Third Character Guessing Game

Do you think they will tease the 3rd character next week when Injustice 2 unloads?

Sorry for coming late to the party and sorry if someone already mentioned that, but we can narrow the possibilities pretty tightly based on what we know:

-not a guest
-not a remix
-99% he wont have his own stage
-he will propably not have retro skin

Let us take a look at homeless characters: all of them (not counting guests) are connected to characters with a stage in the way that we could put them together on it.

Mira fits Sabrewulf’s stage pretty much.
Eyedol fits Gargos’ or Kan-Ra stage.

My point is, with this track record an upcoming character will not be “out of butt” lore wise, he will connected to one faction, and what we got so far from odd-season chars?
Kilgore as Ultratech agent
Shin Hisako as creature/monster

Ultratech already has ton of characters. New char will be either Good Guy or Monster, but judging by KI’s starving budget, I would say it is a Good Guy.

Official KI twitter posted a laconic message about him, saying that he will use “punches and kicks” to beat opponents in combos. It’s a bit of a stretch but if we want to be thorough, that can tell us that this char will propably not use weapon and will not be a hardcore zoner.

My bet is on some kind of moderately-flashy martial artist, propably The Master from KI Gold training mode and he will share Jago’s stage as a poetic throwback to beginnings of KI2013 development.

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where he can copy one of the characters move set maybe

DH stated back then that that would be hard to implement and it wasn’t good to make characters unique.

Hope they don’t take that route

true but we haven’t seen a character like that yet( looking at you spinal )

Mokujin was the first Tekken char to mimic the others moveset. That doesn’t make him awesome or epic.

I hope there is never a mimic character on KI, even if its ala Shinnok and only copies one move


Alex Sharkman or bust.


PS. @VerminatorX That’s a good analysis, but the one tiny issue I have with it is that Shin Hisako is listed as a part of the good guy faction in Shadow Lords with other goodies like Jago, Orchid, and Tusk. Kilgore is on “Team Ultratech,” so I believe that Mystery Fighter Three will be on the chaotic monster side of the three groups, alongside Sabrewulf, Kan-Ra, and Spinal. (I hope so!)


That is so ambiguous. Everyone is a fighter in this game lol


I’m saying 65% is something from the Shadow Lords dossiers & 35% Eagle.

And what’s this about a shark character?

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It was on a poll covering possible future character ideas. They pitched the idea that if they had a shark character it would likely be a TJ Combo remix. However as the devs have plainly said the 3rd new character won’t be a remix. Of course that doesn’t leave the shark idea off the table, just that if it does make it in as #3, it won’t be a remix.


Ah yes. Forgot about that survey.

Look like next character will have trailer…





Yes! Ah yeah! Awesome! Cool! Get hype! The hype is real! KI 4 life! Long live KI! All aboard the KI hype train now! :smiley: :grinning: :sunglasses:

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Activate interlock, dynotherms connected, megathrusters are go!!!


FINALLY, A TRAILER SOON! ( I’m looking forward to see the trailer, maybe E3?)


I want eagle. He’ll be a brand new character. I’m sure no one has ever played as Eagle in any of the KI games.

But… I’ll be happy with whoever they make. Can’t wait! :slight_smile:

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wait a sec, hump…

Like ‘Humpback’?

Is he subtly implying the third character might be Quasimodo inspired?

A deformed fighter who’s been secretly hiding in Sabrewulf’s castle…

The “Hunchback of Notre Instinct” if you will.