Personally, I wouldn’t mind if Max was secretly partnering with MS to gage interest in a KI sequel. It only makes sense for MS to do some research on it IF they feel they need to before making a decision on the series’ future.
But I do think it’s far more likely that Max saw the announcement of KI finally coming to Game Pass and, realizing it’s highly probably that this will be the last tiny bit of attention this particular game will get media-wise for the foreseeable future, determined that now is the time to take the temperature of the fanbase and perhaps force the issue, or at least nudge MS on it.
I think it’s also the right time given that the last DLC character came out over two years ago now. You couple that with the new system on the horizon and it seems somewhat natural to start asking questions about one of the Xbox One’s most successful homegrown endeavors.
I say successful, but I’m just assuming, really. My guess is that the income and expense data on this game looks good versus other titles not named Halo and Gears, but that’s just a guess. It was a high quality product that was built on a budget that I sincerely doubt came anywhere close to many of the AAA titles MS brought to market in this console’s lifespan.
Either way, whatever happens, I hope MS was listening. I’m sure that no one can comment on anything right now beyond acknowledging that they see what people are saying. All we can hope is that enough people say enough positivity and enough in terms of numbers to believe that there’s growth potential for this franchise.
Do you mean in a new KI game? Because I personally LOVE secret playable characters. Now that KI has a roster of 27 characters, I could easily see a few not making the cut in the next game, but also maybe a few returning as hidden characters. I think Gargos would be a PERFECT fit in the latter group.
Maybe they start the story of the next game (we’ll call it more of a prologue chapter), with the ending of the comic run. Beating Gargos here could be a nice way to unlock him in the game.
I’m also guessing that multiple characters from the current story might not make it in to the game, so I could also see Omen, Shadow Jago and maybe even Aganos as hidden unlockable characters that you have to unlock by either completing story mode, doing a certain event in the game or whatever. Maybe you get Ichorien Aganos by beating the story mode and you get regular rock Aganos by holding a button while selecting him or something.
Stuff like this is always fun to me, so yeah… The more the merrier!