To arms! Maximilian's call for a new KI

Yup, Iron Galaxy is the only one I really want them work on new KI sequel.


In a perfect world I’d love for MS to form a special ‘KI Team’ to make KI4 for Scarlett. Get Mike and a couple of the old key Double Helix KI guys back from Amazon Games to collab with Iron Galaxy and Kevin Bayliss/Ken Lobb…that would be my dream scenario for KI4…as far fetched as it is.


Max’s stream last night was really fun and there were some great matches. Seeing everyone so excited for KI makes me want to go hard on it this weekend and shake off some rust.


Does anyone know how many viewers watched Max’s Twitch on Friday evening? Hopefully it got some numbers to raise some MS eyebrows

Was around 11 and 12k for most of the night.


This game has my full support. I’m just letting you know Microsoft, l would preorder my next Gen console today for Killer Instinct. I’ve done it before and I would do it again. Thanks Max for bringing Killer Instinct back into the light :+1:t2:


Same here. I’ll buy Xbox Scarlett on day one if Microsoft announces the game in the near future.


hopped on rank earlier, had great matches and lots of fun. this game is still lively, matches were popping non stop until i called a day! also got to watch max’s stream his numbers were good all night, was wonderful to see everyone having a blast

Same for most everyone here, I’m guessing. I just hope its not a staggered launch like the Xbox One was, releasing almost a whole year earlier in their primary markets. I missed a lot of season 1 because of that.
I would also love it if they brought Iron Galaxy into the MS Studios fold, I think they did a great job with KI and they deserve it. Sure Extinction didn’t do so well but I feel like with MS’ backing, they could do great things in a niche area of gaming and push the brand even further. I mean, if Ninja Theory was worth buying after the mess that was DmC, logic dictates that the same opportunity be given to IG as well, no?

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-shrug- I liked DmC. Never played the originals, so I had no issues with their take on Dante. The game played fine - most people’s issue with it was that the character didn’t “feel” like Dante (which I can see, now being more familiar with the mainline DMC games).


Don’t get me wrong, I liked it too. It was just mired in too much bad publicity.

I honestly believe Microsoft won’t repeat the same mistakes they made in this generation. About IG, that would be an amazing addition to Microsoft studios, and, of course, I want to see them working on a new KI. They made a wonderful job before and they deserve the chance to create a new game from scratch.


Honestly. Every time I see MS announcing a new purchased studio, I always expect it to be IG. Them and Playtonic.

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I doubt IG wants to be acquired. Given the philosophy that Dave Lang and a fair amount of the guys there seem to have, independence would seem to be a higher value priority for much of them than the extra money or prestige that would come from being bought out or working at a more prestigious studio. :thinking:

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This was my first thought too. But if the PR they put out is to be believed MS is leaving their acquired studios pretty much alone… even so, IG seems to be thriving as a collaborative studio that is brought in to help on projects where they have expertise. They seem to be doing well with their operating model so why interfere with that?

Also, I get the impression there was some friction between IG and MS as the KI project came to a close. I could be completely wrong but I think it got a bit strained at the end.

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I just hope that, if they do have to get a new studio, they are still able to do right by the series.

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I honestly think people underestimate the role the team at MS played in establishing the overall tone and parameters for the game. Whether a new KI is any good or not is going to be I’m the eye of the beholder, but it won’t solely depend on the studio that handles development.

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Oh. Totally. I just worry because the team at IG we’re such huge fans.


Yeah, the MS side of the house definitely had a fair amount of input into how the game turned out. They were a big chunk of the creative side of things, and had input (to greater or lesser degree depending) on how certain characters played.

I’m definitely on the “bring back IG” side of things, but given MS’ track record with selecting studios for KI, I think ultimately I’d trust them regardless of who they decided to go with. Double Helix was a pick out of left field and they knocked it out of the park, and then Iron Galaxy (who I’d also never heard of) went and knocked it out of the park again. It’s to Microsoft’s credit that they chose two great studios to help bring KI back, and I imagine that same care would go into any new selection.


Yeah I actually asked Dave Lang on Twitter several months back and point blank told me that they were looking to remain independent for the foreseeable future. Not that he would ever say “yeah we’re negotiating right now!” or anything along those lines. But to even respond at all, much less to say it’s not happening, seems pretty definitive to me.

As for #BringBackKI, I watched Max’s video when it arrived on Twitter and absolutely loved it. I played KI during his stream and read the dizzying amount of text that was flying through the chat. It was cool to see people talking to each other that hadn’t talked in a long time; to see names I hadn’t seen in forever, and to have Keits there, and Delriach and what not… That was pretty awesome.

The best part was just how positive everything felt. Seeing Grimmz and Max connect and play a bunch, and have Max and the chat tell him about Jago’s fireball delay / step and all that, and then people wondering where Pink Diamond was… The whole thing just felt like a fun reunion. Everyone seemed so upbeat, which seemed like such a different environment from the one that seemingly made Keits withdraw the community to begin with.

I only played online once and got absolutely BODIED lol. After playing Kung Lao in MK11 for a few months now, my brain / muscle memory for Sadira is extremely bad. It was still fun though. After that I was playing survival and man… This game’s presentation is so amazing. The stage design, the stage activity, the music and how it’s applied to each moment of the match…

It’s so easy to forget just how wonderful and unique this game is and how well it does so many things. As much as I’ve enjoyed MK11, and I have a lot, KI still manages to have this element of strategy and the whole chess match aspect while still being fast, frenetic, and ratcheted up to 11, yet you still feel completely in control regardless of the craziness going on onscreen. It’s just this amazing, perfectly tuned orchestra of chaos.

Okay, that was probably a bit too melodramatic, but still. Regardless of what MS decides to do, I think it’s awesome that so many fans have come out in support of seeing this game return and that they’ve been so positive about it. Just love it. If @TempusChaoti is still around here at all, I hope he had a chance to see that stream and see posts on twitter from the multitude of people that still enjoy this game and/or fondly remember it. It’d be awesome if he, Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, etc could make this happen again on Scarlett! :smiley: