Tusk's face

I was thinking that as I saw the trailer!

They will deliberately NEVER show his face even at launch LOL

Someone quick get a picture of Maximilian and put it on top of tusk lol

He’s probably gonna look hot

Omg please


If his face looked like that, I wouldn’t mind it

LOL! It’s joke! Haha.

LOL sad Tusk sad and like a gnome from WOW

I’m gonna call it now and say I have a big hunch that it’s going to be like Chris Hemsworth. I think they are going more with the Thor archetype than the Conan in Season 3.

Nobody will complain about Tusk’s face. A generic tough guy face will suffice.

People complain about female’s faces because we want to see them being beautiful. That’s sexist but I have to admit I’m also guilty of it.

Yo, I want my male characters to be beautiful too! As in beautifully crafted from a modeller’s point of view. And, well, I do like me some handsome, hunky men, ifyouknowwhatimsaying huehuehue… ;3

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Are you forgetting the TJ fiasco?

TJ’s fiasco was not about the beauty of his face, it was about his whole low res model.

A good chunk of the complaints were that he looked like Patrick Ewing, that his face didn’t look tough enough.

As long as I can tell the difference between him and Thunder, I’m good. I’m pretty sure in regards to his facial structure, it won’t be too much different than it was in KI2 but better designed, more realistic looking, and DISTINCT from Thunder.

LOL that means we are still in danger of getting…





I liked Fabio Tusk though lol.

Nah, he’s got a beard, so at least not exactly like Fabio. :stuck_out_tongue:

the retro will provide us with the fabio fix we crave


fabio even got hit with a stage ultra to start training for his cameo in KI