This Week in Killer Instinct

I was remembering the teaser when all you see is a bright glow on TJs back.

I actually really liked how trailers were in the first season. Not a fan of putting story in the trailer when the story should be in the game. Same with these background stories we get weekly. That should be in the game not on a website most KI players wonā€™t read minus the big followers.


Didnā€™t they make a series for guts? I saw the movie, hated the cliff hanger.


Berserk had a series, but it ended in a cliffhanger too.

GRUNGE. Tusk is Kurt Cobain confirmed. LOL.

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Tusk itā€™s a outlander survivor. He wears the remains of his clothing: rippend jeans, and a t-shirt tied to them(seems like a kilt from one side).

Maybe he is the heir of a sacred lineage of warriors, and he was searching for his ancestors, who perished frozen in the gelid land of his stage(maybe the Arctic) hundreds of years ago. There, one of his ancestors carried a sword, the one he uses now as weapon of choice.

Or he suffered a terrible accident around the Artic, and found this frozen dead people, take the sword of one of them, and then he inherited ancient powers to face mighty foes like Gargos.

In both cases, the first dead body in the teaser seems to have the hands suited to hold a sword. Iā€™m sure that Tusk ā€œborrowedā€ it.

Also, every character gets a visual clue when their instinct its ready. As far as sword itā€™s an accesorie, canā€™t be the clue, because it can be exchangable, so Iā€™m going all with the tatto in his back glowing like Jagoā€™s

Finally, I think his accesories are: Sword, torso, and pants/boots. One of his sets surely is with modern intanct clothing, like a jacket and full jeans

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I know, I love it!

Iā€™ve already been throwing this around a bit in other threads, but he could also be similar to Captain America where he was frozen & when he came out he fashioned clothing (I know thereā€™s not much) similar to what he typically wore before the deep freeze b/c reasonsā€¦more comfortable to fight in that way, symbolic of clan, whatever.

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He is a Viking. Nordic Ruins, Viking ship, and Nordic design all over him. Plus there is only one place that cold and itā€™s Norway!


My ideaā€¦could also have a tattoo around the eye ā€¦


I saw this on your twitter and posted it here:

I hope thatā€™s alright. <3

Donā€™t worry, son. I still remember how to play Tusk from my N64 days :wink:


i found tusks face


They did (one + three movies I think). And one is in preparation ( ).

But the paper version is obviously the best, too bad Miura isnā€™t really concerned about it now.

Arnoldah Schwarzenegger


He was bit by a radioactive Viking. He then tore of his jeans and his hair grew that long.

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Like someone else said he could have been a Viking frozen through time and probably knew who spinal was since they both share a similar type of kilt, and their weapons seem to have similar markings or so I think. Anyway theyā€™re just my assumptions.

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Iā€™ve changed my theory, after further analyzing the teaser trailer.

I actually think Tusk is a modern man, maybe somewhat of a fan of the metal/grunge genre which would explain the pants and the flannel shirt hanging from his belt, but who is also somewhat of a Vikingā€¦ not an ACTUAL Viking, but a man of Viking descent.

As I posted in another thread:

The #notaviking has got me thinkingā€¦

So, yes, Tusk has alot of Viking elements on him. The furry boots, the tattoos, his hair, the shoulderguard and the design on his greatswordā€¦ But the modern elements, like his pants and the shirt, and together with the #notaviking, makes me think that Tusk is indeed a modern man, however a man fascinated with Viking culture, maybe with some Norse heritage - kinda like Maya who is also a modern woman, but is a descendant of an ancient clan who guarded Kan-Raā€™s tomb.

Maybe Tusk is indeed a metalhead of sorts, or someone who has taken inspiration in the grunge-culture when it comes to fashion, which would explain the pantsā€¦ And he somehow came across this ancient Viking sword which might have something magical about it, giving him the powers and warrior spirit that makes him Tusk!

Even when come to look at the shoulderguard and the bootsā€¦

Notice the laces on the boots and the strap + hinges on the shoulderguard. Theyā€™re pretty modern too, not really ancient Viking material.

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Thatā€™s what she says o: