TJ's ultimate

First, don’t get the wrong impression here. I like the new ultimates and appreciate that we are even getting them, and for free too! (Thanks Ken!) However, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that TJ’s ultimate, well, could be better.

What I like the most about it is the walk at the end paired with the bell ringing and the opponent falling down. What seems off about it is that it’s a little underwhelming. Of course, one could just pretend that TJ breaks his opponents neck with that last blow or that he’s breaking their bones or whatever right? Some have complained that maybe it just needs more sound effects or a more dramatic combo. More hits with different angles?

I think some of the ideas by @Ravan86 are really good:

From this thread:

Overall, do you think TJ’s ultimate should be redone? Should it just be slightly edited? Discuss.

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Out of those 6, I think the screen punch is my favorite. Numbers 1 and 2 are also really neat.

@CrimsonScorch88 Any thoughts on how it could be redone?

@SithLordEDP Maybe TJ can punch the opponent through the ground?

Lol I made this thread 5 minutes before the other one.

The final punch should take the victim away from screen. TJ’s final punch almost throws it from out of the Earth. A little tweak on his hits like bone crack sounds. The final blow should do something really unexpected… A mega hyper gigaton vortex punch.


Interesting, should the final blow throw the opponent towards the screen?

Also, so many people on twitter have been talking about how disappointed they are by TJ’s ultimate.

@Whitetiger2k20 Do you think TJ’s ultimate should be reworked?


Just needs sound effects to punctuate the hits with the appropriate high impact sounds for each character and it would be better I think. Maybe not the orgasm for the eyes that Tusk’s is with all that fire and awesomeness but it would certainly be better with some tweaked sound and maybe just like special effects like red, white, and blue fireworks bursting in the black background AT most. I really see TJ as the kind of guy who’d pull off Apollo Creed’s “Livin’ in America” entrance from Rocky 4.


Yeah I think it needs to be reworked. My main thing is unlike with Thunder, Tusks, Jagos, and even Maya’s, there’s nothing that solidifies that Combo’s Ultimate killed the opponent. Even a neck fracture or something but looks no different than a hard knock down a boxer would get.


It looks fine. It performs fine. Quit making needless hubbub about the Ultimates.

And yes, I know that was mean. But I also don’t care. The amount of nitpicking and bellyaching over a beloved, surprise, and FREE inclusion of minor content is ridiculous.


With that out of the way, as far as I know there has been many people complaining about this ultimate. Now if it can be reworked somehow, that would be great. If not then whatever.

My suggestion is only to add an extra shot of TJ connecting, and have it be an angle that looks something like this:

Their face doesn’t actually have to contort, but just a slow-mo angle of TJ hitting his opponent as hard as they can.

And instead of having the last shot just make them fly back, make them spin back and then collapse as hard as Mira does in the video.


Found something interesting:!AAmVYG1mh8_7Xr0&cid=3AB53A970A08344A&id=3AB53A970A08344A!249&parId=3AB53A970A08344A!245&o=OneUp

Anyone think slowing down some of the hits could work?

Not bad. All they would have to do is slow it down while showing a close-up of the opponent.


I dont think it CAN be ‘reworked’ or really should be reworked.

My stance is this. I remember at the beginning of the oh-so-glorious S2 that EVERYBODY was upset with TJ’s design. ‘Too common looking’ was a, albeit paraphrased, term floated out a lot. His face was chiseled in stone and whatever. I wanna say people were upset that Power line was a forward moonwalk. He caught tons of hate and had people screaming to bring back Double Helix.

Sounds a lot like whats going on now.

My post isnt going to change minds or upset the balance, but honestly? What more can you expect from a boxer? Balrog, Dudley, TJ Combo, Heavy D, Steve Fox, even that kangaroo in Tekken that i forget its name. They get their bread and butter off their fists.

Theres also a cultural reason that i refuse to put in a video game forum.

Asking for sound effects, camera angles, camera speed is trying to play director, though. TJ is a boxer (or at best a hybrid MMA fighter). Is it flashy? Hell no. Is it the best out of the set? No, since theres 10 unseen ones. Does it fit the character? Absolutely. Will everyone like it? Absolutely not. The forum is split on it but for my 2 cents, its a reasonable ultimate for the one ‘human’ (so far) out of the cast.

Its pretty much a Corkscrew blow…But to make it more brutal make a NECK SNAP sound effect at the last hit (make it sound more brutal) like in the classic game?

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It really does look like that last hit breaks their neck. But to solidify that, like you said, a sound effect can be added.

You can tell too. Nobody hits the wall and drops like that.

When I first saw that I was like ■■■■■!”

I do agree, maybe some hard hitting hit along with the sound effects to increase the Punch’s power.

I think they should use the Seth Ultra 1 camera ending.