Third Character Guessing Game

completely brand new clone lol im jk


About all characters on the right being evil: That doesnā€™t completely seem to be the case with some characters.

If you look at that picture youā€™ll see that orchid and hisako are on the right side but kan ra and riptor are on the left side. So there is still a chance that the next character is eagle.

Or Lovecraftian.


Oh good, someone revived a relevant thread.
@rukizzel any hints or approximate ETA of the next character announcement?


The evil char on right side only applied for season 3 chars

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My guess is if they donā€™t give us anything news wise by May then we can expect an E3 announcement. Would that mean that the character is a big E3 worthy announcement or that something is getting announced for the game in general? coughscorpio versioncough


Itā€™s crazy!! Ki is all over the place at the moment!

I wouldnā€™t even wanna guess who this one isā€¦ Iā€™d say eagle heā€™s entirely new to the game but the only character some fan still really hope for.

I have no idea when he or she is coming either.

I wouldnā€™t hold out for a new ki for scorpio. Thatā€™s not how the console worksā€¦ Whatever goes into Scorpio has to work on Xbox one so a new game at this stage makes no sense.

However KI is the perfect game to show off in 4k ultra PC settings on Scorpio so weather that means one more season for Xbox one scorpio and PC is another debate

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But kilgore is neutral isnā€™t he? Not sure abut arbiter but heā€™s on the left side.

Definitely. But I meant it as in the characters are on different sides of the roster despite their alignment.

I know right? Itā€™s a bit of a stretch but I think the next character will be the first of season 4.

What if they pull a plot twist and eagle turns out to be evil? Like UT brainwashed him in order to stop thunder.

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Hmmm it will be surprising cuz, eagle is been re animated by glacius so he will be most likely good. It definetly either Tsar or eagle


Good point, I imagine that heā€™ll be good.

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Whats the smallest hint you can give? Can we get his/her primary color?


The third character is an anthropomorphic fight stick.


I thought it was going to be an anthropomorphic car? :sweat_smile:

An anthropomorphic car?? In a fighting game?? Well thatā€™s never gonna happen.


I had an idea for a vehicular character with hydroponics and mounted gunsā€¦ then Kilgore happened.

Maybe a small exploratory space probe with mining drills and claws piloted by a lab rat?

then its gonna be fulgore with drills.

Really it just depends on how they handle the anthropomorphic elementā€¦

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Its been confirmed by my genie that it will be fury from darksiders 3.

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