best, but I really liked what they showed. I hope that the rest of the game carries an engrossing narrative with the fun gameplay.

No kidding… I wonder when we’ll see news on KI again. :disappointed_relieved:

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“Get the guy in the beanie! No, the RED beanie! Damnit, he’s right on top of me!”

“…revive please.”

-actual party chat while playing The Division-


Can confirm 100% after playing countless hours in the Division lol

To be fair, this version of Tales of Vesperia is based on the PS3 release that never got released outside of Japan back in the day, and it included an expansion pack’s worth of content including new characters and questlines. Not to mention many Tales fans consider this to be one of the best games in the series. To many people, this was a release 10 years overdue.

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I’m not trying to insult Tales of Vesparia. I know the series has some passionate fans and I might even check out the game when it releases (although my ability to play a console rpg is severely time restricted these days). I’m just trying to say it’s not the kind of game to anchor your E3 conference.

Overall, it seems that the consensus is that MS had among the best conferences this year and certainly better than Sony. I didn’t watch the Sony conference but that’s a shame. As a gamer I’d tather see excellence all around. I don’t think anything in Microsoft’s conference is going to change the current gen landscape. Especially as I can’t really trust that they won’t turn around and dissolve their newly acquired studios next year. Maybe I’m in the minority (which would be nothing new) but I just haven’t seen much this year that gets me excited.


Next year… I’m giving up on video games…


when cyberpunk 2077 launches, my first order of business is getting one of these after i get weapons and a course of action. do want lol

I played a few minutes last night… it looks great. menu and beginning is kind of convoluted if you dont know what you are ding and 2 kids are running around you in circles screaming wrestling intros and karate grunts. lol
Ill come back to it when I have some quiet time. But I enjoyed the first 2 little missions and character creator.

It is beautiful, there’s no doubt about that.

YEah it is! Im playing right now…I suck so bad! lol I get killed so easy and the thugs can take atleast 20 bullets. BUt I do like the map asthetics and how it has that orange line int eh real world kind of like a little paper airplane you follow to the mission point.
I can see this game getting boring as its just missions over and over again. I end to enjoy more of a build up type game with Boss fights and what not…but I honestly do not know much about this game so is there other things that make it more exciting? Like CLimax points or is it just really made for multiplayer?
I havent tried mulitplayer but I can see how that could be fun with a couple friends.

**** I love the music, sounds like… “Dianetics, by L Ron Hubbard!..get your copy today!” I know @BigBadAndy remembers that old commercial! lol

*** Ok Im addicted!! Been playing for 2 hours!

I remember the commercial for sure

Yeah the Game has “bosses” but they aren’t drastically different than normal guys. Just spongier.

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