This Week in Killer Instinct

Well, he, in my case. ;3

Viking-Man, Viking-Man, Does whatever a viking can.
Draws a sword, rides a boat,
does naughty things to a goat.
Look Out!! Here comes the Viking-Man!!


Your comment about the stages is spot on. Although I love that we finally have a legit white snow stage, I thought I was the only one who noticed a big difference in the stage designs from season 1 to season 2. With the exception of Orchid’s, season 1 stages had an otherwordly presence to them. That larger than life factor, not so grounded in realism. Like the giant spider, the kraken, the massive hurricane on Thunder’s stage. They truly added to the supernatural element of the game.

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A magic portal, a giant animated golem, and an entire village of ghosts aren’t otherworldly?


dunno what was supernatural about fulgores stage either. Kanras entire stage screams it as does hisakos.
Aganos stage reverses time with isn’t natural either

Final post in here for me.
I’ve been really happy all day because of this teaser.
All I wanted was a large barbarian-looking guy with a big sword.
IG went above and beyond. It’s like they knew what I wanted better than I did.
I applaud what they’ve done with Tusk. This new character will make me love the game more than ever before.
His stage is growing on me. I like it more and more the more I see it.
Can’t wait to see Tusk in action, and his stage come to life.

Thank you and good night.


They are, but there isn’t an element of shock value.

Not to mention dinosaurs!

:joy: This was too good for me to not state how bad I lost my shi*t lmao

Can’t wait to see his stage in action, apparently it’s really good in action. And of course, seeing Tusk’s face soon hopefully

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I managed to avoid all spoilers before reading @rukizzel’s post and for a moment I actually considered recording my reaction before watching the trailer. But I’m glad I didn’t do it, because I’m one of those “inward” reacting types - my only external reaction was saying “TUSK!” when his big a$$ sword came into view. But no video would be able to capture what went through my mind at the speed of light for those quick seconds, so here I am to describe it:

  • Heart starts to race during Arbiter’s trailer - not really paying attention to the trailer itself, which I had already seen, just waiting for the teaser

  • Thoughts running through my mind: Tusk? New character? Vampire? New guest? New stage?

  • “KI” logo shows up - “Here we go… holy sh** here we go!”

  • “Frozen bodies lying around… are those monks of the Tiger Order?”

  • “Wait, that’s a shipwreck… reworked Spinal stage?? So is that what they meant by only 3 new stages? The others are going to be reworked into 2 different stages each, as in daytime/nighttime and such?” (note that this entire thought went through my mind in under a second!)

  • “No, wait. It’s definitely a new stage. And that’s a VIKING SHIP!”

  • sword comes into view - “TUSK!”, I immediately exclaim

  • “But him so soon? I was expecting him being left for the end, like Cinder”

  • “That’s one big @$$ Cloud-like sword! And what’s with all the runes?”

  • “Shorter hair than expected. He doesn’t seem that much redesigned… I wonder if he’s meant to be modernized like Kim and Maya or an actual viking somehow brought back from the Past?”

  • “KILT? But vikings didn’t wear kilts! Is he meant to be a Viking at all? Is there a connection with Spinal since he also sports a kilt? Did he serve under Spinal’s command sometime during his seafair plundering days?”

  • “Modern-looking boots… And a BEARD! Tusk has a beard! With braids too! Awesome!”

And that was it. Then I started to muse on his background story, his stage, the “no more new stages” scenario and what other characters will be revealed from now on - because apart from Gargos we now enter uncharted territory. As I was expecting Tusk to be saved for last right before Gargos (as safeguard to keep everyone hyped should any of the new characters fail to amaze) I now begin to wonder what crazy characters IG can come up with next.

And I’m STILL holding out for a vampire. And Eyedol. Or just the vampire, then.

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In the course of the fight, the aurora borealis shows in the back, and due the new lighting their colors are reflected in the characters.

Also the ships starts shinking, and maybe the vikings come to life only to get pulled into the water

Would love a male Vampire character. <3

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If Jago can get Voltron Alts I see no reason why Tusk cannot get He-man Alts.
Do 1980’s He-man Sword and 2002 He-MAn Sword alts :slight_smile:

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[quote=“EndokukenS3, post:253, topic:5199”]
If Jago can get Voltron Alts I see no reason why Tusk cannot get He-man Alts.Do 1980’s He-man Sword and 2002 He-MAn Sword alts :slightly_smiling:
[/quote]& Thunder Punch He-Man armor!! I know I keep saying that on various threads but it would just be so awesome!! I mean, if you’re going to do He-man…do the best one.

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I was 7 when that toy hit. Question how did it make the popping noise? did you put like caps in it or was it from some sort of gear or inner mechanism?

Welcome aboard, Swordsdad!


The Vikings are all dead and their ship ruined, and they had a history of raiding the Gaelic communities. He has a Tartan fabric and the devs said he would have a Celtic influence. My guess is that he’s revisiting the scene of a victory in the Faroe islands or some other northerly Scottish area.

Also, he’s not short - don’t worry. He’s not proportioned like a short character. He’s just 6’6 and 315 lbs. Those legs look like tree trunks.

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You forget “DAH!” in your comments!

D’oh! DAAAAHH!!!